- 71. item.label = $"{lstD[i].DeptName}({lstCamera.Count})";
- 72. 定义entity时不写传统的{get;set;}
- 73.
- 74. EF多对多
- 75. DateTime.Now.Subtract(x.GpsTime).TotalHours
- 76. queryModel.LogDate.Value.Year
- 77. .net导出Excel
- 78. User.Identity.Name
- 79.
- 80. EF忽略查询(待解决)
- 81. A_Model 映射到 B_Model
- 82.
- 83. list.Any()
- 82. dateTime.Psrse();
- 83.
- 83. model.LiangLength ?? 0
- 84. id = Guid.NewGuid()
- 85. DateTime.Subtract(DateTime t)
- 86. list.take(100)
- 87. DateTime.Value.Year
- 88. var 堆和栈
- 89. GroupBy 的用法
- 90. 将string字符串按,拆分并转成网络路径后存入list集合。
- 91. string.Join("-", z.Files)
- 92. ToModel() 方法
- 93. entity
- 94. LogHelper.LogInfo输出日志
- 95. lst.Select(Lambda)
- 96.
- 97. whereLambda表达式初始值,类似于SQL语句的“where 1=1”
- 98. string.IsNullOrEmpty()
- 99. lst.ForEach(Lambda)
- 100. dao.Table.Any(Lambda)
71. item.label = $“{lstD[i].DeptName}({lstCamera.Count})”;
item.label = $"{lstD[i].DeptName}({lstCamera.Count})";
“label”: “潜江市交通运输局(70)”,
72. 定义entity时不写传统的{get;set;}
public class IPCJobSModel
public int Id { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 实际结束时间
/// </summary>
public DateTime? ActualEndTime { get; set; }
public string IsOverdue
var TempIsOverdue = "NO";
DateTime TempActualEndTime = ActualEndTime == null ? DateTime.Now : ActualEndTime.Value;
if (TempActualEndTime> HandleEndTime)
TempIsOverdue = "YES";
return TempIsOverdue;
74. EF多对多
75. DateTime.Now.Subtract(x.GpsTime).TotalHours
List<PersonGps> lstOnPersonGps = lstPersonGps.Where(x => DateTime.Now.Subtract(x.GpsTime).TotalHours <= 0.5).ToList();
76. queryModel.LogDate.Value.Year
77. .net导出Excel
78. User.Identity.Name
SysUserService userService = new SysUserService();
string userName = User.Identity.Name;
UserEntity userinfo = userService.GetUserByName(userName);
IQueryable requredDataFields = data.Select(x => new { x.Title, x.NestedObject });
80. EF忽略查询(待解决)
81. A_Model 映射到 B_Model
/// <summary>
/// 扩展工具类
/// </summary>
public static class Utils
// 运行时映射
public static void ReflectCase<Oringin, Target>(Oringin origin, Target target)
Type type = origin.GetType();
Type type2 = target.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = properties[i];
bool flag = propertyInfo.Name == "Id";
if (!flag)
PropertyInfo[] properties2 = type2.GetProperties();
for (int j = 0; j < properties2.Length; j++)
PropertyInfo propertyInfo2 = properties2[j];
bool flag2 = propertyInfo.Name == propertyInfo2.Name && propertyInfo.GetValue(origin) != null;
if (flag2)
propertyInfo2.SetValue(target, propertyInfo.GetValue(origin));
//public string DeleteTimeString
// get { return DeleteTime == null ? "" : DeleteTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); }
// set { DeleteTime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? DateTime.Now : DateTime.Parse(value); }
83. list.Any()
// 摘要:
// 确定序列是否包含任何元素。
// 参数:
// source:
// 要检查是否为空的 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1。
// 类型参数:
// TSource:
// source 中的元素的类型。
// 返回结果:
// 如果源序列包含任何元素,则为 true;否则为 false。
// 异常:
// T:System.ArgumentNullException:
// source 为 null。
public static bool Any<TSource>(this IEnumerable<TSource> source);
82. dateTime.Psrse();
// 摘要:
// 将日期和时间的字符串表示形式转换为其等效的 System.DateTime。
// 参数:
// s:
// 包含要转换的日期和时间的字符串。
// 返回结果:
// 一个对象,它等效于 s 中包含的日期和时间。
// 异常:
// T:System.ArgumentNullException:
// s 为 null。
// T:System.FormatException:
// s 中不包含有效的日期和时间的字符串表示形式。
public static DateTime Parse(string s);
public List<ChildrenModel> children { get; set; } = new List<ChildrenModel>();
83. model.LiangLength ?? 0
Dictionary<string, decimal> diclist = new Dictionary<string, decimal>();
diclist.Add("良", model.LiangLength ?? 0);
84. id = Guid.NewGuid()
id = Guid.NewGuid()
85. DateTime.Subtract(DateTime t)
DateTime.Now.Subtract(x.GpsTime).TotalHours <= 0.5
86. list.take(100)
foreach (OverloadCtrlEntity en in lstOverload.OrderByDescending(x => x.ArriveDate).Take(100))
OverLoadModel model = new OverLoadModel();
model.OverloadRate = en.OverloadRate;
87. DateTime.Value.Year
–>学会转换思维,当A.Year 行不通的时候(A 为 DateTime? 类型),可以试试 B.Year。
if (query.Year.HasValue)
item = item.Where(x => x.RecordTime.Value.Year == query.Year);
item = item.Where(x => x.RecordTime.Value.Month == query.Month);
item = item.Where(x => x.RecordTime.Value.Day == query.Day);
88. var 堆和栈
89. GroupBy 的用法
List<string> userName = data.GroupBy(x => x.RecorderName).Select(x => x.Key).ToList();
90. 将string字符串按,拆分并转成网络路径后存入list集合。
string.Split(',').Select(k => Common.FilePathTrans(k, strDirName, strPublishAddr)).ToList());
91. string.Join(“-”, z.Files)
string.Join(",", z.Files) //用,将z.Files中的每个string字符串拼接形成一个字符串
92. ToModel() 方法
public static ShipPortRiskInfoModel ToModel(this ShipPortRiskInfoEntity entity)
var m= entity.MapTo<ShipPortRiskInfoEntity, ShipPortRiskInfoModel>();
if (entity.IPCJobId.HasValue)
m.IsJob = true;
m.IsJob = false;
return m;
public static CaseInfoModel ToModel(this CaseInfoEntity entity)
var m = entity.MapTo<CaseInfoEntity, CaseInfoModel>();
var result= m.ExcuteUserIds.Split(',').ToList();
SysUserService userService = new SysUserService();
var names = new List<string>();
result.ForEach(x =>
var user = userService.GetEntity(x.ToInt().Value);
if(user != null)
x = user.RealName;
m.ExcuteUserName = string.Join(",", names) ;
if (entity.IPCJobId.HasValue)
m.IsJob = true;
m.IsJob = false;
return m;
93. entity
public class IndexEvaConfigEntity
public IndexEvaConfigEntity()
AssessName = string.Empty;
Grade = string.Empty;
public int Id { get; set; }
public string AssessName { get; set; }
public string Grade { get; set; }
[DecimalPrecision(12, 3)]
public decimal MinValue { get; set; }
[DecimalPrecision(12, 3)]
public decimal MaxValue { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public int? Width { get; set; }
94. LogHelper.LogInfo输出日志
string funcName = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name;
LogHelper.LogInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(grid), funcName);
LogHelper.LogInfo(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(model), funcName);
LogHelper.Debug(funcName + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(req));
95. lst.Select(Lambda)
var query = routeReposity.Table.Select(x => new {
DeleteState = x.DeleteState,
RouteCode = x.RouteCode,
RouteCharacter = x.RouteCharacter,
Id = x.Id,
RouteName = x.RouteName,
TechLevel = x.TechLevel,
RouteLength = x.RouteLength,
SourceData = x.SourceData
protected override IEnumerable<FileSystemConfigurationEntry> ProcessEntries(ICollection<FileSystemConfigurationEntry> entries)
e =>
Logger.Debug("Processing publisher configuration entry: {0}...", e.FileInfo.Name);
var configType = Type.GetType(e.Entry.ConfigurationType);
var config = Serialiser.FromJson(e.Entry.Data, configType);
if (IsDisabled(config))
var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.FileInfo.Name);
Container.RegisterInstance(configType, config, name);
FindAndExecuteBootstrappers(configType, config);
e.Entry.RequiredProperties.AddIfMissing(Tuple.Create(ConfigurationEntry.RequiredPropertyNames.NAME, name));
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.Entry.PluginType))
var pluginType = Type.GetType(e.Entry.PluginType);
var pluginName = string.Format("{0}.{1}", pluginType.AssemblyQualifiedName, name);
Container.RegisterAsSingletonWithInterception<INotificationEventPublisher, IPublisherFilter>(
new Tuple<Type, string>(configType, name));
return entries;
97. whereLambda表达式初始值,类似于SQL语句的“where 1=1”
Expression<Func<UserEntity, bool>> whereLambda = x => x.Id > 0; //whereLambda表达式初始值,类似于SQL语句的“where 1=1”
98. string.IsNullOrEmpty()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryModel.BtnName))
query = query.Where(x => x.BtnName.Contains(queryModel.BtnName));
99. lst.ForEach(Lambda)
model.ForEach(x =>
sql = string.Format(@" -- 桥梁汇总
select 0, convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique , '桥梁' Label, count(1) Number ,'qiaoliangguanli' ParentIcon,'#F89017' IconColor from BMS_D_Bridge left join BMS_S_AssetType B on B.TypeName='桥梁' {0}
-- 隧道汇总
select 1, convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique, '隧道' Label, count(1) Number ,'suidaoguanli' ParentIcon,'#00A854'IconColor from BMS_D_Tunnel left join BMS_S_AssetType B on B.TypeName='隧道' {0}
-- 涵洞汇总 --暂时无此表
select 2,convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique, '涵洞' Label, count(1) Number ,'handongguanli' ParentIcon, '##00A854'IconColor from BMS_D_Tunnel
-- 大类汇总
select 3,convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique, A.TypeName Label, null as Number,A.Icon ParentIcon,IconColor from BMS_S_AssetMainType A where A.TypeName not like '%桥%' and A.TypeName not like '%隧%' and A.TypeName not like '%涵%' and SortCode>0", Important == 0 ? "" : "where B.IsCommonType=1");
if (sql != string.Empty)
x.children = dao.FindList<AssetChildrenModel>(sql);
// x.children = x.children.Where(xx => xx.Number != null && xx.Number > 0).ToList();
sql = string.Empty;
x.children.ForEach(y =>
switch (y.Label)
case "桥梁":
sql = string.Format(@" select 'qiaoliangguanli' ParentIcon,'#00a953' IconColor, '一类' Label ,convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique
select 'qiaoliangguanli' ParentIcon,'#1a8fff' IconColor, '二类' Label ,convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique
select 'qiaoliangguanli' ParentIcon,'#ffc001' IconColor, '三类' Label ,convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique
select 'qiaoliangguanli' ParentIcon,'#fa9e47' IconColor, '四类' Label ,convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique
select 'qiaoliangguanli' ParentIcon,'#f04033' IconColor, '五类' Label ,convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique ");
//sql = string.Format(@" select convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique,'桥梁' AssetType, A.Id AssetId, BridgeName Label,NULL Number,CenterLon Lon,CenterLat Lat, 'dingwei3' LeafIcon, 'qiaoliangguanli' ParentIcon , B.Id LayerId ,'#F89017' IconColor ,
// (case when a.BridgeLevel in ('四类','五类') then 1 else 0 end) as State, (case when a.BridgeLevel in ('四类','五类') then 'shexiangtou' else '' end) as LeafIcon1 from BMS_D_Bridge A left join YC_S_MapLayer B
// on B.LayerName='桥梁' left join BMS_S_AssetType C on C.TypeName='桥梁' {0}", Important == 0 ? "" : "where C.IsCommonType = 1");
case "隧道":
sql = string.Format(@" select convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique,'隧道' AssetType, A.Id AssetId ,TunnelName Label,NULL Number,ULon Lon,ULat Lat, 'dingwei3' LeafIcon, 'suidaoguanli' ParentIcon , B.Id LayerId ,'#00A854' IconColor from BMS_D_Tunnel A left join YC_S_MapLayer B
on B.LayerName='隧道' left join BMS_S_AssetType C on C.TypeName='隧道' {0}", Important == 0 ? "" : "where C.IsCommonType = 1");
case "涵洞":
sql = string.Format(@" select convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique ,'涵洞' AssetType,0 AssetId, '涵洞' Label,NULL Number,null Lon,null Lat, 'dingwei3' LeafIcon, 'handongguanli' ParentIcon ,'#F89017' IconColor ");
sql = string.Format(@" select convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique ,B.TypeName AssetType, B.TypeName Label,'' LeafIcon, B.Icon ParentIcon, count(1) Number, D.Id LayerId , B.IconColor from BMS_S_AssetMainType A join BMS_S_AssetType B on A.Id=B.MainTypeId join BMS_D_AssetData C on A.id=C.MainTypeId and B.Id=C.TypeId
left join YC_S_MapLayer D ON B.TypeName=D.LayerName where C.deleteState=0 and A.TypeName='{0}' {1} group by A.TypeName, B.Id ,B.TypeName,B.Icon,D.Id , B.IconColor", y.Label, Important == 0 ? "" : "and B.IsCommonType = 1");
if (sql != string.Empty)
if (y.Label == "桥梁")
y.children = dao.FindList<ChildrenModel>(sql);
// 自定义排序
string[] BridgeLevelSort = new string[] { "一类", "二类", "三类", "四类", "五类" };
y.children = y.children.OrderBy(e =>
var index = Array.IndexOf(BridgeLevelSort, e.Label);
if (index != -1) return index;
else return int.MaxValue;
y.children = dao.FindList<ChildrenModel>(sql);
// y.children = y.children.Where(yy => yy.Number > 0).ToList();
sql = string.Empty;
y.children.ForEach(o =>
sql = string.Format(@" select convert(varchar(64), NEWID()) IsUnique,'桥梁' AssetType, A.Id AssetId, BridgeName Label,NULL Number,CenterLon Lon,CenterLat Lat, 'dingwei3' LeafIcon, 'qiaoliangguanli' ParentIcon , B.Id LayerId ,'{2}' IconColor ,
(case when d.CameraSerial is not null then 1 else 0 end) as State, (case when d.CameraSerial is not null then 'shexiangtou' else '' end) as LeafIcon1,(case when d.CameraSerial is not null then 'shexiangtou' else '' end) as strToken from BMS_D_Bridge A left join YC_S_MapLayer B
on B.LayerName='桥梁' left join BMS_S_AssetType C on C.TypeName='桥梁' left join BMS_D_AssetCameraInfo d on a.Id=d.AssetId where a.BridgeLevel='{0}' {1}", o.Label, Important == 0 ? "" : "and C.IsCommonType = 1", o.IconColor);
if (sql != string.Empty)
o.children = dao.FindList<ChildrenModel>(sql);
o.children.ForEach(z =>
sql = string.Format(@" select A.Id AssetId, CenterLon Lon,CenterLat Lat,(case when d.CameraSerial is not null then 1 else 0 end) as State,(case when d.CameraSerial is not null then 'shexiangtou' else '' end) as LeafIcon1,(case when d.CameraSerial is not null then 'shexiangtou' else '' end) as strToken from BMS_D_Bridge A left join BMS_S_AssetType C on C.TypeName = '桥梁' left join BMS_D_AssetCameraInfo d on a.Id=d.AssetId {1} where A.Id={0}
", z.AssetId, Important == 0 ? "" : "where C.IsCommonType = 1");
if (sql != string.Empty)
z.Palce = dao.FindList<PlaceModel>(sql);
z.Palce = z.Palce.Where(zz => zz.Lat.ToString().IndexOf(".") >= 0).ToList();
100. dao.Table.Any(Lambda)
dao.Table.Any(x => x.SourceId == entity.SourceId && x.SourceData == entity.SourceData)