ard 做一个switchov...
这个等待事件也算一个常见的等待事件。 在warehouse blog和 itpub 上有相关的2个帖子。 连接如下: cursor: pin S wait on X等待事件模拟 curso
一. 官网的说明 1.1 CURSOR_SHARING Property Description Parameter type String Syntax CURSOR_SHARING
Oracle的优化器有两种优化方式: 基于规则的优化方式:Rule-Based Optimization(RBO) 基于成本或者统计信息的优化方式(Cost-Based Optimization:CBO) RBO方式:优化器在分析SQL语句时,所遵循的是Oracle内部预定的一些规则。比如我们常见的,当一个whe
一. ADDM概述 ADDM(Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor) 是植入Oracle数据库的一个自诊断引擎.ADDM 通过检查和分析AWR获取的数据来判断Oracle数据库中可能的问题. 在Oracle9i及之前,DBA们已经拥有了很多很好用的性能分析工具,比如,tkprof、sql_t
141. The DB_BLOCK_CHECKING initialization parameter is set to FALSE. What level of block checking would be performed? A. The Oracle database will not perform block checking for any of the data
41 . You decided to change the location of the flash recovery area. You executed the following command: ALTER SYSTEM SET DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST='+disk1' SCOPE=BOTH SID='*'; Which statement
1. You observe that a database performance has degraded over a period of time. While investigating the reason, you find the size of the database buffer cache is not large enough to cache all the nee
71. Your database instance is started using the server parameter file (SPFILE). Control files are multiplexed and stored on different disks. Because of a disk failure, you lost one of these control
31. Which two statements are true regarding the database in ARCHIVELOG mode? (Choose two.) A) You have to shut down the database to perform the backups. B) Archiving information is writt
声明:对于答案的相关的说明,是个人对Oracle的理解。 1. Because of a power outage,instance failure has occurred. From what point in the redo log does recovery begin and where does it end? A. Current redo log and inactive r
121. You want to create a new optimized database for your transactional production environment to be used by a financial application. While creating the database, you want the Oracle software to tak
之前在一台测试机上装了Grid Control,今天在这台机器上添加了一个监听, 用net manager 配置的,这也是推荐的配置方法,因为手工修改tnsnames.ora 文件容易出现问题。 这个文件比较敏感,多一个空格就会报错。 配置完后,测试成功,但sqlplus 里连的时候,不识别这个实例。报ORA-12154 错误: ORA-12154: TNS: 无法解析指定的连接标识符用tns
之前做Data Guard 做了一次Switchover切换,之后standby库就报如下错误: Thu Jul 29 08:03:29 2010 Errors in file /dba/oracle/admin/newccs/udump/newccs_rfs_19602.trc: ORA-16401: archivelog rejected by RFS Thu Jul 29 08:03:2
一. 一些准备知识 Oracle 分归档和非归档模式。 这两者的区别就是对redo log的处理。归档模式下,当一个redo log 写满之后,就会把这个redo log里的内容写入归档文件,等写完之后,这个redo log 就可以继续使用,如果是非归档模式下,redo log 就直接覆盖了。 恢复一般都需要归档文件,这里面记录了对数据库
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