The project was behind schedule, and the project manager observed that the project team seemed to spend most of their time writing documentation rather than executing project tasks. What should a project manager do to help ensure that the team is focused on project tasks?

  •  A :把所有的文件活动安排到项目结束时。 Schedule all documentation activities until the end of the project.
  •  B :指导项目团队完成项目文件活动。 Guide the project team through the project documentation activities.
  •  C :指派一名团队成员来处理文件活动。 Assign a team member to handle file activity.
  •  D :审查和调整适当的项目工件。 Review and adjust appropriate project artifacts.

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


A project manager was recently hired to manage an existing project that was behind schedule and had few project files stored. The new project manager recognizes the need to comply with statutory requirements and prepare for future audits. But the team's focus is only on delivering the end result. How should the project manager resolve this conflict?

  •  A :要求团队为将来的审计保留大量文档 Ask the team to keep a lot of documentation for future audits
  •  B :与将使用该技术的人员开会,以确定哪些关键文档是必要的,并要求团队遵守 Meet with the people who will be using the technology to determine which key documents are necessary and ask the team to comply
  •  C :保留风险登记册,问题日志和质量测量指标等文件 Maintain risk registers, problem logs and quality measurement indicators
  •  D : 咨询内部归档专家,以阐明组织内的归档政策,并将这些政策应用于该项目 Consult internal archiving experts to clarify the organization's archiving policies and apply them to the project

正确答案:D 你的答案:B


A newly formed Scrum Development team is looking for templates for User stories, test cases. Whom should they approach?

  •  A : 敏捷 PMO。 Agile PMO.
  •  B :另一个项目的Scrum 主管。 Scrum Master of another project.
  •  C :产品负责人。 Product Owner.
  •  D :质量控制团队。 Quality Control team.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C


A project manager invites the company CEO, sponsors, team members, and an external client representative to a meeting to review the project management plan. The project manager begins to present the budget, but the CEO abruptly asks to end the meeting. What should a project manager do to avoid this?

  •  A :与外部客户代表一起进行根本原因分析,并将分析结果记录在经验教训登记簿上。 Conduct root cause analysis with external client representatives and record the results in a Lessons Learned Register.
  •  B :在会议之前,先将演示幻灯片发给内部参与者,然后再发给外部客户代表。 Before the meeting, distribute presentation slides to internal participants and then to external account representatives.
  •  C : 在邀请外部客户代表参加会议之前,与内部参与者和CEO一起审查了成本管理计划。 The cost management plan was reviewed with internal participants and the CEO before inviting external account representatives to the meeting.
  •  D :在邀请外部客户代表参加会议之前,审查了沟通管理计划。 Review the communications management plan before inviting external client representatives to the meeting.

正确答案:C 你的答案:B

解析:《PMBOK》第6版86页, 人-人际关系与团队技能-会议管理。会议是项目管理过程中非常常用的工具,因此需要利用好会议来实现目的。情景中会议被突然中断,源于“项目经理开始介绍预算”,这个举动超过了CEO的预期。因此要想避免这个问题,要清楚会议的目的什么,并根据想要实现的目的来安排会议议程,因此选项C正确。选项A,根本原因分析属于事后分析。选项B,需要先在内部达成一致,而不是先发给谁后发给谁。选项D,沟通管理计划没有问题,是会议管理不当。

The project manager is managing the risk identification process for a government project. In view of the political impact of the project, most major stakeholders have shown a high degree of risk aversion. What strategies should the project manager adopt to deal with this sentiment of key stakeholders?

  •  A : 规避和转移风险 Avoid and transfer risks
  •  B :倾向于作出“镀金式”的回应 Tends to respond in a gold-plated way
  •  C :对风险过程展现出高层级的承诺 High-level commitment to risk processes is demonstrated
  •  D :识别重要和不重要的威胁 Identify important and unimportant threats

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


During the last sprint of a software development project that is being executed by following the Scrum framework, a key stakeholder requests a change that may improve the performance of the final product but may also affect the planned schedule. What should the product owner do?

  •  A :拒绝更改,因为其超出项目范围。 Reject the change as its out of project scope.
  •  B : 与团队一起分析新需求并检查重构选项。 Analyze the new requirement with the team and check options for refactoring.
  •  C :发出正式的更改请求。 Issue a formal change request.
  •  D :将情况上报高级管理层。 Escalate the situation to the senior management.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P40-4.3.2 敏捷的角色-产品负责人 根据问题中所述的场景,相关方已请求更改(非功能要求),这可能会导致性能改进。选项B与团队一起分析请求并确定重构选项是最佳做法。 选项 A不正确,因为敏捷项目“欢迎不断变化的需求,即使是在开发后期”。选项 C 不正确,因为变更请求适用于遵循预测方法的项目,不适用于敏捷项目。 由于产品负责人是唯一负责维护产品待办事项列表的人,因此不选 D。

A project manager has received an updated earned value analysis report. The following are the main conclusions of the report. Budget at completion = $1 million, earned value = $700,000, actual cost = $750,000, cost performance index = 0.933. Based on this information, what conclusions should the project manager draw about project performance?

  •  A :该项目将完全按计划完成。 The project will be completed exactly as planned.
  •  B :该项目将比计划更容易完成。 The project will be easier to complete than planned
  •  C : 该项目将难以按计划完成。 The project will be difficult to complete as planned.
  •  D :该项目将不能按计划完成。 The project will not be completed as planned.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


Halfway through the third sprint of your project, the development team discovered a serious problem while testing the code. They had to fix this ASAP, but it took longer than they had left in the current sprint. What should they do?

  •  A :产品负责人应该召集团队会议,讨论潜在的解决方案 The Product Owner should convene a team meeting to discuss potential solutions
  •  B : 产品负责人在产品待办事项列表中增加一个高优先级的工作项来修复问题 The Product Owner adds a high priority work item to the product backlog to fix the issue
  •  C :产品负责人延长冲刺截止日期以适应修复的要求 Product owner extends sprint deadline to accommodate fix
  •  D :产品负责人将工作项添加到冲刺和产品待办事项列表中。 The Product Owner adds work items to the sprint and product backlog.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P40-4.3.2 敏捷的角色 知识点:产品负责人,冲刺时间盒 关键词:严重问题,超过当前冲刺剩余时间 当出现问题,需要额外的工作的时候,需要产品负责人向产品待办事项列表中维护相应的工作事项和对应的优先级,所以B选项正确。 A选项中针对问题召集会议讨论解决方案,应该是SM和TEAM的职责,并非产品负责人,C,冲刺的时间盒固定,不能延长,D,将工作项添加到冲刺的行为是TEAM决定,不是产品负责人。

The project manager is managing a project to implement a new customer relationship management (CRM) platform. When developing a development schedule, the initiator proposed that the system must be salable to handle 1 million customer records. In which process should the project manager document the standard?

  •  A :管理质量 Management of quality
  •  B :持续改进 Continuous improvement
  •  C :规划质量管理 Program quality management
  •  D :控制质量 Control the quality

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


A new project manager is looking for a software development team for the leader of a major airline to upgrade the software from an old platform to a more modern one. One day, the project manager learned that the technical lead on the project team had decided to accept a position with another company and had given notice. What should a project manager do first?

  •  A :查阅进度基准计划,确定更换该资源会对关键路径产生什么样的影响,并对里程碑作出适当调整。 Review the schedule baseline plan to determine how replacing this resource will affect the critical path and make appropriate adjustments to milestones.
  •  B :查阅成本基准计划,确定更换该资源会对预算产生什么样的影响,并适当地重新分配资金 Review the cost base plan to determine what impact the replacement of the resource will have on the budget and reallocate funds appropriately
  •  C : 查阅风险管理计划,确定对于资源管理是否存在规定的行动步骤 Review the risk management plan to determine if there are required action steps for resource management
  •  D :确保文档均保持最新状态,并安排一系列会议,使资源之间完成知识转移 Ensure that documents are kept up to date and schedule a series of meetings to enable knowledge transfer between resources

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


A team has different ideas on how to solve a feature of a product under construction, and despite starting the sprint two days ago, they still don't have a consensus. What should a project manager do?

  •  A : 安排一次会议,让每个人都有机会表达他们对每个想法的看法,然后进行投票和决定。 Schedule a meeting where everyone has a chance to express their views on each idea, then vote and decide.
  •  B :对每个想法的优点和缺点提出意见,并试图在一个促进会议上达成共识。 Comment on the strengths and weaknesses of each idea and try to reach consensus in a facilitation meeting.
  •  C :要求作为关键利益相关者的产品负责人在不同的想法中做出选择。 Ask the Product Owner, who is a key stakeholder, to choose among different ideas.
  •  D :向小组提出想法,请大家投票,然后选择最受欢迎的想法。 Submit an idea to the group, ask everyone to vote, and choose the most popular idea.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:知识点出处:4.2 仆人式领导为团队赋权《敏捷实践指南》第33-37页 当团队成员对产品功能的想法不能达成共识时,项目经理应该以仆人式领导的思维帮助团队达成共识。项目经理成为仆人式领导时,工作重点就会从“管理协调”转向“促进合作”。促进者将帮助每个人各尽所能地思考和工作。促进者鼓励团队参与、理解,并对团队输出共同承担责任。促进者帮助团队创建可接受的解决方案。选项A既是鼓励团队成员尽所能地思考和互相交流,又鼓励团队自己做出决策,符合仆人式领导的原则。 选项B,仆人式领导应该鼓励团队自己做出决策,而非替团队决策; 选项C,团队内部的问题应该由项目经理和团队共同解决,而不是请相关方决策; 选项D,缺少了让团队进行交流互动的环节,不符合面对面交流的原则。

The variant management policy of a construction organization stipulates that changes that do not involve project approval can be revised and approved by functional managers, but changes involving benchmarks must be revised by the Special Change Control Board (CCB). The CCB meets once a month, and the project manager responsible for the water supply project must obtain authorization to use the emergency reserve and continue the project, but the next CCB project meeting will be held in two weeks. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :获得管理层的授权,以更新成本基准,记录变更并通知相关方 Obtain authorization from management to update cost benchmarks, document changes and notify stakeholders
  •  B :向CCB提交变更请求并等待批准使用应急储备 Submit a change request to CCB and wait for approval to use the contingency reserve
  •  C : 请企业相应的职能经理批准 Request approval from the corresponding functional manager of the enterprise
  •  D :将该问题升级上报管理层并等待解决 Escalate the issue to management and wait for resolution

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


The project manager of a global project with team members from different cultures and generations found that meetings and assignments took longer than expected. How can project managers make a difference?

  •  A :进行积极倾听,确认团队了解各项任务一并消除沟通障碍 Actively listen to make sure the team understands the tasks and removes communication barriers
  •  B : 践行文化意识,确保在存在文化差异的情况下清晰沟通 Practice cultural awareness to ensure clear communication in the presence of cultural differences
  •  C :辅导项目团队成员在会议中在表述时做到言简意赅,并有效提供信息 Coaching project team members are concise and informative in their presentations during meetings
  •  D :确保所有项目团队会议都有清晰的议程,并制作列明行动和责任人的会议记录 Ensure that all project team meetings have a clear agenda and that minutes are prepared with action and accountability

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


14.沙迪是一名Scrum Master,负责跟进一个敏捷项目的团队。团队成员抱怨他们的工作被拖延了,因为新的发起人每次都在询问他们项目的细节。在这种情况下,作为一个Scrum Master,沙迪会怎么做?
Shady is a Scrum Master working on a team working on an agile project. Team members complained that their work was delayed because new sponsors were asking them for details of their projects each time. In this situation, what would Shady do as a Scrum Master?

  •  A : 联系发起人,要求他向你(scrum master)询问所有的问题。 Contact the sponsor and ask him to ask you (scrum master) all questions.
  •  B :与产品负责人商量,请他帮忙处理新发起人的问题 Discuss with the product owner and ask him to help with the new sponsor
  •  C :告诉团队,在与发起人进行任何讨论之前,要先征得他(scrum master)的同意。 Tell the team to get his (scrum master) approval before any discussions with the sponsor.
  •  D :与团队讨论,固定一名成员作为发起人的代言人。 Discuss with the team to fix a member as the spokesperson for the sponsor.

正确答案:A 你的答案:B

解析:《敏捷实践指南》P40-4.3.2 敏捷的角色;知识点:敏捷教练;关键词:scrum master,团队成员抱怨他们的工作被拖延了。作为敏捷教练,一项主要职责就是协助团队成员排除价值交付的阻碍,并且敏捷教练有组织内协调的职责,所以A选项正确。B,产品负责人跟客户合作确定产品的方向,但不负责对外沟通;C,SM没有控制团队的权力,只能协助团队,D,固定的发言人应该就是敏捷教练。

A company was awarded a multi-year contract to provide technical services to government customers. The contract outlines the specific requirements for personnel's professional technical skills, certification and safety investigation. At the beginning of the project implementation phase, the project manager notified the project manager that the new government regulations changed the project's personnel requirements. To ensure the availability of project resources, what should the project manager do?

  •  A :与当地招聘公司合作,确定并招聘技术工人 Work with local recruiting companies to identify and recruit skilled workers
  •  B :发布内部工作申请以利用公司现有的员工队伍 Issue internal job applications to leverage the company's existing workforce
  •  C : 更新资源管理计划,以反映新需求 Update the resource management plan to reflect new requirements
  •  D :分析项目的活动顺序,持续时间和资源需求 Analyze the sequence of activities, duration, and resource requirements for the project

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


A project manager accepts a delivery at the project site, but the item is of poor quality. The project manager had the items repaired by a local supplier. The supplier will deliver more goods next, what should the project manager do?

  •  A :让供应商在下一次交货前发布质量文件。 Have the supplier release quality documentation before the next delivery.
  •  B :分配额外的时间来检查到达现场后的质量保障。 Allocate additional time to check quality assurance upon arrival on site.
  •  C : 审查合同要求,并要求提供适用于质量保证的证据。 Review contractual requirements and request evidence applicable to quality assurance.
  •  D :给供应商打电话,让他们口头保证下一次现场交货的质量。 Call the supplier and ask them to verbally guarantee the quality of your next field delivery.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


During the planning phase of a project, the organization changes and the project manager believes that most of the stakeholders have changed. What tools or techniques should the project manager use to verify that the stakeholders have changed?

  •  A : 问卷调查 Survey
  •  B :决策矩阵 Decision matrix
  •  C :鱼骨图 Fishbone diagram
  •  D :思维导图 Mind mapping

正确答案:A 你的答案:B


18.作为客户代表的一位关键主题专家(SME)发现某项功能应该被纳入项目范围。通过变更控制过程,变更控制委员会 (CCB)已对该功能进行沟通、定价、评估及否决。尽管如此,该主题专家仍执着地坚持要求该功能纳入项目范围,并继续宣扬该所需功能的差异之处。项目经理该做什么?
A key subject matter expert (SME) acting as a customer representative found that a function should be included in the project scope. Through the change control process, the Change Control Board (CCB) has communicated, price, evaluated, and rejected the function. Despite this, the subject matter expert insisted that the function be included in the scope of the project, and continued to publicize the difference in the required function. What should the project manager do?

  •  A :为该功能寻找重要的替代性机会 Find important alternative opportunities for this feature
  •  B : 继续执行原来商定的范围 Continue to implement the previously agreed scope
  •  C :将该问题上报给该主题专家的职能经理 Report the problem to the functional manager of the subject matter expert
  •  D :在风险登记册中提出一项内容 Make an entry in the risk register

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P113,4.6-实施整体变更控制。”通过变更控制过程,变更控制委员会 (CCB)已对该功能进行沟通、定价、评估及否决“,CCB已经对变更请求做出了决策,进行了否决,所以继续按照原定的范围执行。

The project manager was inspecting the company's new office building when he noticed that the paint on the interior walls did not match the work contract. After raising the issue with the contractor. The contractors say they had difficulty finding the original color and submitted a request for a change to use the new color. After checking the change Request form, it was actually signed but not signed by the Change Control Board (CCB). What should a project manager do?

  •  A :接受该变更,因为承包商提交了变更请求 Accept the change because the contractor has submitted a change request
  •  B :拒绝该变更,因为新颜色并非想要的颜色 Reject the change because the new color is not the desired color
  •  C :接受该变更,因为该变更请求未得到及时处理 Accept the change because the change request was not processed in a timely manner
  •  D : 拒绝该变更,因为该变更请求未获批 Reject the change because the change request was not approved

正确答案:D 你的答案:A


In the middle of execution, a new Scrum Master joins a software development project following Agile Scrum. He wants to know the scope of the project, and the work completed so far. What should he do first?

  •  A :查看项目范围声明。 Review the Project Scope Statement.
  •  B :查看燃尽图。 Review the Burndown chart.
  •  C :查看燃起图。 Review the Burnup chart.
  •  D :安排与团队的会议,以了解项目范围和已完成的工作。 Schedule a meeting with team to understand the Project Scope and work completed.

正确答案:C 你的答案:D


21.一家公司专门从事基于云计算的解决方案,一位新项目经理加入该公司的一个项目。随着项目进入执行阶段,提出了许多变更请求,项目经理变得不知所措。 项目经理应该如何处理这些变更?
A new project manager joins a project for a company that specializes in cloud-based solutions. As the project enters the execution stage, numerous requests for changes are made,and the project manager becomes overwhelmed.What should the project manager do to process these changes?

  •  A :请主题专家(SMEs)提供指导 Ask subject matter experts (SMEs) for guidance.
  •  B : 查阅项目管理计划 Refer to the project management plan.
  •  C :寻求关键相关方的意见 Seek the opinion of key stakeholders.
  •  D :参阅项目章程 Reference the project charter.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


Which of the following Agile principle helps to promote elimination of wastes there by minimizing scope creep and encouraging to do only those category of work that generates business value?

  •  A :可用的软件是衡量进度的首要衡量标准。 Working Software is the measure of progress.
  •  B :对技术的精益求精以及对设计的不断完善将提高敏捷性。 Continuous to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
  •  C : 简洁,即尽最大可能减少不必要的工作,这是一门艺术。 Simplicity- the art of maximizing the amount of work not done is essential.
  •  D :项目实施过程中,业务人员与开发人员必须始终通力协作。 Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.

正确答案:C 你的答案:A


The team was working on a critical project delivery, and the project manager was concerned about meeting the deadline. Some stakeholders complained about the performance of some team members. Project managers want to understand the situation and provide feedback to the team as soon as possible. What three actions should a project manager take to address this situation? (Choose three.)

  •  A :实施每日团队会议。 Implement daily team meetings.
  •  B :确定团队的基本规则。 Determine the ground rules for the team.
  •  C :进行回顾性会议。 Have a retrospective meeting.
  •  D :进行一次年度审查。 Conduct an annual review.
  •  E :要求进行经理业绩审查。 A manager performance review is required.

正确答案:A,B,C 你的答案:A,C,D


The recent fuel tax increase has directly affected the cost of the project. The project manager previously identified the problem as a risk and recorded it in the risk register. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :分析成本影响,并更新风险评估矩阵 Analyze the cost impact and update the risk assessment matrix
  •  B : 应用减轻计划,并使用项目的应急资金 Apply the mitigation plan and use the project's contingency funds
  •  C :重新评估影响,并将结果传达给相关方 Reassess the impact and communicate the results to stakeholders
  •  D :向发起人请求额外资金 Request additional funds from the initiator

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


A large IT project is coming to an end. Since the project team is being transferred to another high-priority project, they have little interest in holding lessons learned meetings. What should a project manager do?

  •  A :让项目发起人安排并举行经验教训会议 Have the project sponsor schedule and hold lessons learned meetings
  •  B : 让团队成员通过电子邮件提供关于原有项目的反馈 Have team members provide feedback on existing projects via E-mail
  •  C :告知项目发起人将不会安排经验教训会议 Inform the project sponsor that lessons learned meetings will not be scheduled
  •  D :让关键相关方与团队成员一起审核项目可交付成果 Get key stakeholders to review project deliverables with team members

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


A group has been working together for a month. During the daily meeting, one team member continued to report problems completing their tasks. What should a project manager do?

  •  A :与所有团队成员开始讨论,帮助解决这些问题。 Start discussions with all team members to help resolve these issues.
  •  B : 等待团队独立发现并解决问题。 Wait for the team to independently discover and fix the problem.
  •  C :将团队成员转移到另一个技能更合适的任务上。 Move team members to another task where the skills are more appropriate.
  •  D :与团队成员进行秘密讨论,找出根本原因。 Confidential discussions with team members to find out the root cause.

正确答案:B 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:4.3 团队构成《敏捷实践指南》第38-43页 敏捷的原则指出最佳的架构、需求和设计将出自自组织团队,因此项目经理在敏捷团队中应该鼓励团队自我领导、互相合作并且独立解决问题,因此,本题答案选选项B。 选项A,应该鼓励团队成员自主解决问题,而不是直接帮团队解决问题; 选项C,自组织团队是跨职能的,应该培养成员成为通才型专家,而不是在成员遇到问题时将他转移到别的任务上; 选项D,秘密讨论不利于团队成员之间互相交流沟通、共同解决问题。

The project manager is developing a cost management plan for the new project based on the approved project charter information. This is an innovative project, and the company has not delivered similar projects in the past. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :使用项目章程的可交付成果进行类比估算 Analogical estimation using the project Charter deliverables
  •  B : 要求项目团队在公司以外寻找类似项目 Ask the project team to look for similar projects outside the company
  •  C :制定工作分解结构(WBS)以进行自下而上的成本估算 Develop a work breakdown structure (WBS) for bottom-up cost estimation
  •  D :制定具有应急储备的预算草案,以应对未知因素 Develop a draft budget with contingency reserves in case of unknown factors

正确答案:B 你的答案:C


The project sponsor authorizes the project manager to add any resources as necessary. An employee of the sales department is included in the relevant party register. During the execution, the project manager noted that the salesperson had failed to attend several times. When the project manager asks the relevant party why he/she is absent, the relevant party says that the functional manager has arranged other tasks for him/her that need to be completed. What should the project manager have done to prevent this from happening?

  •  A :根据公司政策将项目目标告知所有相关方 Communicate project objectives to all interested parties in accordance with company policy
  •  B : 将销售部门的职能经理纳入相关方参与计划 Include functional managers of the sales department in the stakeholder participation plan
  •  C :确定适当的沟通渠道,以便与该职能经理和销售人员沟通 Identify appropriate communication channels to communicate with the functional manager and sales staff
  •  D :将项目经理已获授权可为项目增派资源的情况告诉该销售人员的职能经理 Inform the functional manager of the sales person that the project manager has been authorized to add additional resources to the project

正确答案:B 你的答案:D


29.在使用敏捷开发方法的软件开发项目中,项目团队和产品负责人当前正在根据业务目标、依赖关系和障碍来确定生成成品所需的迭代次数以及每次迭代的持续时间。 在给定的场景中正在执行什么过程?
In a software development project that is using the Agile development approach, the project team and the product owner are currently engaged in the determination of the number of iterations required to produce a finished product and the duration of each iteration based on the business goal, dependencies, and impediments. What process is being carried out in the given scenario?

  •  A :控制进度。 Control Schedule.
  •  B : 制定进度计划。 Develop Schedule.
  •  C :控制质量。 Control Quality.
  •  D :定义范围。 Define Scope.

正确答案:B 你的答案:C

解析:解析:PMBOK P216-敏捷发布规划。敏捷发布规划基于项目路线图和产品发展愿景,提供了高度概括的发布进度时间轴(通常是 3 到 6 个月)。同时,敏捷发布规划还确定了发布的迭代或冲刺次数,使产品负责人和团队能够决定需要开发的内容,并基于业务目标、依赖关系和障碍因素确定达到产品放行所需的时间。题干描述的场景正是属于制定进度计划过程的敏捷发布规划环节。

Some members of a project team were frustrated with new members who had previously worked in a Scrum environment. The new member was reluctant to engage with project team members. What should a project manager do?

  •  A :告诉项目团队的其他成员继续与新成员合作。 Tell the rest of the project team to continue working with the new member.
  •  B :给项目团队发一封电子邮件,概述沟通策略。 Send an email to the project team outlining the communication strategy.
  •  C :为项目团队安排一次会议,审查沟通管理计划。 Schedule a meeting for the project team to review the communications management plan.
  •  D : 指导新的团队成员遵循团队章程。 Instruct new team members to follow the team charter

正确答案:D 你的答案:A

解析:知识点出处:5.1 项目章程和团队章程《敏捷实践指南》第50页 题目关键信息是团队新成员不愿与其他项目组成员接触,说明问题的原因主要在新成员身上,而非其他成员,因此项目经理应该指导新成员如何与其他团队成员一起工作,所以选项D指导新成员遵循团队章程的做法较为合适。 选项A、B、C均是让团队的其他成员一起解决问题,但题干中描述问题的原因主要是新成员不了解如何与团队其他成员一起工作,因此无需牵扯整个团队一同解决个人问题。

When meeting with relevant parties to prepare the project charter, discuss the benefits of the project and the strategic goals of the organization, what should the project manager do?

  •  A :更新商业论证以满足组织的战略 Update business case to meet the organization's strategy
  •  B : 建议将项目效益与组织的战略目标保持一致 It is recommended that project benefits be aligned with the organization's strategic goals
  •  C :继续制定项目章程以纳入项目效益 Continue to develop project charters to incorporate project benefits
  •  D :通过请求项目发起人帮助完成项目章程来重定会议方向 Reorient the meeting by asking the project sponsor to help complete the project charter

正确答案:B 你的答案:A


The project manager is currently developing a project schedule for a mandatory monitoring project. Project managers are receiving input from a wide range of stakeholders and finding that many of them have estimated completion times beyond the stated end date. What should the project manager do next?

  •  A :通知发起人并请求修改结束日期以适应所提出的进度计划 Notify the originator and request modification of the end date to accommodate the proposed schedule
  •  B :向相关方提醒项目制约因素并请求修改他们的意见 Remind stakeholders of project constraints and request modification of their comments
  •  C : 确定一个可以保证项目在结束日期之前完成的新关键路径 Identify a new critical path that will ensure that the project is completed before the end date
  •  D :对项目管理计划进行赶工,以减少对所提出的进度计划进行延期 Work on the project management plan to reduce the delay to the proposed schedule

正确答案:C 你的答案:B


33.您是涉及市场上新技术的IT项目的项目经理。在风险响应规划期间,牢记模糊性风险的数量,您和团队将项目划分为多个阶段,并决定采用构建实际产品原型的方法,并在第一阶段开始执行之前从相关方那里获得建设性的反馈。 在此方案中,原型设计是以下示例:
You are a Project Manager of an IT project that involves new technologies in the market. During risk response planning, keeping the number of ambiguity risks in mind, you and the team divide the project into phases and decide to adopt an approach of building a prototype of the actual product and take constructive feedback from stakeholders before the start of execution of the first phase. Here in this scenario prototyping is an example of:

  •  A :用于处理机会的风险开拓策略。 Risk Exploitation strategy for handling opportunities.
  •  B : 用于处理威胁的风险减轻策略。 Risk Mitigation strategy for handling threats.
  •  C :质量控制策略。 Quality Control Strategy.
  •  D :滚动式规划 Rolling wave planning.

正确答案:B 你的答案:D

解析:解析:PMBOK(6)P443- 威胁应对策略-减轻 减轻策略可能涉及降低风险的原型开发。歧义风险通常通过探索和实验来处理,其中原型设计就是一个很好的例子。在这里,在此方案中,项目团队正试图通过构建原型将模糊性风险转换为已知-未知。

Which of the following three situations are obstacles that the Scrum Master should be aware of?

  •  A : 阻碍敏捷能力的技术 Technologies that hinder agile capabilities
  •  B : 缺乏团队授权,不能自我组织 Lack of team empowerment and inability to self-organize
  •  C :在日常工作会议上对积压的工作进行审查 Review the backlog in daily work meetings
  •  D :一个团队成员在谈论Scrum板上的用户故事 A team member talking about a user story on a Scrum board
  •  E : 一个团队成员谈论一个不在Scrum板上的用户故事 A team member talking about a user story that is not on the Scrum board

正确答案:A,B,E 你的答案:A,B,C

解析:《敏捷实践指南》仆人式领导消除组织障碍 Scrum主管肩负着消除敏捷实践障碍的职责,我们一起分析下各个选项。选项A,不适合的技术影响了敏捷能力,显然,这是Scrum主管要处理的。选项B,Scrum框架的实施需要对团队授权,形成自组织团队,显然当前的状况也属于要解决的障碍。选项CD,属于正确实践,不属于障碍。选项E,一个团队成员讨论未列在Scrum板上的用户故事,要么是PO未掌握该需求,要么该需求未及时同步到Scrum板上,无论是哪种情况,都属于障碍,要想办法排除。

As a project manager, you are managing a project that has 14 deliverables from external suppliers. A supplier has been negotiating with a partner for more financing, and if they don't agree, it could cause the supplier to stop producing one of your deliverables? A rumor has it that the supplier's factory will be closed due to this problem. What is the best course of action you should take?

  •  A : 联系供应商并讨论这个问题 Contact the supplier and discuss the issue
  •  B :开始联系其他供应商作为备用计划 Start contacting other suppliers as a backup plan
  •  C :一找到供应商就更换供应商 Change suppliers as soon as they are found
  •  D :启动为此供应商创建的风险应对计划 Initiate the risk response plan created for this supplier

正确答案:A 你的答案:D


Predictive project management emphasizes the importance of project integration management, hoping that project managers can control detailed product planning and integrate different aspects of the project. Who is primarily responsible for integration management in an agile project?

  •  A :敏捷教练 Agile coach
  •  B :服务型领导 Servant Leadership
  •  C :产品负责人 Product Owner
  •  D : 开发团队 development team

正确答案:D 你的答案:C

解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P40 知识点:跨职能团队成员 关键词:谁主要负责整合管理 敏捷团队的属性之一就是跨职能团队成员为完成任务,整合所有工作活动。所以选择D选项。 AB敏捷教练和服务型领导都对整合提供指导和支持,并不进行决定,C产品负责人主要职责在维护产品待办事项列表和代表客户验收。

In a housing project, real estate developers and contractors still disagree about the quality of work done by construction contractors. Property developers are refusing to pay for work that has already been done and are demanding discounts. How should the project manager solve this problem?

  •  A :聘请第三方来检查所完成的工作并确定应该提供的折扣 Hire a third party to review the work done and determine what discounts should be offered
  •  B :建议改善住房项目,以补偿房地产开发商的期望 Proposed improvements to housing projects to compensate for the expectations of property developers
  •  C :让房地产开发商计算折扣价格作为所谓不良工作质量的处罚。 Let property developers calculate discount prices as punishment for the alleged poor quality of work.
  •  D : 鼓励双方使用合同协议中规定的其他争议解决程序 The parties are encouraged to use other dispute resolution procedures set forth in the contractual agreement

正确答案:D 你的答案:A


Two members of an agile team clash due to technical capability gaps and personality differences, and you allow the team to adjust itself; however, the conflict continues and negatively affects team morale and performance. What should the Scrum Master do next?

  •  A : 干预,直接解决冲突。 Intervene, resolve conflicts directly.
  •  B :在下一次回顾会议上讨论该冲突。 Discuss the conflict at the next retrospective.
  •  C :要求两名成员解决冲突。 Ask both members to resolve the conflict.
  •  D :分析团队,看看这两名成员是否配合良好。 Analyze the team to see if the two members work well together.

正确答案:A 你的答案:C

解析:解析:《敏捷实践指南》P35 知识点:敏捷教练 关键词:对团队士气和绩效产生负面影响 敏捷教练的职责是移除团队交付价值的阻碍,而当团队自我调整无效,并且开始影响团队效率时,必须立刻解决。选择A选项正确。 B,下次回顾会在冲刺末期,延后到下次失去时效性且会影响增量的达成。C,题目已经明确无法解决,D,在冲突情况下无法配合良好

What two actions should a project manager consider when launching a new virtual team? (Choose two.)

  •  A :评估自己作为虚拟团队领导者的优势和劣势,以确定可避免的陷阱。 Assess your own strengths and weaknesses as a virtual team leader to identify avoidable pitfalls.
  •  B : 确定每个工作包或活动所需资源的类型和数量。 Determine the type and quantity of resources required for each work package or activity.
  •  C :在组织内招募最好的资源来成为虚拟团队的一部分。 Recruit the best resources within your organization to be part of a virtual team
  •  D :核实团队成员是否在一个以上的团队中,是否能为这个团队投入足够的时间。 Verify that team members are on more than one team and can dedicate enough time to that team.
  •  E : 在一开始就确定如何监测进展和沟通进展的最佳手段。 Determine at the outset how to monitor progress and the best means of communicating it.

正确答案:B,E 你的答案:A,D

解析:解析:《PMBOK》第6版333页,虚拟团队 当团队成员不能处于同一物理位置,又需要协作的时候,可以考虑组建虚拟团队,虚拟团队需要首先考虑沟通技术,也就是说,既然这些团队成员不能面对面的沟通,再失去了通过远程沟通能力的话,协作也就无从谈起了,所以E选项正确。选项A,评估一个虚拟团队如何运转的时候,应该是从团队绩效的视角来评估,而不是从项目经理的个人利益,排除。选项B,组建虚拟团队的目的在于完成计划好的工作,所以需要根据计划来评估吸纳哪些资源进入虚拟团队,正确。选项C,完成计划好的工作,不一定必须依赖组织中最优秀的资源,而且在项目管理实战中,即便我们列出了高等级的资源要求,也免不了要和职能经理讨价还价,排除。选项D,在预测型生命周期中,我们无法规避某一个团队成员的时间被数个项目占据,题目没有说明是预测型还是敏捷型,所以D选项的评估没有意义。


project manager is managing a very complex project with a long execution period. While the project was largely predictive, the team was able to use a hybrid framework to break down design and execution into smaller packages. Enterprises want to track the value delivered by the application of the framework, but have not defined a set of measurable items for the framework. What should a project manager do first?

  •  A :使用与上一个预测性项目相同的效益跟踪过程,并将其添加到每月的状态报告中。 Use the same benefit tracking process as the previous predictive project and add it to the monthly status report.
  •  B :在工作分解结构(WBS)的基础上创建一个报告,并定期更新。 Create a report based on the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and update it regularly.
  •  C : 与相关方合作,确定哪些可测量的效益可以被跟踪,并指定一个负责人去监测和报告它们。 Work with relevant parties to determine which measurable benefits can be tracked and assign a responsible person to monitor and report on them.
  •  D :研究哪些报告模板在这个框架中使用得最多,并将其纳入项目。 Research which report templates are used the most in this framework and incorporate them into projects

正确答案:C 你的答案:B
