* Adapter Design Pattern
* Intent: Provides a unified interface that allows objects with incompatible
* interfaces to collaborate.
* The Target defines the domain-specific interface used by the client code.
class Target {
public request(): string {
return 'Target: The default target\'s behavior.';
* The Adaptee contains some useful behavior, but its interface is incompatible
* with the existing client code. The Adaptee needs some adaptation before the
* client code can use it.
class Adaptee {
public specificRequest(): string {
return '.eetpadA eht fo roivaheb laicepS';
* The Adapter makes the Adaptee's interface compatible with the Target's
* interface.
class Adapter extends Target {
private adaptee: Adaptee;
constructor(adaptee: Adaptee) {
this.adaptee = adaptee;
public request(): string {
const result = this.adaptee.specificRequest().split('').reverse().join('');
return `Adapter: (TRANSLATED) ${result}`;
* The client code supports all classes that follow the Target interface.
function clientCode(target: Target) {
console.log('Client: I can work just fine with the Target objects:');
const target = new Target();
const adaptee = new Adaptee();
console.log('Client: The Adaptee class has a weird interface. See, I don\'t understand it:');
console.log(`Adaptee: ${adaptee.specificRequest()}`);
console.log('Client: But I can work with it via the Adapter:');
const adapter = new Adapter(adaptee);
interface Color {
getColor(): string;
interface Shape {
getShape(): string;
class Red implements Color {
getColor(): string {
return "red";
class Circle implements Shape {
getShape(): string {
return "circle";
abstract class ShapeWithColor {
constructor(protected color: Color, protected shape: Shape) {}
abstract draw(): void;
class RedCircle extends ShapeWithColor {
draw(): void {
console.log(`${this.color.getColor()} ${this.shape.getShape()}`);
const redCircle = new RedCircle(new Red(), new Circle());
export interface Component {
getPrice(): number;
class Product implements Component {
constructor(private name: string, private price: number) {}
getPrice(): number {
return this.price;
class Box implements Component {
private items: Component[] = [];
constructor(private name: string, private packagingCost: number) {}
addItem(item: Component) {
removeItem(item: Component) {
this.items = this.items.filter((i) => i !== item);
getPrice(): number {
return (
this.packagingCost +
this.items.reduce((acc, item) => acc + item.getPrice(), 0)
const smallProduct = new Product("Small Product", 10);
const smallBox = new Box("Small Box", 1);
const bigProduct = new Product("Big Product", 100);
const bigBox = new Box("Big Box", 5);
export interface Notifier {
send(message: string): void;
class EmailNotifier implements Notifier {
constructor(private emails: string[]) {}
send(message: string): void {
console.log(`Sending email to ${this.emails}: ${message}`);
class SMSDecorator implements Notifier {
constructor(private notifier: Notifier) {}
send(message: string): void {
console.log(`Sending SMS: ${message}`);
class FacebookDecorator implements Notifier {
constructor(private notifier: Notifier) {}
send(message: string): void {
console.log(`Sending Facebook message: ${message}`);
class SlackDecorator implements Notifier {
constructor(private notifier: Notifier) {}
send(message: string): void {
console.log(`Sending Slack message: ${message}`);
const emailNotifier = new EmailNotifier([
const combinedNotifier = new SlackDecorator(
new FacebookDecorator(new SMSDecorator(emailNotifier))
combinedNotifier.send("Important message: House is on fire!");
* Facade Design Pattern
* Intent: Provides a simplified interface to a library, a framework, or any
* other complex set of classes.
* The Facade class provides a simple interface to the complex logic of one or
* several subsystems. The Facade delegates the client requests to the
* appropriate objects within the subsystem. The Facade is also responsible for
* managing their lifecycle. All of this shields the client from the undesired
* complexity of the subsystem.
class Facade {
protected subsystem1: Subsystem1;
protected subsystem2: Subsystem2;
* Depending on your application's needs, you can provide the Facade with
* existing subsystem objects or force the Facade to create them on its own.
constructor(subsystem1?: Subsystem1, subsystem2?: Subsystem2) {
this.subsystem1 = subsystem1 || new Subsystem1();
this.subsystem2 = subsystem2 || new Subsystem2();
* The Facade's methods are convenient shortcuts to the sophisticated
* functionality of the subsystems. However, clients get only to a fraction
* of a subsystem's capabilities.
public operation(): string {
let result = 'Facade initializes subsystems:\n';
result += this.subsystem1.operation1();
result += this.subsystem2.operation1();
result += 'Facade orders subsystems to perform the action:\n';
result += this.subsystem1.operationN();
result += this.subsystem2.operationZ();
return result;
* The Subsystem can accept requests either from the facade or client directly.
* In any case, to the Subsystem, the Facade is yet another client, and it's not
* a part of the Subsystem.
class Subsystem1 {
public operation1(): string {
return 'Subsystem1: Ready!\n';
// ...
public operationN(): string {
return 'Subsystem1: Go!\n';
* Some facades can work with multiple subsystems at the same time.
class Subsystem2 {
public operation1(): string {
return 'Subsystem2: Get ready!\n';
// ...
public operationZ(): string {
return 'Subsystem2: Fire!';
* The client code works with complex subsystems through a simple interface
* provided by the Facade. When a facade manages the lifecycle of the subsystem,
* the client might not even know about the existence of the subsystem. This
* approach lets you keep the complexity under control.
function clientCode(facade: Facade) {
// ...
// ...
* The client code may have some of the subsystem's objects already created. In
* this case, it might be worthwhile to initialize the Facade with these objects
* instead of letting the Facade create new instances.
const subsystem1 = new Subsystem1();
const subsystem2 = new Subsystem2();
const facade = new Facade(subsystem1, subsystem2);
* Flyweight Design Pattern
* Intent: Lets you fit more objects into the available amount of RAM by sharing
* common parts of state between multiple objects, instead of keeping all of the
* data in each object.
* The Flyweight stores a common portion of the state (also called intrinsic
* state) that belongs to multiple real business entities. The Flyweight accepts
* the rest of the state (extrinsic state, unique for each entity) via its
* method parameters.
class Flyweight {
private sharedState: any;
constructor(sharedState: any) {
this.sharedState = sharedState;
public operation(uniqueState): void {
const s = JSON.stringify(this.sharedState);
const u = JSON.stringify(uniqueState);
console.log(`Flyweight: Displaying shared (${s}) and unique (${u}) state.`);
* The Flyweight Factory creates and manages the Flyweight objects. It ensures
* that flyweights are shared correctly. When the client requests a flyweight,
* the factory either returns an existing instance or creates a new one, if it
* doesn't exist yet.
class FlyweightFactory {
private flyweights: {[key: string]: Flyweight} = <any>{};
constructor(initialFlyweights: string[][]) {
for (const state of initialFlyweights) {
this.flyweights[this.getKey(state)] = new Flyweight(state);
* Returns a Flyweight's string hash for a given state.
private getKey(state: string[]): string {
return state.join('_');
* Returns an existing Flyweight with a given state or creates a new one.
public getFlyweight(sharedState: string[]): Flyweight {
const key = this.getKey(sharedState);
if (!(key in this.flyweights)) {
console.log('FlyweightFactory: Can\'t find a flyweight, creating new one.');
this.flyweights[key] = new Flyweight(sharedState);
} else {
console.log('FlyweightFactory: Reusing existing flyweight.');
return this.flyweights[key];
public listFlyweights(): void {
const count = Object.keys(this.flyweights).length;
console.log(`\nFlyweightFactory: I have ${count} flyweights:`);
for (const key in this.flyweights) {
* The client code usually creates a bunch of pre-populated flyweights in the
* initialization stage of the application.
const factory = new FlyweightFactory([
['Chevrolet', 'Camaro2018', 'pink'],
['Mercedes Benz', 'C300', 'black'],
['Mercedes Benz', 'C500', 'red'],
['BMW', 'M5', 'red'],
['BMW', 'X6', 'white'],
// ...
// ...
function addCarToPoliceDatabase(
ff: FlyweightFactory, plates: string, owner: string,
brand: string, model: string, color: string,
) {
console.log('\nClient: Adding a car to database.');
const flyweight = ff.getFlyweight([brand, model, color]);
// The client code either stores or calculates extrinsic state and passes it
// to the flyweight's methods.
flyweight.operation([plates, owner]);
addCarToPoliceDatabase(factory, 'CL234IR', 'James Doe', 'BMW', 'M5', 'red');
addCarToPoliceDatabase(factory, 'CL234IR', 'James Doe', 'BMW', 'X1', 'red');
* Proxy Design Pattern
* Intent: Provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control
* access to the original object or to add other responsibilities.
* The Subject interface declares common operations for both RealSubject and the
* Proxy. As long as the client works with RealSubject using this interface,
* you'll be able to pass it a proxy instead of a real subject.
interface Subject {
request(): void;
* The RealSubject contains some core business logic. Usually, RealSubjects are
* capable of doing some useful work which may also be very slow or sensitive -
* e.g. correcting input data. A Proxy can solve these issues without any
* changes to the RealSubject's code.
class RealSubject implements Subject {
public request(): void {
console.log('RealSubject: Handling request.');
* The Proxy has an interface identical to the RealSubject.
class Proxy implements Subject {
private realSubject: RealSubject;
* The Proxy maintains a reference to an object of the RealSubject class. It
* can be either lazy-loaded or passed to the Proxy by the client.
constructor(realSubject: RealSubject) {
this.realSubject = realSubject;
* The most common applications of the Proxy pattern are lazy loading,
* caching, controlling the access, logging, etc. A Proxy can perform one of
* these things and then, depending on the result, pass the execution to the
* same method in a linked RealSubject object.
public request(): void {
if (this.checkAccess()) {
private checkAccess(): boolean {
// Some real checks should go here.
console.log('Proxy: Checking access prior to firing a real request.');
return true;
private logAccess(): void {
console.log('Proxy: Logging the time of request.');
* The client code is supposed to work with all objects (both subjects and
* proxies) via the Subject interface in order to support both real subjects and
* proxies. In real life, however, clients mostly work with their real subjects
* directly. In this case, to implement the pattern more easily, you can extend
* your proxy from the real subject's class.
function clientCode(subject: Subject) {
// ...
// ...
console.log('Client: Executing the client code with a real subject:');
const realSubject = new RealSubject();
console.log('Client: Executing the same client code with a proxy:');
const proxy = new Proxy(realSubject);