- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6
- System is facing high memory utilization, what are the tools that can be used to view it?
Following commands can be used to see the memory utilization:
- Report usage of each prosess's VIRT (virtual memory size) and RSS (resident set size.) Raw
# ps aux
- Report short summary of memory utilization statistics. Raw
# free
- Report details of memory utilization statistics. Raw
# cat /proc/meminfo
- Report details of slab utilization statistics. Raw
# cat /proc/slabinfo
- Report virtual memory statistics. Raw
# vmstat
- Report virtual memory statistics iteratively (the example's sampling is 5 seconds.) Raw
# vmstat 5
- Report memory and swap space utilization statistics iteratively (the example's sampling is 5 seconds and, count is 10.) Raw
# sar -r 5 10
Refer man pages for more information.
* PS(1) (\`man ps\`)
* FREE(1) (\`man free\`)
* PROC(5) (\`man proc\`)
* SLABINFO(5) (\`man slabinfo\`)
* VMSTAT(8) (\`man vmstat\`)
* SAR(1) (\`man sar\`)