• 检查如图:

Github参与jdk8u,提交的PR提示:Testing is not configured_github

  • 具体链接是:

​Testing - Testing - OpenJDK Wiki​


Configuring workflows to run
When you create a new personal fork of the jdk repository, GitHub Actions are disabled by default. When you visit the Actions tab for your personal fork, you will see a message similar to this: "Workflows aren't being run on this forked repository". Click on the green button labelled "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them" to allow the jdk builds and tests to execute for branches in your personal fork.
  • 解决办法

Github参与jdk8u,提交的PR提示:Testing is not configured_github_02

  • 点击后的界面:

Github参与jdk8u,提交的PR提示:Testing is not configured_github_03