





* 版权所有 (C)2016, Zhou Zhaoxiong
* 文件名称:DirCreateControl.c
* 文件标识:无
* 内容摘要:限制创建目录操作的执行次数的C代码实现
* 其它说明:无
* 当前版本:V1.0
* 作 者:ZhouZhaoxiong
* 完成日期:20160830
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>

// 重定义数据类型
typedef signed int INT32;
typedef unsigned int UINT32;
typedef unsigned char UINT8;
typedef unsigned short int UINT16;
typedef long int LONG;

// 全局变量
UINT8 g_szLastExecDate[10] = {0}; // 上一次执行操作的日期, 格式为: 年月日(YYYYMMDD)

// 时间结构体
typedef struct
UINT8 second; /* 0-59 */
UINT8 minute; /* 0-59 */
UINT8 hour; /* 0-23 */
UINT8 day; /* 1-31 */
UINT8 month; /* 1-12 */
UINT16 year; /* 1994-2099 */
UINT8 week; /* 1-7 */
UINT8 Count10ms; /* 0-99 */
} ClockStruc;

// 函数声明
void GetCurrentTime(ClockStruc *ptTime);
INT32 JudgeIfExecOper(ClockStruc *ptTime);
void CreateFileDir(UINT8 *pszFileDir);
void Sleep(UINT32 iCountMs);

* 功能描述: 主函数
* 输入参数: 无
* 输出参数: 无
* 返 回 值: 0-执行完成
* 其他说明: 无
* 修改日期 版本号 修改人 修改内容
* 20160830 V1.0 Zhou Zhaoxiong 创建
INT32 main(void)
ClockStruc tTimeNow = {0}; // 当前时间结构体
UINT8 szFileDir[100] = {0}; // 文件路径变量
INT32 iRetVal = 0; // 执行函数之后的返回值

while (1) // 循环执行创建目录的操作
Sleep(10 *1000); // 程序执行间隔为10s

// 首先判断当天是否已执行过操作
iRetVal = JudgeIfExecOper(&tTimeNow);
if (iRetVal != 0) // 不用执行创建目录的操作

// 构造目录
snprintf(szFileDir, sizeof(szFileDir)-1,"%s/zhouzx/Test/FileDir_%04d%02d%02d/", getenv("HOME"), tTimeNow.year, tTimeNow.month, tTimeNow.day);

// 接着创建目录

return 0;

* 功能描述:获取当前时间
* 输入参数:ptTime-当前时间结构体
* 输出参数:ptTime-当前时间结构体
* 返 回 值:无
* 其它说明:无
* 修改日期 版本号 修改人 修改内容
* 20160830 V1.0 Zhou Zhaoxiong 创建
void GetCurrentTime(ClockStruc *ptTime)
LONG dt = 0;
struct tm *tm1 = NULL;
struct timeval tp = {0};

// 获取系统时间
gettimeofday(&tp, NULL);
dt = tp.tv_sec;
tm1 = localtime(&dt);

ptTime->Count10ms = tp.tv_usec / 10000;
ptTime->year = (UINT16)(tm1->tm_year + 1900);
ptTime->month = (UINT8)tm1->tm_mon + 1;
ptTime->day = (UINT8)tm1->tm_mday;
ptTime->hour = (UINT8)tm1->tm_hour;
ptTime->minute = (UINT8)tm1->tm_min;
ptTime->second = (UINT8)tm1->tm_sec;
ptTime->week = (UINT8)tm1->tm_wday;

if (ptTime->week == 0) // 星期天
ptTime->week = 7;

* 功能描述:判断当天是否已执行过操作
* 输入参数:ptTime-当前时间结构体
* 输出参数:ptTime-当前时间结构体
* 返 回 值:1-已执行 0-未执行 -1-程序异常
* 其它说明:无
* 修改日期 版本号 修改人 修改内容
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* 20160830 V1.0 Zhou Zhaoxiong 创建
INT32 JudgeIfExecOper(ClockStruc *ptTime)
UINT8szCurrentDate[10] = {0};

if (ptTime == NULL)
printf("JudgeIfExecOper: ptTime is NULL!\n");

return -1;

GetCurrentTime(ptTime); // 获取当前时间

snprintf(szCurrentDate, sizeof(szCurrentDate)-1,"%04d%02d%02d", ptTime->year, ptTime->month, ptTime->day);

// 判断当前日期和上次执行日期是否相等, 如果相等, 则不用再执行操作了
if (strcmp(szCurrentDate, g_szLastExecDate) != 0) // 两者不相等
printf("JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is not equal to LastExecDate,so go ahead!\n");

memset(g_szLastExecDate, 0x00, sizeof(g_szLastExecDate));
memcpy(g_szLastExecDate, szCurrentDate, strlen(szCurrentDate)); // 将上次执行日期更新为当前日期

return 0;
printf("JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is %s, LastExecDate is %s,they are equal, so do not go ahead!\n", szCurrentDate, g_szLastExecDate);

return 1;

* 功能描述: 创建目录
* 输入参数: pszFileDir-目录
* 输出参数: 无
* 返 回 值: 无
* 其他说明: 无
* 修改日期 版本号 修改人 修改内容
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* 20160830 V1.0 Zhou Zhaoxiong 创建
void CreateFileDir(UINT8 *pszFileDir)
UINT8 szCmdbuf[100] = {0};

if (pszFileDir ==NULL)
printf("CreateFileDir: pszFileDir is NULL!\n");


// 下面执行目录创建操作
// 第一步判断目录是否存在
// 第二步创建目录
if (0 != access(pszFileDir, F_OK)) // 目录不存在
// 创建目录
memset(szCmdbuf,0x00, sizeof(szCmdbuf));
snprintf(szCmdbuf, sizeof(szCmdbuf)-1, "mkdir -p %s",pszFileDir);

printf("CreateFileDir: %s has created successfully!\n",pszFileDir);
else // 目录存在
printf("CreateFileDir:%s has already existed!\n", pszFileDir);

* 功能描述:程序休眠
* 输入参数:iCountMs-休眠时间(单位:ms)
* 输出参数:无
* 返 回 值:无
* 其它说明:无
* 修改日期 版本号 修改人 修改内容
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
* 20160830 V1.0 Zhou Zhaoxiong 创建
void Sleep(UINT32 iCountMs)
struct timevalt_timeout = {0};

if (iCountMs <1000)
t_timeout.tv_sec = 0;
t_timeout.tv_usec = iCountMs * 1000;
t_timeout.tv_sec = iCountMs /1000;
t_timeout.tv_usec = (iCountMs % 1000) * 1000;
select(0, NULL,NULL, NULL, &t_timeout); // 调用select函数阻塞程序

我们把上面编写好的DirCreateControl.c文件上传到Linux机器上,使用“gcc -g -o DirCreateControlDirCreateControl.c”命令编译之后,生成DirCreateControl文件,然后执行“DirCreateControl”命令,可对程序进行测试。

> DirCreateControl
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is not equal to LastExecDate, sogo ahead!
CreateFileDir: /home/zhou/zhouzx/Test/FileDir_20160830/ hascreated successfully!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not


> DirCreateControl
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is not equal to LastExecDate, sogo ahead!
CreateFileDir: /home/zhou/zhouzx/Test/FileDir_20160830/ hasalready existed!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not go ahead!
JudgeIfExecOper: CurrentDate is 20160830, LastExecDate is20160830, they are equal, so do not

