

    Type of application to be built. (Web, RIA, RichClient…)  应用类别
 Logical structure of the application (N-Layers, Components, etc…)  应用的逻辑结构
 Physical structure of the application (Client/Server, N-Tier, etc…)  应用的物理结构
 Risks to be faced, and how. (Security, Performance, Flexibility, etc…)  应用的风险和解决方法,如安全、性能、扩展性
 Technologies to be used (WCF, WF, WPF, Silverlight, ASP.NET, Entity Framework, etc...)  使用技术选择

2、使用如下的一些方法获取软件需求  User stories or use cases .  故事或用例
 Functional and non-functional requirements.  功能和非功能需求
 Overall technological and design restrictions. 技术和设计限制内容
 Proposed deployment environment. 部署环境

 Significant use cases to be implemented.  重要的用例实现
 Risks to be mitigated and how.  风险和解决方案

 Potential architectures to be implemented 完成的可能的架构



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