SQL> create sequence seq;
Sequence created.
SQL> create or replace
2 procedure exchange_par(
3 p_table1 varchar2,
4 p_table2 varchar2,
5 p_table1_par varchar2,
6 p_table2_par varchar2) is
7 l_tab_cnt int;
8 l_hash_cnt int;
9 l_interim varchar2(100);
10 begin
11 select count(distinct tot), count(*)
12 into l_hash_cnt, l_tab_cnt
13 from
14 ( select table_name, sum(ora_hash(column_name)) tot
15 from user_tab_cols
16 where table_name in (p_table1,p_table2)
17 group by table_name
18 );
20 if l_tab_cnt != 2 or l_hash_cnt != 1 then
21 raise_application_error(-20000,'Dead in the water');
22 end if;
23 l_interim := 'TMPTAB$'||seq.nextval;
25 begin
26 execute immediate
27 'drop table '||l_interim||' purge';
28 exception
29 when others then
30 if sqlcode = -942 then null; else raise; end if;
31 end;
33 execute immediate
34 'create table '||l_interim||' for exchange with table '||p_table1;
36 execute immediate
37 'alter table '||p_table1||' exchange partition '||p_table1_par||
38 ' with table '||l_interim;
40 execute immediate
41 'alter table '||p_table2||' exchange partition '||p_table2_par||
42 ' with table '||l_interim;
44 execute immediate
45 'drop table '||l_interim||' purge';
47 end;
48 /
Procedure created.
将执行两个 exchange partition 命令。
第 11-18 做了个安全保护,确保列名(包括隐藏的)通过简单的哈希来对齐
SQL> create table t1
2 partition by list ( owner) automatic
3 ( partition px values ('SYS') )
4 as select * from dba_objects;
Table created.
SQL> SQL> create table t2
2 partition by list ( owner) automatic
3 ( partition py values ('SYS') )
4 as select * from dba_objects;
Table created.
SQL> SQL> create table t3
2 partition by list ( owner) automatic
3 ( partition pz values ('SYSTEM') )
4 as select * from dba_segments;
Table created.
表 T1 和 T2 应该可以进行交换
由于表结构不同,表 T1 和 T3 应该不正常。
SQL> SQL> exec exchange_par('T1','T2','PX','PY');
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> exec exchange_par('T1','T3','PX','PZ');
BEGIN exchange_par('T1','T3','PX','PZ'); END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-20000: Dead in the water
ORA-06512: at "SYS.EXCHANGE_PAR", line 20
ORA-06512: at line 1