你在这里因为你有,有一个文件扩展名结尾的文件 .emp. 文件与文件扩展名 .emp 只能通过特定的应用程序推出。这有可能是 .emp 文件是数据文件,而不是文件或媒体,这意味着他们并不是在所有观看。



如何打开 .emp 文件?

推出 .emp 文件,或者你的电脑上的任何其他文件,双击它。如果你的文件关联的设置是否正确,这意味着应用程序来打开你的 .emp 文件将其打开。这是可能的,你可能需要下载或购买正确的应用程序。这也有可能是你有正确的应用程序在PC上,但 .emp 文件还没有与它相关联。在这种情况下,当您尝试打开一个 .emp 文件,你可以告诉Windows的应用程序是正确的该文件。从这时起,打开 .emp 文件将打开正确的应用程序。 点击这里修复.emp文件关联错误

打开一个应用程序 .emp 文件

emp在Java中是表格的意思吗 emp是什么格式_linux中.emp结尾的文件

eMusic.com Download Manager for Linux

eMusic.com Download Manager for Linux

eMusic/J is an free eMusic download manager for the eMusic.com music service written in Java, developed by Robin Sheat. If you have any issues regarding the software, don't expect that eMusic.com will support eMusic/J because they are not affiliated with each other, but rather bring them to the author's attention. The software will take the .emx or .emp file format downloaded from the eMusic.com Website. It can also work with Firefox to easily download songs and albums. Since it is written in Java, it also requires Java 1.5 or later version to run the program. It can be downloaded from the Internet for free, and it comes in 2.4 MB in size and is designed for Windows, Mac OS X, POSIX, and Linux operating systems. The following were the versions for different operating system: eMusic/J for i686 Linux, eMusic/J for x86_64 Linux, eMusic/J for PPC Linux, eMusic/J for Windows, and eMusic/J for Mac OS X. Installation instructions are available on the Internet but these instructions are Linux-focused at the moment.

emp在Java中是表格的意思吗 emp是什么格式_扩展名_02

eMule Plus

eMule Plus

eMule Plus is a new generation eMule created for the improvement of the original GUI. The software does not contain any adware or spyware for it is released under the GPL. It can translate 31 languages with its own team of translators and beta testers and has IRC channels providing additional help in various languages. It has an optimized and compatible WebServer. eMule Plus is also enhanced with modified GUI, automated fake check, country flags and statistics, auto download list, fractional upload or download rates, configurable keyboard shortcuts and UTF-8 encoding for IRC messages. Aside from its enhanced features, eMule Plus has list of bugs such as: not viewable columns when filename column is resized; the ToolTip sometimes get stuck on screen; own comments are not directly showed; files move at once when file with sources expanded autosorts, and sources follow after delay; displays wrong categories for Temp Files when switch from eMule to eMule Plus; and there is a bug in "Show Shared Files".

emp在Java中是表格的意思吗 emp是什么格式_扩展名_03



eMule is developed by eMule Team last May 13, 2002 and became the popular download on SourceForge in March 2012 with 639 million downloads. It is a free peer-to-peer file sharing software designed for Microsoft Windows. The direct exchange of sources between client nodes, use of a credit system to reward frequent uploaders and a fast recovery of corrupted downloads are its distinguishing features. It also transmits data from bandwidth to zlib-compressed form. eMule is written in C++ using Microsoft Foundation Classes. It is designed for Windows operating system and available in 43 languages. Some third parties have created a modified version of the software which always contains spyware and other malware programs because of its open source nature and popularity. The official eMule is free and users should beware of fake sites because they will ask your credit card information or even require you in signing up for a membership fee.



