①加密计算:c = m^e mod n;
②解密计算:m = c^d mod n;
其中m为明文, c为密文,e为公钥,d为私钥,n为一个我们要产生的大数。
dk( ek(m) ) = m
= (m^e mod n) ^d mod n # 这里也就是先加密再解密
= m^(ed) mod n
那么要实现解密生成的数据和明文一样,**m^(ed) mod n一定要等于m。①**
m^φ(n) mod n = 1 → m ^(tφ(n)) mod n = 1 → m ^(tφ(n)+1) mod n = m ②
∴① ②中两个式子相对应,即有:ed = (t*φ(n)+1) → ed = 1 mod φ(n)。
到这里,可能会有疑问,为什么别人不能根据公钥e和 φ(n)来直接求得私钥呢?,这就是接下来要讲的:如何生成n使别人难以计算φ(n)。
首先,我们需要知道一个定理:若n = p*q, 且p,q为素数,那么φ(n) =φ(p) * φ(q) = (p-1) * (q-1)
首先,由费马小定理:a^p-1 = 1 mod p (p为素数),我们可以将p-1写成2 ^k*m形式,其中,a我们可随机生成,但需满足1<=a<=n-1。
那么a ^p-1 = ((a ^m) ^2) ^2 … ,所以我们可以先验算a ^m mod p的结果是否为±1,
若是,那么a ^p-1 = ((a ^m) ^2) ^2 … 一定为1,那么可以判断出p为素数;
若不是,令b=a^ m mod p的结果,然后依次计算b, b^ 2,b^ 4,…,b^ 2^(k-1) mod n,若发现有一个为±1,则p是素数,否则,p为合数。
def _MillerRabin(self, num: int, times: int):
# Miller-Rabin素性检验
# return False if n is not prime
m = num-1
k = 0
while m & 1 == 0:
m >>= 1
k += 1
for _ in range(times):
x = random.randrange(2, num)
x = self._FastExpMod(x, m, num)
for _ in range(k):
y = (x*x) % num
if y == 1 and x != 1 and x != num-1:
return False
x = y
if y != 1:
return False
return True
然后对于私钥d,因为ed = 1 mod φ(n)所以我们只需要求逆元就能得到d,然而求逆元可以根据欧几里得除法逆过程来求得。欧几里得除法求逆代码如下:
def _ExtendedEuclidean(self, a: int, b: int):
# 扩展欧几里得算法
# return x, y, gcd(a,b)
# 使得x*a + y*b = gcd(a,b)
# 非递归实现
if b == 0:
return 1, 0, a
y = s1 = 1
x = s2 = 0
q, r = divmod(a, b)
while r:
m = x
n = y
x = s1 - x*q
y = s2 - y*q
s1 = m
s2 = n
a = b
b = r
q, r = divmod(a, b)
return x, y, b
①加密计算:c = m^e mod n;
②解密计算:m = c^d mod n; 来计算就行。
#平方乘算法求余数 base^n mod mod
def _FastExpMod(self, base: int, exp: int, mod: int):
# 快速幂取模: 蒙哥马利幂模运算
# return base**exp % mod
base = base % mod
exp = exp % mod
power = 1
while exp:
if exp & 1:
power = (power * base) % mod
exp >>= 1
base = (base * base) % mod
return power
import random
class RSA:
def __init__(self):
self._lowPrimes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
for i in range(self._lowPrimes[-1]+1, 1000):
for p in self._lowPrimes:
if i % p:
def _FastExpMod(self, base: int, exp: int, mod: int):
# 快速幂取模: 蒙哥马利幂模运算
# return base**exp % mod
# base = base % mod
# exp = exp % mod
power = 1
while exp:
if exp & 1:
power = (power * base) % mod
exp >>= 1
base = (base * base) % mod
return power
def _MillerRabin(self, num: int, times: int):
# Miller-Rabin素性检验
# return False if n is not prime
m = num-1
k = 0
while m & 1 == 0:
m >>= 1
k += 1
for _ in range(times):
x = random.randrange(2, num)
x = self._FastExpMod(x, m, num)
for _ in range(k):
y = (x*x) % num
if y == 1 and x != 1 and x != num-1:
return False
x = y
if y != 1:
return False
return True
def _IsNotPrime(self, num: int, times: int = 10):
# 分解质因数测试 + Miller-Rabin素性检验
# return True if n is not prime
if num < 2:
return True
# 分解质因数
for p in self._lowPrimes:
d, m = divmod(num, p)
if m == 0:
if d == 1:
return False
return True
# Miller-Rabin
isP = self._MillerRabin(num, times)
return not isP
def _FindPrime(self, low_bits: int, high_bits: int) -> int:
# 在区间[2^lowBits,2^highBits)寻找一个素数
lowNum = 1 << low_bits
highNum = 1 << high_bits
n = random.randrange(lowNum, highNum)
while self._IsNotPrime(n):
n = random.randrange(lowNum, highNum)
return n
def _ExtendedEuclidean(self, a: int, b: int):
# 扩展欧几里得算法
# return x, y, gcd(a,b)
# 使得x*a + y*b = gcd(a,b)
# 非递归实现
if b == 0:
return 1, 0, a
y = s1 = 1
x = s2 = 0
q, r = divmod(a, b)
while r:
m = x
n = y
x = s1 - x*q
y = s2 - y*q
s1 = m
s2 = n
a = b
b = r
q, r = divmod(a, b)
return x, y, b
def hex2int(self, x: str) -> int:
# hex字符串转换为整数
return int(x, 16)
def int2hex(self, x: int) -> str:
# 整数转换为hex字符串
return hex(x)[2:]
def hex2bin(self, x: str) -> str:
# hex字符串转换为字节数组
if len(x) & 1:
x = "0" + x
buffer = bytearray()
for i in range(0, len(x), 2):
x = bytes(buffer)
return x.decode()
def RSA_Key_Gen(self):
# 生成RSA密钥对
key_len = 1024
p = self._FindPrime(key_len-6, key_len-2)
q = self._FindPrime(key_len+2, key_len+6)
n = p * q
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
gcd = 0
while gcd != 1:
e = random.randint(1, 2**100)
_, d, gcd = self._ExtendedEuclidean(phi, e) # 欧几里得求逆元
if d < 0:
d += phi
with open("RSA_Public_Key.txt", 'w') as f:
res = str(n)+"\n"+str(e)
with open("RSA_Secret_Key.txt", 'w') as f:
res = str(n)+"\n"+str(d)
def Encrypt(self, plain_text: str, public_key: tuple) -> int:
data = int(plain_text.encode().hex(), 16) # 明文进行处理
n, e = public_key # 获得公钥
result = self._FastExpMod(data, e, n)
return result
def Decrypt(self, secret_text: int, secret_key: tuple) -> str:
n, d = secret_key
result = self._FastExpMod(secret_text, d, n)
return self.hex2bin(self.int2hex(result))