ios自动拨打电话 苹果手机 自动拨打电话_python

iphone 自动跳转应用

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If you have to dial an extension to reach some of your contacts–or a code to join a conference–you know it’s a hassle remembering that information or looking it up before placing a call. Instead, why not have your iPhone automatically dial those extra digits for you?

如果您必须拨打分机号才能联系到某些联系人或加入会议的密码,那么您知道在拨打电话之前记住该信息或查找该信息很麻烦。 相反,为什么不让您的iPhone为您自动拨打这些多余的数字呢?

Phones have long accepted special characters, such as the comma and semicolon, for performing specific functions when dialing stored numbers. Your iPhone is no different. It’s easy to add extra calling codes–like extensions, conference codes, or even calling card numbers–to the phone number for a contact.

长期以来,电话已经接受了特殊字符(例如逗号和分号),以便在拨打存储的号码时执行特定功能。 您的iPhone也不例外。 在联系人的电话号码中添加额外的呼叫代码(例如分机,会议代码甚至电话卡号码)很容易。

We’re going to create a new contact for our example, but it’s pretty much the same process for adding a code to an existing contact’s number. On the contact’s screen, tap the “add phone” button. If you’re updating an existing contact, you can add a new phone entry or edit an existing one.

我们将为我们的示例创建一个新的联系人,但这与向现有联系人的号码添加代码的过程几乎相同。 在联系人的屏幕上,点击“添加电话”按钮。 如果要更新现有联系人,则可以添加新电话条目或编辑现有电话条目。

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Type in the full phone number for the contact and then tap the symbols (+*#) button.

输入联系人的完整电话号码,然后点击符号(+ *#)按钮。

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There are two slightly different features for having your phone dial those extra numbers:


Pause inserts a comma between the phone number and the extension (or whatever code you’re using). A pause causes the phone to wait about three seconds after dialing and then automatically sends the digits after the comma with no additional action needed on your part. The pause feature is good when you’re dialing a number that accepts the extension code right away.

Wait inserts a semicolon between the phone number and the code. After dialing the number, your phone will wait for you to press an additional button on your keypad before sending the code. The wait feature is useful when you don’t know how long you need to wait before the code needs to be sent and is especially useful for things like conference calls.

To insert a pause, just tap the “pause” button.


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Your phone adds the comma for you. You just need to type the code and then tap “Done.” Whenever you call that contact, your iPhone will dial the number, wait through the pause, and then automatically send the code for you. You don’t have to do anything but call the contact.

您的电话会为您添加逗号。 您只需要键入代码,然后点击“完成”即可。 每当您呼叫该联系人时,iPhone都会拨打该号码,等待暂停,然后自动为您发送代码。 除了致电联系人外,您无需执行任何其他操作。

Note that if you need a little extra time between dialing the number and sending the code–but it’s a consistent length of time–you can insert multiple pauses. Each causes the phone to wait about three seconds.

请注意,如果您在拨打电话号码和发送代码之间需要一些额外的时间(但这是持续的时间长度),则可以插入多个暂停。 每种情况都会导致手机等待大约三秒钟。

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To insert the wait code instead of a pause, just tap the “wait” button after entering the phone number.


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Your phone inserts the semicolon for you, so just type the code you want the phone to dial after waiting and then tap “Done.”


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When you call a contact using the wait feature, your phone will dial the number and display an additional button at the bottom of the screen you can tap to dial the code. After dialing the number and connecting, just listen to the call and tap the “Dial” button when it’s time to enter the code.

当您使用等待功能呼叫联系人时,手机将拨打该号码,并在屏幕底部显示一个附加按钮,您可以点击该按钮以拨打代码。 拨打号码并连接后,只需收听通话,然后在需要输入密码时点按“拨号”按钮即可。

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And that’s it. Pause and wait are features that have been around in some form or other since we’ve had phones that could store and dial phone numbers, so it’s no surprise they’re included on the iPhone as well. And they are certainly better than dialing that contact and then realizing you need to look up the extension code.

就是这样。 暂停和等待是自我们拥有可以存储和拨打电话号码的手机以来就以某种形式出现的功能,因此它们也被包含在iPhone中也就不足为奇了。 而且,它们肯定比拨打该联系人然后意识到您需要查找分机代码要好。


iphone 自动跳转应用