
package testProject;

public class Person {
	private String nameString = "233";

	public String getNameString() {
		return nameString;

	public void setNameString(String nameString) {
		this.nameString = nameString;

	public String toString() {
		return "Person [nameString=" + nameString + "]";

public abstract class BaseDao<T> {
	private Class<T> clazz = null;
		Type type = getClass().getGenericSuperclass();
		if( type instanceof ParameterizedType ){
			ParameterizedType pType = (ParameterizedType)type;
			Type claz = pType.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
			if( claz instanceof Class ){
				this.clazz = (Class<T>) claz;
	public T getEntity() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException{
		return this.clazz.newInstance();

public class PersonDao extends BaseDao<Person> {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException {
		PersonDao pDao = new PersonDao();
		System.out.println( pDao.getEntity().toString() );

//结果:Person [nameString=233]

 在java的java.lang.reflect 包中有一个Type接口.  具体子类如下.

java 泛型 反射 修改属性 java 反射获取泛型_java

  一般java中包含泛型信息的地方包括类( class<T> MyClass )方法( public <T> void test(T t){  } )字段( public List<T> list,public T t),继承的父类中包含( class MyClass1 extends MyClass<String>{} )等.


class HaveGenericClass<T>{}
class NoGenericClass{}

public class TypeTest<T> {
    private List<String> list;
    private T t;
    private List list1;
    private List<T> list2;
    private HaveGenericClass haveGenericClassWithoutGeneric;
    private HaveGenericClass<String> haveGenericClassWithGeneric;
    private NoGenericClass noGenericClass;
    private int var;
    private List<T>[] listTArr;
    private List<String>[] listStringArr;
    private List[] listArr;
    private T[] tArr;
    private int[] intArr;
    private HaveGenericClass[] haveGenericClassWithoutGenericArr;
    private HaveGenericClass<T>[] haveGenericClassWithGenericArr;
    private HaveGenericClass<String>[] haveGenericClassWithGenericArr2;
    private NoGenericClass[] noGenericClassArr;
    private <U> U genericMethod(U u,String s){
        return u;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        Field[] fields = TypeTest.class.getDeclaredFields();
        for( Field f: fields ){
            Type t = f.getGenericType();
            printType(f.getName(), t);
        Method genericMethod = TypeTest.class.getDeclaredMethod("genericMethod",Object.class,String.class);
        Type[] types = genericMethod.getGenericParameterTypes();
        Parameter[] ps = genericMethod.getParameters();
        for(Parameter p : ps){
            Type type = p.getParameterizedType();
            printType(p.getName(), type);
            System.out.println( p.getType() );
    public static void printType(String name, Type type){
        if( type instanceof Class ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : Class");
        }else if( type instanceof ParameterizedType ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : ParameterizedType");
        }else if( type instanceof GenericArrayType ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : GenericArrayType");
        }else if( type instanceof TypeVariable ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : TypeVariable");


the type of list is : ParameterizedType
the type of t is : TypeVariable
the type of list1 is : Class
the type of list2 is : ParameterizedType
the type of haveGenericClassWithoutGeneric is : Class
the type of haveGenericClassWithGeneric is : ParameterizedType
the type of noGenericClass is : Class
the type of var is : Class
the type of listTArr is : GenericArrayType
the type of listStringArr is : GenericArrayType
the type of listArr is : Class
the type of tArr is : GenericArrayType
the type of intArr is : Class
the type of haveGenericClassWithoutGenericArr is : Class
the type of haveGenericClassWithGenericArr is : GenericArrayType
the type of haveGenericClassWithGenericArr2 is : GenericArrayType
the type of noGenericClassArr is : Class
the type of arg0 is : TypeVariable
class java.lang.Object
the type of arg1 is : Class
class java.lang.String

  从上面的测试中可以看到,带有泛型信息的类型可以划分到ParameterizedType类型,类似( List<String>,List<T>等).包含泛型信息的数组则可以划分到GenericArrayType分类,其余不包含泛型信息的类型可以划分到Class类型(可以认为不包含泛型的类型也是一种参数化类型(参数化类型 举个例子就是 class person<T>{ }这样子),只不过这种参数化类型的泛型信息为零(没有泛型信息的参数化类型)),因此Class类也实现Type接口.下面就介绍有一下这4个类的方法和如何获取(仅限我所知道的).


public interface ParameterizedType extends Type {
    Type[] getActualTypeArguments();
    Type getRawType();
    Type getOwnerType();

  Type[] getActualTypeArguments(); 


class People<U,V,T>{}

public class TypeTest<T> {
    private People<String,List<String>,T> People;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        Type t = TypeTest.class.getDeclaredField("People").getGenericType();
        ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType)t;
        Type[] types = pt.getActualTypeArguments();
        for( int i = 0; i < types.length; i++ ){
            printType(types[i].toString(), types[i]);
    public static void printType(String name, Type type){
        if( type instanceof Class ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : Class");
        }else if( type instanceof ParameterizedType ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : ParameterizedType");
        }else if( type instanceof GenericArrayType ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : GenericArrayType");
        }else if( type instanceof TypeVariable ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : TypeVariable");


the type of class java.lang.String is : Class
the type of java.util.List<java.lang.String> is : ParameterizedType
the type of T is : TypeVariable





  如果该类是内部类,那么该方法可以获取外部类,否则返回null, 举个例子

public class TypeTest<T> {
    private People<String,List<String>,T> People;
    private class Inner<U>{}
    private Inner<String> inner;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        Type t = TypeTest.class.getDeclaredField("inner").getGenericType();
        ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType)t;
        Type t1 = pt.getOwnerType();
        if( t1 instanceof ParameterizedType ){
            ParameterizedType pt1 = (ParameterizedType)t1;
            System.out.println( pt1.getRawType() );


class testProject.TypeTest


  泛型数组类型,类似(List<String>[] T[]等).


public interface GenericArrayType extends Type {
    Type getGenericComponentType();

返回泛型数组中元素的Type类型,即List<String>[] 中的 List<String>(ParameterizedTypeImpl),T[] 中的T(TypeVariableImpl),List<String>[][]中的List<String>[]();


public class TypeTest<T> {
    private List<String>[] lists;
    private T[] ts;
    private List<String>[][] listss;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        Type lists = ((GenericArrayType)TypeTest.class.getDeclaredField("lists").getGenericType()).getGenericComponentType();
        Type ts = ((GenericArrayType)TypeTest.class.getDeclaredField("ts").getGenericType()).getGenericComponentType();
        Type listss = ((GenericArrayType)TypeTest.class.getDeclaredField("listss").getGenericType()).getGenericComponentType();
        printType("lists", lists);
        printType("ts",ts );
        printType("listss",listss );
    public static void printType(String name, Type type){
        if( type instanceof Class ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : Class");
        }else if( type instanceof ParameterizedType ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : ParameterizedType");
        }else if( type instanceof GenericArrayType ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : GenericArrayType");
        }else if( type instanceof TypeVariable ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : TypeVariable");


the type of lists is : ParameterizedType
the type of ts is : TypeVariable
the type of listss is : GenericArrayType



  3.1 getBounds()

  获取类型变量上限,如果没有上限(即 class Person<T>{},这里的类型变量T 没有上限),那么上限为Object

public class TypeTest<T extends String & Comparable<String>> {//继承String,实现接口Comparable<String>,可以用&连接多个接口
    private List<String>[] lists;
    private T[] ts;
    private List<String>[][] listss;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        TypeVariable tv[] = TypeTest.class.getTypeParameters();
        Type[] ts = tv[0].getBounds();
        for( Type t : ts ){
            System.out.println( t );


class java.lang.String

  3.2 getGenericDeclaration()

   获取声明该类型变量的类比如( TypeTest<T> 中的TypeTest )


public class TypeTest<T> {
    private List<String>[] lists;
    private List<String>[][] listss;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        TypeVariable tv[] = TypeTest.class.getTypeParameters();
        System.out.println( tv[0].getGenericDeclaration() );


class testProject.TypeTest

  3.3 getName()



public class TypeTest<T> {
    private List<String>[] lists;
    private List<String>[][] listss;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        TypeVariable tv[] = TypeTest.class.getTypeParameters();
        System.out.println( tv[0].getName() );






    class Person<T>{

      private T t; //字段可以使用声明的泛型



    class TypeTest{

      public <U> TypeTest(){}



    class TypeTest{

      public <T> void test(T t){}


但不能直接在字段上声明, 比如

    class Person{

      private T t;//错误




public interface GenericDeclaration{
  TypeVariable<?>[]    getTypeParameters();



java 泛型 反射 修改属性 java 反射获取泛型_java_02



  Class描述类的字节码信息(即.class文件的信息),包括所描述的类的字段信息,方法信息,注解信息,也包括与泛型有关的信息. 下面只介绍和泛型有关的方法.


public final class Class<T> extends Object
implements Serializable,GenericDeclaration,Type,AnnotatedElement

  4.1 getTypeParameters

  TypeVariable<?>[] getTypeParameters()

  返回类上的泛型信息( 比如Person<T,U>{},则返回TypeVariable数值标识泛型变量T,U ,如果没有泛型信息则数组长度为零)


class People<T,V,S>{
class Chinese extends People<String,Integer,Double>{
public class TypeTest<T> {
    public <U> TypeTest(){
    private List<String>[] lists;
    private List<String>[][] listss;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        TypeVariable[] tv = People.class.getTypeParameters();
        System.out.println( tv.length );
        for( TypeVariable t : tv ){
            System.out.println( t );
        TypeVariable[] tv1 = Chinese.class.getTypeParameters();
        System.out.println( tv1.length );
        for( TypeVariable t : tv1 ){
            System.out.println( t );



   4.2 getGenericSuperClass();

返回该类的父类的泛型类型 比如( class Chinese extendis People<String,Integer,Double>{},返回的是People<String,Integer,Double>,如果没有父类,返回的是Objec的Class实例 )

  4.3 getGenericInterfaces();

返回该类的实现的接口们的泛型类型 比如(class Chinese extends People<String,Integer,Double> implements SpeakChinese<String>,UseChopsticks<Double>{},返回的是SpeakChinese<String>,UseChopsticks<Double>,如果没有实现的接口,返回的Type数组长度为0)



interface Walk<R>{}
interface SpeakChinese<H>{}
interface UseChopsticks<M>{}
class People<T,V,S> implements Walk<Short>{
class Chinese extends People<String,Integer,Double> implements SpeakChinese<String>,UseChopsticks<Double>{
class Mars extends People<String,Double,List<String>>{
public class TypeTest<T> {
    public <U> TypeTest(){
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        printType(People.class.getGenericSuperclass().toString(), People.class.getGenericSuperclass());
        printType(Chinese.class.getGenericSuperclass().toString(), Chinese.class.getGenericSuperclass());
        Type[] types = Chinese.class.getGenericInterfaces();
        System.out.println( types.length );
        for(Type t: types){
            printType(t.toString(), t);
        Type[] types1 = Mars.class.getGenericInterfaces();
        System.out.println( types1.length );
        for( Type t : types1 ){
            printType( t.toString(),t );
    public static void printType(String name, Type type){
        if( type instanceof Class ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : Class");
        }else if( type instanceof ParameterizedType ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : ParameterizedType");
        }else if( type instanceof GenericArrayType ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : GenericArrayType");
        }else if( type instanceof TypeVariable ){
            System.out.println("the type of " + name + " is : TypeVariable");



the type of class java.lang.Object is : Class
the type of testProject.People<java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Double> is : ParameterizedType
the type of testProject.SpeakChinese<java.lang.String> is : ParameterizedType
the type of testProject.UseChopsticks<java.lang.Double> is : ParameterizedType


另外 还有一个接口继承自Type接口


用于描述包含通配符的泛型变量的信息. 比如List<? extends String> 或者 List<? super Integer>等

public interface WildcardType extends Type{
    Type[]    getLowerBounds();
    Type[]    getUpperBounds(); 






public class TypeTest<T> {
    private List<? extends String> upperBoundsList;
    private List<? super Integer> lowerBoundsList;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws NoSuchFieldException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
        Field upperBoundsList = TypeTest.class.getDeclaredField("upperBoundsList");
        ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType)upperBoundsList.getGenericType();
        Type[] types = pt.getActualTypeArguments();
        System.out.println( ((WildcardType)types[0]).getUpperBounds()[0] );
        Field lowerBoundsList = TypeTest.class.getDeclaredField("lowerBoundsList");
        ParameterizedType pt1 = (ParameterizedType)lowerBoundsList.getGenericType();
        Type[] types1 = pt1.getActualTypeArguments();
        System.out.println( ((WildcardType)types1[0]).getLowerBounds()[0] );


class java.lang.String
class java.lang.Integer





