在正常使用Azure Redis的服务中,突然发现Redis 的CPU达到了100%, 正常的使用中发现性能问题严重。从Redis的门户图表中,观察到CPU, Connection,Lentency,Server Load都出现高的情况
CPU | Server Load |
Lentency(Redis处理请求的延迟情况) | Connection(客户端连接数情况) |
根据以上的图表发现,在Connection高的情况下导致了CPU上升并持续到100%, 引起了Server Load比较高(有时达到100%),从而导致在整个Redis的延迟升高。
缓存名称 | 缓存大小 | 基本 | 网络性能 | 客户端连接数量 |
C0 | 250 MB | ¥0.14片/节点/小时(约¥104.16 /月) | 低 | 256 |
C1 | 1 GB | ¥0.35片/节点/小时(约¥260.40 /月) | 中等 | 1000 |
C2 | 2.5 GB | ¥0.57片/节点/小时(约¥424.08 /月) | 中等 | 2000 |
C3 | 6 GB | ¥1.14片/节点/小时(约 ¥848.16 /月) | 高 | 5000 |
C4 | 13 GB | ¥1.33片/节点/小时(约 ¥989.52 /月) | 中等 | 10000 |
C5 | 26 GB | ¥2.66片/节点/小时(约 ¥1979.04 /月) | 高 | 15000 |
C6 | 53 GB | ¥5.31片/节点/小时(约¥3950.64 /月) | 最高 | 20000 |
定价层 | 大小 | CPU 核心数 | 可用带宽 | 1 KB 值大小 | 1 KB 值大小 |
标准缓存大小 | | | 兆位/秒(Mb/秒)/兆字节/秒(MB/秒) | 非 SSL 请求数/秒 (RPS) | SSL 请求数/秒 (RPS) |
C0 | 250 MB | 共享 | 100/12.5 | 15,000 | 7,500 |
C1 | 1 GB | 1 | 500/62.5 | 38,000 | 20,720 |
C2 | 2.5 GB | 2 | 500/62.5 | 41,000 | 37,000 |
C3 | 6 GB | 4 | 1000/125 | 100,000 | 90,000 |
C4 | 13 GB | 2 | 500/62.5 | 60,000 | 55,000 |
C5 | 26 GB | 4 | 1,000 / 125 | 102,000 | 93,000 |
C6 | 53 GB | 8 | 2,000 / 250 | 126,000 | 120,000 |
使用连接池来改善连接问题, 如JedisPool,可以参考GitHub中的说明:https://gist.github.com/JonCole/925630df72be1351b21440625ff2671f#use-jedispool, (如链接不可访问,可以点击[转] Azure Redis Best Practices - Java)参考示例代码:
如PHP, NodeJS, ASP.Net的代码,都可以在以上的GitHub中找到示例代码。
Reconnecting with
patternWe have seen a few rare cases where StackExchange.Redis fails to reconnect after a connection blip (for example, due to patching). Restarting the client or creating a new ConnectionMultiplexer will fix the issue. Here is some sample code that still uses the recommended
pattern while allowing apps to force a reconnection periodically. Make sure to update code calling into the ConnectionMultiplexer so that they handle any ObjectDisposedException
errors that occur as a result of disposing the old one.
Redis Best Practices: https://gist.github.com/JonCole/925630df72be1351b21440625ff2671f#reuse-connections (如链接不可访问,可以点击[转]Azure Redis Best Practices - PHP)
Azure Redis 缓存性能: https://docs.azure.cn/zh-cn/azure-cache-for-redis/cache-planning-faq#azure-cache-for-redis-performance
Reuse Connections: https://gist.github.com/JonCole/925630df72be1351b21440625ff2671f#php
Reuse Connections
The most common problem we have seen with PHP clients is that they either don't support persistent connections or the ability to reuse connections is disabled by default. When you don't reuse connections, it means that you have to pay the cost of establishing a new connection, including the SSL/TLS handshake, each time you want to send a request. This can add a lot of latency to your request time and will manifest itself as a performance problem in your application. Additionally, if you have a high request rate, this can cause significant CPU churn on both the Redis client-side and server-side, which can result in other issues.
As an example, the Predis Redis client has a "persistent" that is false by default. Setting the
property to true will should improve behavior drastically.
当在复杂的环境中面临问题,格物之道需:浊而静之徐清,安以动之徐生。 云中,恰是如此!