
linux清理磁盘 大文件


After you’ve used Disk Cleanup, you probably expect every temporary file to be completely deleted, but that’s not actually the case. Files are only deleted if they are older than 7 days old, but you can tweak that number to something else.

使用磁盘清理之后,您可能希望每个临时文件都被完全删除,但实际上并非如此。 仅在文件存在7天以上时才将其删除,但是您可以将该数字调整为其他值。

This is one of those tutorials that we’re showing you for the purpose of explaining how something works, but we’re not necessarily recommending that you implement it unless you really understand what’s going on. Keep reading for more.

这是我们向您显示的其中一本教程,目的是解释某些事物的工作原理,但是除非您真正了解发生了什么,否则我们不一定建议您实施它。 继续阅读以获取更多信息。

(Why Doesn’t Disk Cleanup Delete All Files?)

The applications that you’re running create temporary files, not to litter your hard drive, but to store files while the application is working on them—whether it’s downloading files, storing files that you’re currently editing, or just caching files so the next time you open the application the files will be more quickly accessible.


The problem is that most applications don’t seem to clean up after themselves, or if they do, they definitely don’t do it very well. That’s why your temporary folder gets really huge over time, and needs to be cleaned out.

问题在于,大多数应用程序似乎并不会自行清理,或者如果清除,肯定不会做得很好。 这就是为什么您的临时文件夹随着时间的流逝会变得非常巨大,并且需要清理的原因。

Since these files are often being used by applications, Windows doesn’t know whether a particular file can be deleted, so Disk Cleanup only cleans up files that are older than 7 days, which is a safe guess—most people probably don’t have an application open for more than a week, especially since Microsoft makes you reboot nearly every Tuesday, right?



You can even see in the screenshot that Disk Cleanup explains this to you, if you select the Temporary files option in the list.


(Change Disk Cleanup to Delete Files Newer than 7 Days)

If you’re one of those people that reboots your PC every day, you can probably change the Disk Cleanup value down to something lower, like 2 days. If you don’t reboot but you rarely keep applications open, you could probably do fine with 2-3 days instead, though the value you choose is really up to you—just keep in mind applications need those temporary files if they are running.

如果您是每天重启PC的用户之一,则可以将Disk Cleanup值更改为较低的值,例如2天。 如果您不重新启动但很少打开应用程序,则可以选择2到3天,尽管您选择的值实际上取决于您,但是请记住,如果应用程序正在运行,请记住它们需要这些临时文件。

Open up regedit.exe through the Start Menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\   CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Temporary Files

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ VolumeCaches \ Temporary Files

Once you’re there, you’ll see the LastAccess value on the right-hand side, which contains a value that specifies the number of days, which you can change to whatever you’d like.



If you want to see the results of your changes, you can open up your temporary folder by entering the following into the Windows Explorer location bar:





And again, if you’re an average user, you probably shouldn’t mess with this registry value—but at least you know a little more how it works, right?


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/36924/why-doesnt-disk-cleanup-delete-everything-from-the-temp-folder/

linux清理磁盘 大文件