本文的硬件是海康彩色相机MV CE013-50GC, 传感器类型CCD,相机分辨率12809603。


本文利用的开发框架是海康的官方Demo: BasicDemo。


海康sdk转java 海康SDK转halcon_Text

海康sdk转java 海康SDK转halcon_Click_02

本Demo 的界面如下:

海康sdk转java 海康SDK转halcon_Text_03

只是在右侧多开了个HWindowControl 而已。


首先引入MvCameraControl.Net.dll ,

海康sdk转java 海康SDK转halcon_System_04


C:\Program Files (x86)\MVS\Development\Bin\win64

AnyCpu 或者32位 还是64位,根据你的程序决定。我的程序用的是64位,所以我选择的是win64文件夹下的 MvCameraControl.Net.dll。



using HalconDotNet;
using MvCamCtrl.NET;

另外Halcon 的命名空间也要引入,具体可浏览别的博客。

海康sdk转java 海康SDK转halcon_Click_05


然后,请查看上图中我的程序界面,新建一个HWindowControl 和两个Button和一个Timer。


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using HalconDotNet;
using MvCamCtrl.NET;

namespace 海康相机与Halcon
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST m_stDeviceList = new MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO_LIST();
        private MyCamera m_MyCamera = new MyCamera();
        private MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE stParam;//用于接收特定的参数
        bool m_bGrabbing = false;
        Thread m_hReceiveThread = null;
        MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX m_stFrameInfo = new MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX();

        // ch:用于从驱动获取图像的缓存 | en:Buffer for getting image from driver
        UInt32 m_nBufSizeForDriver = 0;
        UInt32 m_nBufSizeForDriver_halcon = 1280 * 960 * 3;
        IntPtr m_BufForDriver;
        byte[] m_pBufForDriver = new byte[1280 * 960 * 3];
        private static Object BufForDriverLock = new Object();

        // ch:用于保存图像的缓存 | en:Buffer for saving image
        UInt32 m_nBufSizeForSaveImage = 0;
        IntPtr m_BufForSaveImage;
        byte[] m_pBufForSaveImage = new byte[1280 * 960 * 3 * 3 + 960];
        HObject image = null;

        byte[] m_pDataForRed = new byte[1280 * 960];
        byte[] m_pDataForGreen = new byte[1280 * 960];
        byte[] m_pDataForBlue = new byte[1280 * 960];

        public Form1()
            Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false;

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            halconShowBtn.Enabled = false;
            stopHalocnShow_Btn.Enabled = false;
        private void DeviceListAcq()
            // ch:创建设备列表 | en:Create Device List
            m_stDeviceList.nDeviceNum = 0;
            int nRet = MyCamera.MV_CC_EnumDevices_NET(MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE | MyCamera.MV_USB_DEVICE, ref m_stDeviceList);
            if (0 != nRet)
                ShowErrorMsg("Enumerate devices fail!", 0);

            // ch:在窗体列表中显示设备名 | en:Display device name in the form list
            for (int i = 0; i < m_stDeviceList.nDeviceNum; i++)
                MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO device = (MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(m_stDeviceList.pDeviceInfo[i], typeof(MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO));
                if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE)
                    MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO gigeInfo = (MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO)MyCamera.ByteToStruct(device.SpecialInfo.stGigEInfo, typeof(MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE_INFO));

                    if (gigeInfo.chUserDefinedName != "")
                        cbDeviceList.Items.Add("GEV: " + gigeInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + gigeInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
                        cbDeviceList.Items.Add("GEV: " + gigeInfo.chManufacturerName + " " + gigeInfo.chModelName + " (" + gigeInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
                else if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_USB_DEVICE)
                    MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO usbInfo = (MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO)MyCamera.ByteToStruct(device.SpecialInfo.stUsb3VInfo, typeof(MyCamera.MV_USB3_DEVICE_INFO));
                    if (usbInfo.chUserDefinedName != "")
                        cbDeviceList.Items.Add("U3V: " + usbInfo.chUserDefinedName + " (" + usbInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");
                        cbDeviceList.Items.Add("U3V: " + usbInfo.chManufacturerName + " " + usbInfo.chModelName + " (" + usbInfo.chSerialNumber + ")");

            // ch:选择第一项 | en:Select the first item
            if (m_stDeviceList.nDeviceNum != 0)
                cbDeviceList.SelectedIndex = 0;
        private void bnOpen_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //halconShowBtn.Enabled = true;
            if (m_stDeviceList.nDeviceNum == 0 || cbDeviceList.SelectedIndex == -1)
                ShowErrorMsg("No device, please select", 0);

            // ch:获取选择的设备信息 | en:Get selected device information
            MyCamera.MV_CC_DEVICE_INFO device =

            // ch:打开设备 | en:Open device
            if (null == m_MyCamera)
                m_MyCamera = new MyCamera();
                if (null == m_MyCamera)

            int nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_CreateDevice_NET(ref device);
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)

            nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_OpenDevice_NET();
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
                ShowErrorMsg("Device open fail!", nRet);

            // ch:探测网络最佳包大小(只对GigE相机有效) | en:Detection network optimal package size(It only works for the GigE camera)
            if (device.nTLayerType == MyCamera.MV_GIGE_DEVICE)
                int nPacketSize = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetOptimalPacketSize_NET();
                if (nPacketSize > 0)
                    nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_SetIntValue_NET("GevSCPSPacketSize", (uint)nPacketSize);
                    if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
                        ShowErrorMsg("Set Packet Size failed!", nRet);
                    ShowErrorMsg("Get Packet Size failed!", nPacketSize);

            // ch:设置采集连续模式 | en:Set Continues Aquisition Mode
            m_MyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("AcquisitionMode", (uint)MyCamera.MV_CAM_ACQUISITION_MODE.MV_ACQ_MODE_CONTINUOUS);
            m_MyCamera.MV_CC_SetEnumValue_NET("TriggerMode", (uint)MyCamera.MV_CAM_TRIGGER_MODE.MV_TRIGGER_MODE_OFF);

            bnGetParam_Click(null, null);// ch:获取参数 | en:Get parameters

            // ch:控件操作 | en:Control operation
        private void bnGetParam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            MyCamera.MVCC_FLOATVALUE stParam = new MyCamera.MVCC_FLOATVALUE();
            int nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetFloatValue_NET("ExposureTime", ref stParam);
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK == nRet)
                tbExposure.Text = stParam.fCurValue.ToString("F1");

            nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetFloatValue_NET("ExposureTime", ref stParam);
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK == nRet)
                m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetFloatValue_NET("Gain", ref stParam);
                tbGain.Text = stParam.fCurValue.ToString("F1");

            nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetFloatValue_NET("ExposureTime", ref stParam);
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK == nRet)
                m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetFloatValue_NET("ResultingFrameRate", ref stParam);
                tbFrameRate.Text = stParam.fCurValue.ToString("F1");
        private void SetCtrlWhenOpen()
            bnOpen.Enabled = false;

            bnClose.Enabled = true;
            bnStartGrab.Enabled = true;
            bnStopGrab.Enabled = false;
            bnContinuesMode.Enabled = true;
            bnContinuesMode.Checked = true;
            bnTriggerMode.Enabled = true;
            cbSoftTrigger.Enabled = false;
            bnTriggerExec.Enabled = false;

            tbExposure.Enabled = true;
            tbGain.Enabled = true;
            tbFrameRate.Enabled = true;
            bnGetParam.Enabled = true;
            bnSetParam.Enabled = true;
        private void ShowErrorMsg(string csMessage, int nErrorNum)
            string errorMsg;
            if (nErrorNum == 0)
                errorMsg = csMessage;
                errorMsg = csMessage + ": Error =" + String.Format("{0:X}", nErrorNum);

            switch (nErrorNum)
                case MyCamera.MV_E_HANDLE: errorMsg += " Error or invalid handle "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_SUPPORT: errorMsg += " Not supported function "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_BUFOVER: errorMsg += " Cache is full "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_CALLORDER: errorMsg += " Function calling order error "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_PARAMETER: errorMsg += " Incorrect parameter "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_RESOURCE: errorMsg += " Applying resource failed "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_NODATA: errorMsg += " No data "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_PRECONDITION: errorMsg += " Precondition error, or running environment changed "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_VERSION: errorMsg += " Version mismatches "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_NOENOUGH_BUF: errorMsg += " Insufficient memory "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_UNKNOW: errorMsg += " Unknown error "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_GC_GENERIC: errorMsg += " General error "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_GC_ACCESS: errorMsg += " Node accessing condition error "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_ACCESS_DENIED: errorMsg += " No permission "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_BUSY: errorMsg += " Device is busy, or network disconnected "; break;
                case MyCamera.MV_E_NETER: errorMsg += " Network error "; break;

            MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "PROMPT");

        private void bnEnum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        private void bnClose_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            halconShowBtn.Enabled = false;
            stopHalocnShow_Btn.Enabled = false;
            // ch:取流标志位清零 | en:Reset flow flag bit
            if (m_bGrabbing == true)
                m_bGrabbing = false;

            if (m_BufForDriver != IntPtr.Zero)
            if (m_BufForSaveImage != IntPtr.Zero)

            // ch:关闭设备 | en:Close Device

            // ch:控件操作 | en:Control Operation
        private void SetCtrlWhenClose()
            bnOpen.Enabled = true;

            bnClose.Enabled = false;
            bnStartGrab.Enabled = false;
            bnStopGrab.Enabled = false;
            bnContinuesMode.Enabled = false;
            bnTriggerMode.Enabled = false;
            cbSoftTrigger.Enabled = false;
            bnTriggerExec.Enabled = false;

            bnSaveBmp.Enabled = false;
            bnSaveJpg.Enabled = false;
            bnSaveTiff.Enabled = false;
            bnSavePng.Enabled = false;
            tbExposure.Enabled = false;
            tbGain.Enabled = false;
            tbFrameRate.Enabled = false;
            bnGetParam.Enabled = false;
            bnSetParam.Enabled = false;

        private void bnStartGrab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            halconShowBtn.Enabled = true;
            stopHalocnShow_Btn.Enabled = true;
            // ch:标志位置位true | en:Set position bit true
            m_bGrabbing = true;

            m_hReceiveThread = new Thread(ReceiveThreadProcess);

            m_stFrameInfo.nFrameLen = 0;//取流之前先清除帧长度
            m_stFrameInfo.enPixelType = MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Undefined;
            // ch:开始采集 | en:Start Grabbing
            int nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_StartGrabbing_NET();
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
                m_bGrabbing = false;
                ShowErrorMsg("Start Grabbing Fail!", nRet);

            // ch:控件操作 | en:Control Operation
        public void ReceiveThreadProcess()
            MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE stParam = new MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE();
            int nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetIntValue_NET("PayloadSize", ref stParam);
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
                ShowErrorMsg("Get PayloadSize failed", nRet);

            UInt32 nPayloadSize = stParam.nCurValue;
            if (nPayloadSize > m_nBufSizeForDriver)
                if (m_BufForDriver != IntPtr.Zero)
                m_nBufSizeForDriver = nPayloadSize;
                m_BufForDriver = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((Int32)m_nBufSizeForDriver);

            if (m_BufForDriver == IntPtr.Zero)

            MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX stFrameInfo = new MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX();
            MyCamera.MV_DISPLAY_FRAME_INFO stDisplayInfo = new MyCamera.MV_DISPLAY_FRAME_INFO();

            while (m_bGrabbing)
                lock (BufForDriverLock)
                    nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout_NET(m_BufForDriver, nPayloadSize, ref stFrameInfo, 1000);
                    if (nRet == MyCamera.MV_OK)
                        m_stFrameInfo = stFrameInfo;

                if (nRet == MyCamera.MV_OK)
                    stDisplayInfo.hWnd = pictureBox1.Handle;
                    stDisplayInfo.pData = m_BufForDriver;
                    stDisplayInfo.nDataLen = stFrameInfo.nFrameLen;
                    stDisplayInfo.nWidth = stFrameInfo.nWidth;
                    stDisplayInfo.nHeight = stFrameInfo.nHeight;
                    stDisplayInfo.enPixelType = stFrameInfo.enPixelType;
                    m_MyCamera.MV_CC_DisplayOneFrame_NET(ref stDisplayInfo);
                    if (bnTriggerMode.Checked)
        private void SetCtrlWhenStartGrab()
            bnStartGrab.Enabled = false;
            bnStopGrab.Enabled = true;

            if (bnTriggerMode.Checked && cbSoftTrigger.Checked)
                bnTriggerExec.Enabled = true;

            bnSaveBmp.Enabled = true;
            bnSaveJpg.Enabled = true;
            bnSaveTiff.Enabled = true;
            bnSavePng.Enabled = true;

        private void bnSaveBmp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (false == m_bGrabbing)
                ShowErrorMsg("Not Start Grabbing", 0);

            IntPtr pTemp = IntPtr.Zero;
            MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType enDstPixelType = MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Undefined;
            if (m_stFrameInfo.enPixelType == MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8 || m_stFrameInfo.enPixelType == MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BGR8_Packed)
                pTemp = m_BufForDriver;
                enDstPixelType = m_stFrameInfo.enPixelType;
                UInt32 nSaveImageNeedSize = 0;
                MyCamera.MV_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM stConverPixelParam = new MyCamera.MV_PIXEL_CONVERT_PARAM();

                lock (BufForDriverLock)
                    if (m_stFrameInfo.nFrameLen == 0)
                        ShowErrorMsg("Save Bmp Fail!", 0);

                    if (IsMonoData(m_stFrameInfo.enPixelType))
                        enDstPixelType = MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8;
                        nSaveImageNeedSize = (uint)m_stFrameInfo.nWidth * m_stFrameInfo.nHeight;
                    else if (IsColorData(m_stFrameInfo.enPixelType))
                        enDstPixelType = MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BGR8_Packed;
                        nSaveImageNeedSize = (uint)m_stFrameInfo.nWidth * m_stFrameInfo.nHeight * 3;
                        ShowErrorMsg("No such pixel type!", 0);

                    if (m_nBufSizeForSaveImage < nSaveImageNeedSize)
                        if (m_BufForSaveImage != IntPtr.Zero)
                        m_nBufSizeForSaveImage = nSaveImageNeedSize;
                        m_BufForSaveImage = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((Int32)m_nBufSizeForSaveImage);

                    stConverPixelParam.nWidth = m_stFrameInfo.nWidth;
                    stConverPixelParam.nHeight = m_stFrameInfo.nHeight;
                    stConverPixelParam.pSrcData = m_BufForDriver;
                    stConverPixelParam.nSrcDataLen = m_stFrameInfo.nFrameLen;
                    stConverPixelParam.enSrcPixelType = m_stFrameInfo.enPixelType;
                    stConverPixelParam.enDstPixelType = enDstPixelType;
                    stConverPixelParam.pDstBuffer = m_BufForSaveImage;
                    stConverPixelParam.nDstBufferSize = m_nBufSizeForSaveImage;
                    int nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_ConvertPixelType_NET(ref stConverPixelParam);
                    if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
                        ShowErrorMsg("Convert Pixel Type Fail!", nRet);
                    pTemp = m_BufForSaveImage;
        private Boolean IsMonoData(MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType enGvspPixelType)
            switch (enGvspPixelType)
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono8:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono10:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono10_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono12:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_Mono12_Packed:
                    return true;

                    return false;
        private Boolean IsColorData(MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType enGvspPixelType)
            switch (enGvspPixelType)
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR8:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG8:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB8:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG8:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR10:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG10:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB10:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG10:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR12:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG12:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB12:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG12:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR10_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG10_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB10_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG10_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGR12_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerRG12_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerGB12_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_BayerBG12_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_RGB8_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_YUV422_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_YUV422_YUYV_Packed:
                case MyCamera.MvGvspPixelType.PixelType_Gvsp_YCBCR411_8_CBYYCRYY:
                    return true;

                    return false;

        private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            bnClose_Click(sender, e);

        private void stopHalocnShow_Btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timer1.Enabled =false;
            bnStopGrab.Enabled = true;
            bnClose.Enabled = true;
        private void halconShowBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            timer1.Enabled = true;
            bnStopGrab.Enabled = false;
            bnClose.Enabled = false;
            //image.GenImage1("byte", (int)stFrameInfo.nWidth, (int)stFrameInfo.nHeight, pData);
            //HOperatorSet.GenImage1(out image, "byte", 1280, 960, pData);//取内存数据,生成图像,halcon实现
            //HOperatorSet.GenImage3(out image, "byte", 1280, 960, pData, pData, pData);
            //HOperatorSet.GenImageInterleaved(out image,"byte",)
            //HOperatorSet.DispObj(image, hWindowControl1.HalconWindow);
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int nRet;
            IntPtr RedPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr GreenPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            IntPtr BluePtr = IntPtr.Zero;

            //MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE stParam = new MyCamera.MVCC_INTVALUE();
            UInt32 nPayloadSize = 0;
            nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetIntValue_NET("PayloadSize", ref stParam);
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
            nPayloadSize = stParam.nCurValue;
            if (nPayloadSize > m_nBufSizeForDriver_halcon)
                m_nBufSizeForDriver_halcon = nPayloadSize;
                m_pBufForDriver = new byte[m_nBufSizeForDriver_halcon];
                m_nBufSizeForSaveImage = m_nBufSizeForDriver_halcon * 3 + 960;
                m_pBufForSaveImage = new byte[m_nBufSizeForSaveImage];

            IntPtr pData = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_pBufForDriver, 0);
            MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX stFrameInfo = new MyCamera.MV_FRAME_OUT_INFO_EX();
            nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_GetOneFrameTimeout_NET(pData, m_nBufSizeForDriver_halcon, ref stFrameInfo, 100);//获取一帧图像,超时时间设置为1000
            if (MyCamera.MV_OK != nRet)
                byte* pBufForSaveImage = (byte*)pData;
                // byteR byteG byteB byteR byteG byteB byteR byteG byteB byteR byteG byteB byteR byteG byteB byteR byteG byteB byteR byteG byteB byteR byteG byteB byteR byteG byteB
                for (int nRow = 0; nRow < 1280; nRow++)
                    for (int col = 0; col < 960; col++)
                        m_pDataForRed[nRow * 960 + col] = pBufForSaveImage[nRow * 960 * 3 + (3 * col)];
                        //Console.Write(pBufForSaveImage[nRow * 960 * 3 + (3 * col)]+"  ");
                        m_pDataForGreen[nRow * 960 + col] = pBufForSaveImage[nRow * 960 * 3 + (3 * col + 1)];
                        //Console.Write(pBufForSaveImage[nRow * 960 * 3 + (3 * col+1)] + "  ");
                        m_pDataForBlue[nRow * 960 + col] = pBufForSaveImage[nRow * 960 * 3 + (3 * col + 2)];
                        //Console.Write(pBufForSaveImage[nRow * 960 * 3 + (3 * col+2)] + "  ");
            RedPtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_pDataForRed, 0);
            GreenPtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_pDataForGreen, 0);
            BluePtr = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(m_pDataForBlue, 0);
                HOperatorSet.GenImage3Extern(out image, (HTuple)"byte", 1280, 960,
                                    (new HTuple(RedPtr)), (new HTuple(GreenPtr)), (new HTuple(BluePtr)), IntPtr.Zero);
                HOperatorSet.DispObj(image, hWindowControl1.HalconWindow);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
        private void bnStopGrab_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            halconShowBtn.Enabled = false;
            stopHalocnShow_Btn.Enabled = false;

            // ch:标志位设为false | en:Set flag bit false
            m_bGrabbing = false;

            // ch:停止采集 | en:Stop Grabbing
            int nRet = m_MyCamera.MV_CC_StopGrabbing_NET();
            if (nRet != MyCamera.MV_OK)
                ShowErrorMsg("Stop Grabbing Fail!", nRet);

            // ch:控件操作 | en:Control Operation
        private void SetCtrlWhenStopGrab()
            bnStartGrab.Enabled = true;
            bnStopGrab.Enabled = false;

            bnTriggerExec.Enabled = false;

            bnSaveBmp.Enabled = false;
            bnSaveJpg.Enabled = false;
            bnSaveTiff.Enabled = false;
            bnSavePng.Enabled = false;