
1. print(str1, str2, str3…)或print(str1+str2+str3…)

str_1 = 'today is'
str_2 = 'a good day.'
str_3 = 'I am very happy!'
#输出:today is a good day. I am very happy!(各字符串之间有空格)
print(str_1, str_2, str_3)
#输出:today isa good day.I am very happy!(各字符串之间无空格)
print(str_1 + str_2 + str_3)

2. format()

  • 输出字符串:
# 输出:Alice and Zoey are good friends.
print("{} and {} are good friends.".format("Alice", "Zoey"))

# 在括号中的数字用于指向传入对象在 format()中的位置
# 输出:Zoey and Alice are good friends.
print("{1} and {0} are good friends.".format("Alice", "Zoey"))

# format() 可以使用关键字参数
# 输出:Bob and Tina are couples.
print("{boy} and {girl} are couples.".format(boy='Bob', girl='Tina'))
  • 输出其他格式:
# 格式化输出
# 1.!a——使用ascii函数(判断参数是不是在ASCII码表中)
char = '哈哈哈'
# 输出:转换后的结果是:'\u54c8\u54c8\u54c8'
# 2.!s——使用str
num = 123
# 报错:此时num为int型
print(num + ",hello")
# 不会报错,输出:123,hello
print("{!s}".format(num) + ",hello")
# 3.":.Nf"——保留N位小数
float_num = 1.234567
# 输出:保留三位小数的结果是:1.235

3. %

  • 输出字符串
# 使用%s输出字符串:Nicky is learning music.
print('%s is learning %s.' % ("Nicky", "music"))
  • 输出数字
# 使用%d输出整数:The number is 54.
num = 54
print("The number is %d." % num)
# 使用%.Nf输出N位小数:The value is rounded to three decimal places is 2.444.
float_num = 2.444444
print("The value is rounded to three decimal places is %.3f." % float_num)