Loading FortiGate firmware using TFTP
A procedure to download and install firmware from a local TFTP server under console control.
·                               a FortiGate unit (any model)
·                               a null modem cable (supplied with the FortiGate unit)
·                               a terminal client, such as a PC running HyperTerminal (Windows) or minicom (Linux)
·                               a cross-over network cable
·                               a PC running a TFTP server
·                               a FortiGate firmware file appropriate for the FortiGate model located in the TFTP server’s directory
Before You Start
Unless you are doing this to resolve an outage, plan this firmware installation because there will be an outage from when you reboot the FortiGate unit until it restarts with the new firmware.
Configure the terminal client communication parameters to 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit (8-n-1), 9600 baud. (For FortiGate-300 use 115,000 baud.)
Some console prompts in this procedure include a default value in square brackets, e.g., [p_w_picpath.out]. To use this default value, just press Enter.
Steps or Commands
To load firmware
  1. Connect the terminal to the FortiGate unit using the null modem cable.
  2. Connect the PC running the TFTP server to the FortiGate unit.
    On models 1000 and higher, connect to port 1. On model 500A, connect to the LAN interface. On other models, connect to the Internal interface if there is one, otherwise connect to port 1. 
  3. Turn the power off and then on at the Fortigate unit.
  4. When the console displays "Press any key to display configuration menu..." press the spacebar or any other key.
  5. If the menu includes Format boot device [F] press F and wait for the device formatting to complete.
  6. At the console, press G to start firmware download.
    The console displays
    Enter TFTP server address []:
  7. Type the IP address of the computer running the TFTP server and press Enter.
    The console displays
    Enter Local Address []:<
  8. Type an unused IP address that is on the same subnet as the TFTP server and press Enter.
    The console displays
    Enter File Name [p_w_picpath.out]:
  9. Type the firmware p_w_picpath filename and press Enter.
    The console periodically displays a “#” to show download progress. When the download is complete, it displays a messsage similar to Save as Default firmware/Run p_w_picpath without saving:[D/R]
  10. Press D.
    The FortiGate unit installs the new firmware p_w_picpath and restarts. The installation might take a few minutes to complete