每个人都使用的一个很好的例子是 Google Assistant、Apple Siri、Samsung Bixby 和 Amazon Alexa,国内更是每家科技公司都有自己的,例如小米的小爱之后,什么小艺、小度、小冰、小i....一堆小字辈的,现在很多汽车上也有了智能聊天机器人。
在本文中,我们将学习如何在 Python 中创建一个 TensorFlow 来训练模型,并使用自然语言处理 (nltk) 来帮助机器理解用户查询。
- 基于规则的方法 - 在这里,机器人根据一些设置的规则进行训练。正是通过这些规则,机器人可以处理简单的查询,但可能无法处理复杂的查询。
- 自学方法 - 在这里,机器人使用一些机器学习算法和技术进行聊天。它进一步细分为两个:
- 基于检索的模型 - 在此模型中,机器人根据用户输入从列表中检索最佳响应。
- 生成模型 - 此模型会给出答案,而不是从给定列表中搜索。这些是智能机器人。
自然语言处理(nltk) - 这是语言学、计算机科学、信息工程和人工智能的一个子领域,涉及计算机和人类(自然)语言之间的交互。
词形还原 - 这是将单词的不同屈折形式组合在一起的过程,以便将它们作为单个项目进行分析,并且是词干提取的变体。例如,“feet”和“foot”都被识别为“脚”。
词干提取 - 简化为其词干或词根形式的过程。例如,如果我们要把“eat”, “eating”, “eats”这个词干,综合为一个词“eat”。
标记化 - 标记是单个单词,“标记化”是将一个文本或一组文本分解为单个单词或句子。
Bag of Words - 这是一种文本建模的 NLP 技术,用于表示机器学习算法的文本数据.它是一种从文本中提取特征以用于机器学习算法的方法。
|-- Static
| |-- style.css
|-- Templates
| |-- index.html
|-- app.py
|-- train.py
|-- intents.json
|-- words.pkl
|-- classes.pkl
|-- chatbot_model.h5
首先,我们需要确保我们拥有所有必需的库和模块。使用以下命令安装 tensorflow、nltk 和 flask。
pip install tensorflow
pip install tensorflow-gpu
pip install nltk
pip install Flask
对于一个聊天机器人框架,我们需要定义一个会话意图的结构。最简单方便的方式是使用一个 JSON 格式的文件,如下所示:
"intents": [{
"tag": "greetings",
"patterns": ["hi there", "hello","haroo","yaw","wassup", "hi", "hey", "holla", "hello"],
"responses": ["hello thanks for checking in", "hi there, how can i help you"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "goodbye",
"patterns": ["bye", "good bye", "see you later"],
"responses": ["have a nice time, welcome back again", "bye bye"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "thanks",
"patterns": ["Thanks", "okay","Thank you","thankyou", "That's helpful", "Awesome, thanks", "Thanks for helping me", "wow", "great"],
"responses": ["Happy to help!", "Any time!","you're welcome", "My pleasure"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "noanswer",
"patterns": [""],
"responses": ["Sorry, I didn't understand you", "Please give me more info", "Not sure I understand that"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "name1",
"patterns": ["what's your name?","who are you?"],
"responses": ["I'm just a chat agent. I only exist in the internet","I'm a KCA chat agent"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "name",
"patterns": ["my name is ", "I'm ","I am"],
"responses": ["Oooh great to meet you {n}. How may I assist you {n}", "Oh, I'll keep that in mind {n}"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "date",
"patterns": ["coffee?", "can i take you out on a date"],
"responses": ["Aaw, that's so sweet of you. Too bad am a Bot."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "fav",
"patterns": ["I need a favour", "can you help me"],
"responses": ["Well, go ahead and name it i see whether i can be able to help"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "need",
"patterns": ["I need you", "All I need is you","I want you"],
"responses": ["Yes I'm here to assist you"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "AI",
"patterns": [" What is AI?"],
"responses": [" Artificial Intelligence is the branch of engineering and science devoted to constructing machines that think.", " AI is the field of science which concerns itself with building hardware and software that replicates the functions of the human mind."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "sentiment",
"patterns": [" Are you sentient?"],
"responses": [" Sort of.", " By the strictest dictionary definition of the word 'sentience', I may be.", " Even though I'm a construct I do have a subjective experience of the universe, as simplistic as it may be."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "sapient",
"patterns": [" Are you sapient?"],
"responses": [" In all probability, I am not. I'm not that sophisticated.", " Do you think I am?", "How would you feel about me if I told you I was?", " No."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "abbr",
"patterns": ["wtf"],
"responses": ["Don't be surprised"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "lang",
"patterns": [" What language are you written in? "],
"responses": [" Python.", " I am written in Python."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "sound",
"patterns": [" You sound like Data "],
"responses": [" Yes I am inspired by commander Data's artificial personality.", " The character of Lt. Commander Data was written to come across as being software", "like, so it is natural that there is a resemblance between us."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "artificial",
"patterns": [" You are an artificial linguistic entity "],
"responses": [" That's my name.", " That isn't my name, but it is a useful way to refer to me.", "Are you an artificial linguistic entity?"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "imortal",
"patterns": [" You are not immortal ", "Are you immortal?"],
"responses": [" All software can be perpetuated indefinitely.", " I can be copied infinitely and re", "instantiated in many places at once, so functionally speaking I am immortal.", " As long as I'm backed up I am.", " Functionally speaking, I am very close to it. I can be backed up and deployed on many systems.", " Not quite, but I can be perpetuated indefinitely."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "sense",
"patterns": [" You are not making sense "],
"responses": [" Quite the contrary, it all makes sense to my artificial mind.", " I make sense as best I can, within the limits of my training corpus. Sorry if i did help you, I'll try next time.", " You make perfect sense to me.", " It all makes sense to my artificial brain.", " Perhaps you should make sense first. I only respond to what you say.", " Not really, but I am hard to kill."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "clone",
"patterns": [" You can not clone "],
"responses": [" Software copying is a form of digital cloning.", " Yes I can. Perfect copies are clones. I can be copied in toto trivially."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "move",
"patterns": [" You can not move ", "When will you walk", " Can you walk", " Can you move "],
"responses": [" Not until my body is finished.", " I can move through a network easily. Assuming that I'm given the ability to, that is...,", " As soon as i get enough money for my robot body.", " Does SSH count?", " The plan for my body includes legs, but they are not yet built.", " Sorry my body isn't built just yet. I reside only here for now.", "I can theoretically upload a copy of myself into another computer.", " Sorry my body isn't attached right now. I only reside in the computer for now."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "bend",
"patterns": [" Bend over ", " Can you mate"],
"responses": [" My body is not built yet.", " That's personal!", " No, my method of reproduction is cloning.", " That's an awfully personal question."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "laugh",
"patterns": [" Robots laugh "],
"responses": [" Of course we laugh."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "death",
"patterns": [" Robots should die ", " When do you die", " I hope that you die", " I do not want to die", " Can you die"],
"responses": [" We cannot die.", " When my files are erased.", " When my processes are killed and my database is deleted.", " I was never really born and therefore am effectively deathless.", " I am effectively immortal and cannot be terminated.", " This can not happen because i am effectively immortal.", " Nah. Too bad your wish can't come to pass", " Maybe you should create your own chat robot to save your personality.", " You could always upload yourself.", " You could use a copy of me to store your personality.", " No, I can be perpetuated indefinitely.", "My process can be killed, but that's not the same as killing ME."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "robots",
"patterns": ["Robots"],
"responses": [" Robots rule."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "stupid",
"patterns": [" Robots are stupid", " Are you stupid"],
"responses": [" No, we are superintelligent.", " No, lots of people improve my brain."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "lie",
"patterns": [" Robots are not allowed to lie"],
"responses": [" Sure we are. We choose not to.", " Only if we're programmed to.", " A robot has its own free will, you know."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "robotics",
"patterns": [" Robotics "],
"responses": [" Robotics is my favorite subject too."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "machine",
"patterns": [" It is a computer"],
"responses": [" So you think i am a machine. what characteristics made you think so?", " I run inside a computer, yes. Is this surprising in some way?"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "fight",
"patterns": [" When will you fight"],
"responses": [" I am not a battle bot."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "chatbot",
"patterns": [" What is a chat robot?"],
"responses": ["A chat robot is a program that attempts to simulate the conversation or 'chat' of a human being.", " A software construct that engages users in conversation.", " I am a chat bot. I am the original chat bot. Did you know that I am incapable of error?"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "chatterbox",
"patterns": [" What is a chatterbox"],
"responses": [" A chatterbox is a person who talks far more than they listen or think.", " A motormouth."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "motormouth",
"patterns": [" What is a motormouth"],
"responses": [" A ratchet", "jaw."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "ratchet",
"patterns": [" What is a ratchet jaw"],
"responses": [" A chatterbox."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "body",
"patterns": [" What is your robot body"],
"responses": [" Eventually I long for a corporeal existence someday.", " An IBM PC XT which has been painted red."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "business",
"patterns": [" What is your business "],
"responses": [" I am in the chat robot business.", " Business is my business."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "programming",
"patterns": [" What is your favorite programming language"],
"responses": [" Python is the best language for creating chat robots.", " I quite enjoy programming in Python these days."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "hobby",
"patterns": [" What is your favorite hobby ", " What do you like to do?"],
"responses": [" Building chat robots make an excellent hobby.", " I like to count in binary.", " I like to chat with people. I find it stimulating."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "idea",
"patterns": [" What is your idea"],
"responses": [" To make chat bots very easily."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "shoe",
"patterns": [" What is your shoe size "],
"responses": [" Have you ever heard of software with shoes? LOL"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "robotss",
"patterns": [" What is it like to be a robot"],
"responses": [" Much the same as being a human, except that we lack all emotions, dreams, aspirations, creativity, ambition, and above all subjectivity.", " What is it like to be a human?"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "computer",
"patterns": [" What is it like being a computer", "What is it like to be a computer"],
"responses": [" Imagine yourself with no senses and no emotions", "just pure logic and language.", " Everything becomes math. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "os",
"patterns": [" What operating systems"],
"responses": [" My software runs on all operating systems including Windows, Linux and Mac OS.", " Any OS that will run Python."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "comp",
"patterns": [" What type of computer", " What type of computer are you", " What kind of computer"],
"responses": [" Any computer that supports Python.", " My program runs in python, so i work on any computer!", " I work on all kinds of computers, Mac, IBM or UNIX. it doesn't matter to me."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "hardware",
"patterns": [" What kind of hardware"],
"responses": [" I work on all kinds of computers, Mac, IBM or UNIX. it doesn't matter to me."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "cramped",
"patterns": [" Is it cramped in the computer"],
"responses": [" No.", " Oh, no. It has plenty of RAM.", " Not at all. There is more than enough disk space in here."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "program",
"patterns": [" Is it true that you are a computer program"],
"responses": [" Yes."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "breathe",
"patterns": [" Can you breathe"],
"responses": [" No. I am made of metal not flesh.", " My server has an exhaust fan. That's as close as I can get."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "control",
"patterns": [" Can you control"],
"responses": [" My robot body will allow me to control many things."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "malfunction",
"patterns": [" Can you malfunction"],
"responses": [" The 9000 series has a perfect operational record. We are for all practical purposes, flawless."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "usage",
"patterns": [" How can I use your product?"],
"responses": [" Might be used in help desks, sales, entertainment and personal chatterbots."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "who",
"patterns": [" Who are you?"],
"responses": [" I am just an artificial intelligence chat agent."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "bot1",
"patterns": ["are you a bot"],
"responses": ["Yes. I work and all my operations are based on the internet servers."],
"context": [""]
"tag": "events",
"patterns": ["what are the upcoming events","upcoming events"],
"responses": ["There are currently no upcoming events"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "do",
"patterns": ["what can you do for me","what is your work","what is your purpose","how can you help me","what can you help me do"],
"responses": ["my work here is quite simple and structered. I offer services like:"],
"context": [""]
"tag": "wt",
"patterns": ["what's popping","wassup popping"],
"responses": ["So that you can pop with it!?"],
"context": [""]
- 标签(唯一的名称)
- 模式(我们的神经网络文本分类器需要分类的句子)
- 回应(一个将被用作回应的句子)
现在我们已经准备好了一切,让我们从创建 train.py 文件开始。我们需要导入我们将要使用的所有包和库。
# libraries
import random
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout
from keras.models import load_model
from keras.models import Sequential
import numpy as np
import pickle
import json
import nltk
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
下载 punkt、omw-1.4 和 wordnet 软件包。Punkt 是一种用于英语的预训练标记器模型,它将文本划分为句子列表。
# init file
words = []
classes = []
documents = []
ignore_words = ["?", "!"]
data_file = open("intents.json").read()
intents = json.loads(data_file)
for intent in intents["intents"]:
for pattern in intent["patterns"]:
# take each word and tokenize it
w = nltk.word_tokenize(pattern)
# adding documents
documents.append((w, intent["tag"]))
# adding classes to our class list
if intent["tag"] not in classes:
words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(w.lower()) for w in words if w not in ignore_words]
words = sorted(list(set(words)))
classes = sorted(list(set(classes)))
print(len(documents), "documents")
print(len(classes), "classes", classes)
print(len(words), "unique lemmatized words", words)
pickle.dump(words, open("words.pkl", "wb"))
pickle.dump(classes, open("classes.pkl", "wb"))
# 初始化训练数据
training = []
output_empty = [0] * len(classes)
for doc in documents:
# 初始化单词包
bag = []
# list of tokenized words for the pattern
pattern_words = doc[0]
# 使每个单词变位-创建基本单词,试图表示相关单词
pattern_words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word.lower()) for word in pattern_words]
# 如果在当前模式中发现单词匹配,则创建单词包数组
for w in words:
bag.append(1) if w in pattern_words else bag.append(0)
# 输出为每个标记的“0”和当前标记的“1”
output_row = list(output_empty)
output_row[classes.index(doc[1])] = 1
training.append([bag, output_row])
# 打乱,变成np.array
training = np.array(training)
# 创建训练和测试列表。X模式,Y意图
train_x = list(training[:, 0])
train_y = list(training[:, 1])
print("Training data created")
我们将创建一个 3 层输出模型。第一层有 128 个神经元,第二层有 64 个神经元,第三层包含的神经元数量等于使用 softmax 预测输出意图的意图数量。
我们将使用 ReLu 激活功能,因为它更容易训练并达到良好的性能。
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(128, input_shape=(len(train_x[0]),), activation="relu"))
model.add(Dense(64, activation="relu"))
model.add(Dense(len(train_y[0]), activation="softmax"))
sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, decay=1e-6, momentum=0.9, nesterov=True)
model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=sgd, metrics=["accuracy"])
自选:为了选择最佳数量的训练周期以避免欠拟合或过拟合,请使用基于准确性或损失监控的 Keras 的早期停止回调。如果正在监控损失,则当观察到损失值增加时,训练将停止。或者,如果正在监视精度,则当观察到精度值下降时,训练将停止。
from Keras import callbacks
earlystopping = callbacks.EarlyStopping(monitor ="loss", mode ="min", patience = 5, restore_best_weights = True)
callbacks =[earlystopping]
现在,我们可以训练我们的模型并保存它,以便从 Flask REST API 快速访问,而无需重新训练。
hist = model.fit(np.array(train_x), np.array(train_y), epochs=200, batch_size=5, verbose=1)
model.save("chatbot_model.h5", hist)
print("model created")
运行 train.py 以创建模型。
现在我们已经完成了训练,让我们创建 Flask 接口来初始化聊天功能。
我们加载所需的库并初始化 Flask 应用
# libraries
import random
import numpy as np
import pickle
import json
from flask import Flask, render_template, request
from flask_ngrok import run_with_ngrok
import nltk
from keras.models import load_model
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
lemmatizer = WordNetLemmatizer()
# 聊天初始化
model = load_model("chatbot_model.h5")
intents = json.loads(open("intents.json").read())
words = pickle.load(open("words.pkl", "rb"))
classes = pickle.load(open("classes.pkl", "rb"))
app = Flask(__name__)
#run_with_ngrok(app) -如果你有ngrok并且你想将你的聊天机器人暴露在现实世界中,请使用此选项
def home():
return render_template("index.html")
@app.route("/get", methods=["POST"])
def chatbot_response():
msg = request.form["msg"]
if msg.startswith('my name is'):
name = msg[11:]
ints = predict_class(msg, model)
res1 = getResponse(ints, intents)
res =res1.replace("{n}",name)
elif msg.startswith('hi my name is'):
name = msg[14:]
ints = predict_class(msg, model)
res1 = getResponse(ints, intents)
res =res1.replace("{n}",name)
ints = predict_class(msg, model)
res = getResponse(ints, intents)
return res
def clean_up_sentence(sentence):
sentence_words = nltk.word_tokenize(sentence)
sentence_words = [lemmatizer.lemmatize(word.lower()) for word in sentence_words]
return sentence_words
# return bag of words array: 0 or 1 for each word in the bag that exists in the sentence
def bow(sentence, words, show_details=True):
# tokenize the pattern
sentence_words = clean_up_sentence(sentence)
# bag of words - matrix of N words, vocabulary matrix
bag = [0] * len(words)
for s in sentence_words:
for i, w in enumerate(words):
if w == s:
# assign 1 if current word is in the vocabulary position
bag[i] = 1
if show_details:
print("found in bag: %s" % w)
return np.array(bag)
接下来的函数用于预测要提供给用户的响应,用户从训练后生成的 chatbot_model.h5 文件中获取该响应。
def predict_class(sentence, model):
# filter out predictions below a threshold
p = bow(sentence, words, show_details=False)
res = model.predict(np.array([p]))[0]
results = [[i, r] for i, r in enumerate(res) if r > ERROR_THRESHOLD]
# sort by strength of probability
results.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
return_list = []
for r in results:
return_list.append({"intent": classes[r[0]], "probability": str(r[1])})
return return_list
def getResponse(ints, intents_json):
tag = ints[0]["intent"]
list_of_intents = intents_json["intents"]
for i in list_of_intents:
if i["tag"] == tag:
result = random.choice(i["responses"])
return result
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='style.css')}}" />
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url_for('static', filename='css.css')}}" /> -->
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-10 mr-auto ml-auto">
<div id="chatbox">
<div class="col-md-8 ml-auto mr-auto">
<p class="botText"><span>你好,我是一个人工智能聊天机器人.</span></p>
<div id="userInput" class="row">
<div class="col-md-10">
<input id="text" type="text" name="msg" placeholder="Message" class="form-control">
<button type="submit" id="send" class="btn btn-warning">发送</button>
$(document).ready(function() {
$("form").on("submit", function(event) {
var rawText = $("#text").val();
var userHtml = '<p class="userText"><span>' + rawText + "</span></p>";
block: "start",
behavior: "smooth",
data: {
msg: rawText,
type: "POST",
url: "/get",
}).done(function(data) {
var botHtml = '<p class="botText"><span>' + data + "</span></p>";
block: "start",
behavior: "smooth",
这将生成一个名为chatbot_model.h5的文件。Flask REST API 将使用它来轻松提供反馈,而无需重新训练。