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iOS 11 has a completely new Control Center, which squeezes in more settings onto one screen without needing to swipe back and forth. However, on top of what’s currently available in Control Center, there are even more settings that you can access from that screen with a simple 3D Touch or long press.
iOS 11拥有全新的Control Center ,可将更多设置压缩到一个屏幕上,而无需前后滑动。 但是,除了Control Center当前可用的功能之外,您还可以通过简单的3D Touch或长按从该屏幕访问更多设置。
The new Control Center gives you quick access to Airplane Mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Cellular toggles (although, beware about them actually working properly), do not disturb, music control, and more. However, what you see isn’t all that you’ll get—you can access even more settings by 3D Touching on some of the already-shown settings (if you have an iPhone 6s, 7, 8, or X) or simply tapping and holding if you don’t have 3D Touch.
全新的控制中心使您可以快速访问飞行模式,Wi-Fi,蓝牙和蜂窝开关(尽管请注意它们确实在正常工作 ),请勿打扰,音乐控制等。 但是,您所看到的并不是您所能获得的全部,您可以通过3D触摸某些已经显示的设置(如果您使用的是iPhone 6s,7、8或X)或点击来访问更多设置。如果没有3D Touch,请按住。
Here’s a quick breakdown of the extra settings that you’ll have access to with a 3D Touch or long press:
- Connection Toggles: AirDrop and Personal Hotspot toggle switches. 连接切换: AirDrop和Personal Hotspot切换开关。
- Music Controls: Scrubbing capabilities and volume control (although the latter is already available in Control Center as its own control). 音乐控件:擦洗功能和音量控制(尽管后者已经可以在Control Center中作为其自己的控件使用)。
- Display Brightness: Night Shift toggle switch. 显示亮度:夜班切换开关。
- Flashlight: Change the flashlight’s intensity. 手电筒:更改手电筒的强度。
- Calculator: A quick access button for copying the last result to your clipboard. 计算器:快速访问按钮,用于将最后一个结果复制到剪贴板。
- Screen Recording: A toggle switch for enabling or disabling audio recording. 屏幕录制:用于启用或禁用音频录制的拨动开关。
- Voice Memos: A quick access button for immediately starting a new recording. 语音备忘:快速访问按钮,用于立即开始新的录音。
- Camera: Shortcut buttons for talking a selfie, recording video, recording slo-mo video, and taking a normal photo. 相机:用于自拍,录制视频,录制慢动作视频和拍摄普通照片的快捷按钮。
- Notes: Shortcut buttons for creating a new note, new checklist, new photo, or a new sketch. 注释:用于创建新注释,新清单,新照片或新草图的快捷按钮。
- Timer: Quick access for choosing a time and starting it right away—choose from 1 minute all the way up to 2 hours. 计时器:快速选择时间并立即开始的时间-从1分钟到2小时不等。
- Wallet: Shortcut buttons for your default credit card, as well as seeing your last Apple Pay transaction. 钱包:默认信用卡的快捷按钮,以及最近一次Apple Pay交易。
You may have noticed that the above list doesn’t mention every Control Center setting there is, and that’s because they either don’t provide extra settings to access, or they open up the same way whether you tap on it or 3D Touch/long press on it. Hopefully we’ll see more customizations make their way to Control Center in the future, but as it stands, it’s lightyears better than it has been.
您可能已经注意到,上面的列表并未提及其中的每个Control Center设置,这是因为它们没有提供额外的访问设置,或者无论您点击它还是3D Touch / long,它们都以相同的方式打开按下它。 希望将来会有更多的自定义项进入Control Center,但就目前而言,它比以前好了很多光年。
ios touch坐标