android 通过 facebook Messanger 分享 facebook分享功能_大数据

facebook 分享页面

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Facebook Pages are a great way to promote your business, a cause, or just your hobby. Unlike Groups, which are more of a community feature, Facebook Pages work mostly like a regular Facebook Profile. You can use them to share posts, photos, videos, and whatever else you want. You can also send and receive messages. It’s basically just a profile but for something that’s not human. The biggest difference is that any number of people can Like and Follow the page.

Facebook Pages是推广您的业务,事业或兴趣的一种好方法。 与网上论坛更像是社区功能 , 网上论坛页面的工作方式就像常规的Facebook个人资料。 您可以使用它们来共享帖子,照片,视频以及其他所需内容。 您也可以发送和接收消息。 基本上,它只是个人资料,而不是非人类的东西。 最大的不同是,任何人都可以喜欢和关注该页面。

You need a personal Facebook account to create a Facebook Page. You don’t have to use it much, but you can’t make a Page without one. To get started, log in to your Facebook account and then click the dropdown arrow in the top right corner and select the “Create Page” option. You can create as many Pages as you like.

您需要一个个人Facebook帐户才能创建Facebook页面。 您不必使用太多,但是如果没有一页就无法创建页面。 首先,请登录您的Facebook帐户,然后单击右上角的下拉箭头,然后选择“创建页面”选项。 您可以根据需要创建任意多个页面。

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You can choose from six different categories of Pages: Local Business or Place, Company, Organization or Institution, Brand or Product, Artist, Band or Public Figure, Entertainment, and Cause or Community. Anything you want to create a Page for should fall roughly into one of these categories.

您可以从六种不同的页面类别中进行选择:本地业务或场所,公司,组织或机构,品牌或产品,艺术家,乐队或公众人物,娱乐以及事业或社区。 您要为其创建Page的任何内容都应大致属于以下类别之一。

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I’m going to create a Justin Pot meme Page to share all my dank Justin Pot memes. To my mind, that’s entertainment. Select whatever category you feel best suits the Page you’re creating, and then fill in the information that’s required. For most Pages, you just need to provide a Page name and select a category. For a Local Business or Place Page, you need to provide an address, as well.

我将创建一个Justin Pot模因页面,以分享我所有潮湿的Justin Pot模因。 在我看来,这就是娱乐。 选择最适合您要创建的页面的类别,然后填写所需的信息。 对于大多数页面,您只需要提供页面名称并选择一个类别即可。 对于本地业务或地方信息页,您还需要提供一个地址。

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After you’ve filled in the information, click “Get Started” to create your new Page.


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Our new Page looks a little barren, so it’s time to customize things. We’ll spruce things up with a cover photo, profile picture, username, and a description.

我们的新页面看起来有些荒芜,现在是时候自定义内容了。 我们将通过封面照片,个人资料图片,用户名和说明来修饰一切。

Click “Add a Cover” either at the top of the Page or under the “Welcome to Your New Page” section to upload an image that represents your Page. Do the same for the profile picture.

单击页面顶部或“欢迎使用新页面”部分下的“添加封面”,以上传代表您页面的图像。 对个人资料图片执行相同的操作。

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Next, click create a username for Your Page. This will be the custom URL people can use to visit your Page. Enter a username and then click “Create Username” to save it.

接下来,单击“为您的页面创建用户名”。 这将是人们可以用来访问您的Page的自定义URL 。 输入用户名,然后单击“创建用户名”进行保存。

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Next, click “Add a Short Description” and enter a few sentences that describe the purpose of your Page. When you’re done, click the “Save” button.

接下来,单击“添加简短描述”,然后输入一些描述页面目的的句子。 完成后,单击“保存”按钮。

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Now the Page is really starting to take shape, so it’s time to get a few fans. You should be the first so click the “Like” button. Afterwards, in the sidebar to the right, type the name of a friend you think might be interested in the Page, and then click “Invite” to let them know about it.

现在,佩奇(Page)真的开始形成了,现在是时候吸引一些粉丝了。 您应该是第一个,因此请单击“赞”按钮。 然后,在右侧边栏中,输入您认为对该页面可能感兴趣的朋友的姓名,然后单击“邀请”以使他们知道。

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Keep inviting people you think might be interested. Your Facebook Page is now up and running. You can post things from it just like you would your own Facebook profile.

继续邀请您认为可能感兴趣的人。 您的Facebook页面现已启动并正在运行。 您可以从中发布内容,就像您自己的Facebook个人资料一样。


facebook 分享页面