


<div class="block" >
    <el-carousel  :interval=6000 :autoplay="true" height="482px">
      <el-carousel-item  v-for="(item,index) in arrayList" :key="index">
        <img  ref="img" :src="item.src" alt="图片加载失败">
        <img :src="arrayList[0].src" alt="">

import bk_1 from '@/assets/imgs/bk_1.jpg'
import bk_2 from '@/assets/imgs/bk_2.jpg'
import bk_3 from '@/assets/imgs/bk_3.jpg'
export default {
  name: 'ElementRotation',


<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->



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import ElementRotation from './components/ElementRotation'
import new_1 from './assets/imgs/new_1.jpg'
import new_2 from './assets/imgs/new_2.jpg'
import new_3 from './assets/imgs/new_3.jpg'
import new_4 from './assets/imgs/new_4.jpg'
import left_choice from './assets/imgs/left_choice.jpg'
import right_choice_1 from './assets/imgs/right_choice_1.jpg'
import right_choice_2 from './assets/imgs/right_choice_2.jpg'
import right_choice_3 from './assets/imgs/right_choice_3.jpg'
import right_choice_4 from './assets/imgs/right_choice_4.jpg'
import right_choice_5 from './assets/imgs/right_choice_5.jpg'
import right_choice_6 from './assets/imgs/right_choice_6.jpg'
import bank from './assets/imgs/招商银行.png'
import to_huitu from './assets/imgs/定制.png'
export default {
  name: 'App',
      new_1_img: new_1,
      new_2_img: new_2,
      new_3_img: new_3,
      new_4_img: new_4,
      left_choice_img: left_choice,
      right_choice_img_1: right_choice_1,
      right_choice_img_2: right_choice_2,
      right_choice_img_3: right_choice_3,
      right_choice_img_4: right_choice_4,
      right_choice_img_5: right_choice_5,
      right_choice_img_6: right_choice_6,
      bank_img: bank,
  components: {
       var scrollTop = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset || document.body.scrollTop;


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