
  1. 设置代理端口8888
  2. ssl代理设置
  3. 允许所有地址连接
  4. 手机获取证书之前,先在电脑安装证书,需要信任。 help-->ssl-proxying-->Install Charles Root Certificate
  5. help-->ssl-proxying-->Install Charles Root Certificate on Mobile Device or Remote Browser...
  6. 手机访问:chls.pro/ssl 若出现如下错误: Charles Error Report Name lookup failed for remote host Charles failed to resolve the name of the remote host into an IP address. Check that the URL is correct. The actual exception reported was: java.net.UnknownHostException: http: unknown error Charles Proxy, http://www.charlesproxy.com/ 需要在电脑上加上DNS: 然后访问,下载证书,证书是pem格式,需要把后缀改成crt。
