分类雷达信号的聚类深度学习神经网络 雷达图像分类_sed

本文为印度国家技术研究所(作者:VEDAVRATH LAKIDE)的硕士论文,共64页。




The prime objective of this thesis work isto devise novel methodologies for classification of Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) images. Classification of SAR images has extensive applications innational economy and military field. An analyst attempts to classify featuresin an SAR image by using the elements of visual interpretation to identifyhomogeneous groups of pixels that represents various features or land coverclasses of interest. The SAR images, totally different from optical images,i.e. photographs, and their visual interpretation is not straightforward.Therefore, there is need to devise novel strategies for classification of SAR images.Common classification procedures can be broken down into two broad subdivisionsbased on the method used such as supervised classification and unsupervisedclassification. SAR image classification based on unsupervised learning usuallyrequires optimization of some metrics. Local optimization techniques frequentlyfail because functions of these metrics with respect to transformationparameters are generally nonconvex and irregular and, therefore, global methodsare often required. In this thesis, SAR image classification problem isconsidered as an optimization problem various clustering techniques areaddressed in literature for SAR image classification. This thesis focuses on anevolutionary based stochastic optimization technique that is Particle SwarmOptimization (PSO) technique for classification of SAR images. This techniquecomposes of three main processes: firstly, selecting training samples for everyregion in the SAR image. Secondly, training these samples using PSO, and obtaincluster center of every region. Finally, the classification of SAR image withrespect to cluster center is obtained. To show the effectiveness of thisapproach, classified SAR images are obtained and compared with other clusteringtechniques such as K-means algorithm and Fuzzy Cmeans algorithm (FCM). Theperformance of PSO is found to be superior than other techniques in terms ofclassification accuracy and computational complexity. The result is validatedwith various SAR images.

1 引言
2 K均值与模糊C均值算法的研究背景
3 基于粒子群优化技术的合成孔径雷达图像分类
4 图像分类精度评估
5 仿真与结果
6 结论