The new SQL Server 2017 comes with new features in the installation. It now supports Machine Learning Services that support R and Python. It also includes SSIS Scale Out Master and Scale Out Worker. It also includes scale out options in PolyBase.
新SQL Server 2017在安装中具有新功能。 现在,它支持支持R和Python的机器学习服务。 它还包括SSIS横向扩展母版和横向扩展工作者。 它还在PolyBase中包括横向扩展选项。
In this article, we will explain how to install SQL Server step by step.
在本文中,我们将逐步解释如何安装SQL Server。
(Getting started)
You can download the SQL Server 2017 installer here.
您可以在此处下载SQL Server 2017安装程序。
You have 3 main options. The trial evaluation, Developer edition and Express edition.
您有3个主要选项。 试用版评估版为Developer版和Express版。
The main question is which SQL Server edition should I use?
主要问题是应该使用哪个SQL Server版本?
There are other editions like the SQL Server Standard and Web edition. They are cheaper versions than the enterprise. The Web edition contains the features necessary to work in a Web hosting environment. The Standard edition is like the Enterprise edition, but it has some limitations like the Transparent Data Encryption, Partition Table parallelism, mirrored backups, online indexing, etc. I recommend checking the features that are not included in this edition to check if it is a good idea to buy them to save money.
还有其他版本,例如SQL Server Standard和Web版本。 它们比企业版便宜。 Web版本包含在Web托管环境中工作所必需的功能。 标准版与企业版类似,但是它有一些限制,例如透明数据加密,分区表并行性,镜像备份,在线索引等。我建议检查此版未包含的功能以检查它是否是买它们可以省钱的好主意。
For a complete list of differences between SQL Server versions, refer to this link.
有关SQL Server版本之间差异的完整列表,请参考此链接 。
Once downloaded, run the setup file of the SQL Server installer. The Basic option will install mainly the Database Engine with basic components. We will use the Custom option to learn some other features included in SQL Server. Download Media is used to install later or to install in other machines:
下载后,运行SQL Server安装程序的安装文件。 基本选项将主要安装带有基本组件的数据库引擎。 我们将使用“自定义”选项来学习SQL Server中包含的其他一些功能。 下载媒体用于以后安装或在其他计算机上安装:
You can choose the installation location. It requires 9,000 MB of free space. Once selected, press Install:
您可以选择安装位置。 它需要9,000 MB的可用空间。 选择后,按安装:
While installing, you will find useful URLs. For example, the following SQL Server forums. You will receive good advice here:
安装时,您会找到有用的URL。 例如,下面SQL Server论坛。 您将在这里收到很好的建议:
Also, it will show the GitHub which contains sample databases, code samples and more.
此外,它将显示GitHub ,其中包含示例数据库,代码示例等。
The installer will install in the Planning section. There are many nice resources here like the Hardware and Software requirements to verify if you have all the hardware and software requirements. You also have security documentation, System Configuration Checker, the Data Migration Assistant (DMA), Online installation documentation, Failover and Upgrading documentation:
安装程序将在“计划”部分中安装。 这里有很多不错的资源,例如硬件和软件需求,可用来验证您是否具有所有硬件和软件需求。 您还具有安全性文档,系统配置检查器,数据迁移助手(DMA),联机安装文档,故障转移和升级文档:
We will go to the Installation section and select the option New SQL Server stand-alone installation. Note that SQL Server Reporting Services is installed separately:
我们将转到“安装”部分,然后选择“新建SQL Server独立安装”选项。 请注意,SQL Server Reporting Services是单独安装的:
In product key, you can specify a license or select a free edition. In this example, we will install the developer edition:
在产品密钥中,您可以指定许可证或选择免费版本。 在此示例中,我们将安装开发人员版本:
License Terms will show the terms to install it. Accept the license terms:
许可条款将显示安装条款。 接受许可条款:
In Microsoft updates, you can verify if there are updates in the installer:
The Install Rules will verify the Active Template Library, the registry keys and if the computer is not a domain controller:
In the context of the Feature Selection, Data Engine Services is the database itself.
- R or R或Python. SQL Server 2016 included the R Services. Now, you can have R and/or Python. Python 。 SQL Server 2016包括R服务。 现在,您可以拥有R和/或Python。
- Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search used for full-text queries. 全文和语义提取。
- Data Quality Services is used to enrich, standardize and avoid duplicate data. 数据质量服务用于丰富,标准化和避免重复数据。
- PolyBase used to query NoSQL Data. PolyBase,用于查询NoSQL数据。
- Analysis Services is used in Business Intelligence (BI) to generate cubes to create Enterprise Reports with a multi-dimensional technology: Analysis Services在商业智能(BI)中用于生成多维数据集,以使用多维技术创建企业报告:
You have Machine Learning Services (In-Database) and Standalone. The first option is to install the SQL Server Database Engine. The Standalone does not require a database engine.
您拥有机器学习服务(数据库内)和独立服务器。 第一种选择是安装SQL Server数据库引擎。 独立服务器不需要数据库引擎。
Data Quality Client is to perform quality operations using standalone tools. In Integration Services we have the option to install Scale Out Master and Scale Out Worker. With this feature you can distribute the packages in different Servers to provide better performance. The master is the responsible for the operations and the Workers receive the tasks. Client tools backward compatibility includes tools to work with earlier SQL Server versions like deprecated tools, discontinued tools and breaking changes in SQL tools.
数据质量客户端将使用独立工具执行质量操作。 在Integration Services中,我们可以选择安装Scale Out Master和Scale Out Worker。 使用此功能,您可以将软件包分发到不同的服务器中,以提供更好的性能。 主人负责操作,工人接受任务。 客户端工具的向后兼容性包括可与早期SQL Server版本一起使用的工具 ,例如已弃用的工具 , 已停产的工具以及SQL工具的重大更改 。
Client tools SDK contain resources for programmers.
Distributed Replay Controller is the feature in charge to administer the distributed Replay clients. The Distribution Replay is used to capture a trace, verify performance, security, for upgrades or test environments it is like the SQL Profiler, but distributed Replay can trace multiple servers.
分布式重播控制器是负责管理分布式重播客户端的功能。 分发重播用于捕获跟踪,验证性能,安全性,用于升级或测试环境,就像SQL事件探查器一样,但是分布式重播可以跟踪多个服务器。
You can install the Distributed Replay client to simulate workloads.
SQL Client Connectivity SDK will install SQL Server OLEBD and ODBC connectors that can be used to connect to SQL Server using.NET, Java, PHP or other programming languages.
SQL Client Connectivity SDK将安装SQL Server OLEBD和ODBC连接器,这些连接器可用于使用.NET,Java,PHP或其他编程语言连接到SQL Server。
Finally, the Master Data Services are used to organize your data into models, creates rules for the access to the data and control who is using it:
If you select to install PolyBase, the setup will ask for the Oracle JRE. You can obtain the JRE installer in the following link.
如果选择安装PolyBase,则安装程序将要求提供Oracle JRE。 您可以通过以下链接获取JRE安装程序。
You can have multiple SQL Server instances in SQL Server in the same server. This can be useful to simulate and practice replications, mirroring or to have separate instances for different purposes. By default, you can install the default instance that is usually the Server computer name:
同一服务器上SQL Server中可以有多个SQL Server实例。 这对于模拟和实践复制,镜像或具有用于不同目的的单独实例非常有用。 默认情况下,您可以安装默认实例,通常是服务器计算机名称:
In PolyBase you can now install as a standalone instance or using a PolyBase scale-out group. The Scale-out group is used when you need to query massive data and you need to distribute the job across multiple SQL Server instances. This option requires to enable ports and enable the MSDTC:
现在,您可以在PolyBase中作为独立实例安装,也可以使用PolyBase横向扩展组安装 。 当您需要查询海量数据并且需要在多个SQL Server实例之间分配作业时,可以使用横向扩展组。 此选项需要启用端口并启用MSDTC:
There are account names created automatically for each service. It is a good practice to keep them. Do not grant administrative privileges to these accounts unless there is no other choice:
有为每个服务自动创建的帐户名。 保留它们是一个好习惯。 除非没有其他选择,否则不要向这些帐户授予管理特权:
There are two options in SQL Server to authenticate. Windows authentication will use the Windows Account to authenticate in SQL. Mixed Mode allows creating internal logins and passwords inside SQL Server. You can Add accounts here using the Add Current User or by pressing the Add button:
SQL Server中有两个选项可以进行身份验证。 Windows身份验证将使用Windows帐户在SQL中进行身份验证。 混合模式允许在SQL Server内部创建内部登录名和密码。 您可以使用“添加当前用户”或按“添加”按钮在此处添加帐户:
In the Data Directories tab, you can choose the location of your data file and log file. It is a good practice to have them in separated drives to improve performance and increase security for disaster recovery.
在“数据目录”选项卡中,您可以选择数据文件和日志文件的位置。 将它们放在单独的驱动器中是一个好习惯,以提高性能并提高灾难恢复的安全性。
For more information. Refer to this link.
想要查询更多的信息。 请参考此链接 。
The TempDB tab is used to configure the TempDB database. This is a system table used to store temporary data. Check our article to improve your database performance by configuring this database correctly:
TempDB选项卡用于配置TempDB数据库。 这是用于存储临时数据的系统表。 查看我们的文章以通过正确配置此数据库来提高数据库性能:
FILESTREAM allows to store non-structured data like documents, images in the database:
The Analysis Services Configuration allows installing a Multidimensional and Data Mining Mode. This is a multidimensional cube that allows creating fast queries for enterprise reports. Another option is to Install Tabular Mode. The Tabular databases are dependent on the RAM. If your database will have several TB of information, the Multidimensional option is better. If you require Data Mining services, the Multidimensional option is better. For more information about Multidimensional vs Tabular Models, refer to this link.
Analysis Services配置允许安装多维和数据挖掘模式。 这是一个多维多维数据集,它允许为企业报告创建快速查询。 另一种选择是安装表格模式。 表格数据库取决于RAM。 如果您的数据库将具有数TB的信息,则“多维”选项会更好。 如果需要数据挖掘服务,则“多维”选项更好。 有关多维模型和表格模型的更多信息,请参考此链接 。
PowerPivot can be used in Excel or if you can use it in SharePoint. PowerPivot for Excel can be used to create your reports. If you need to share with multiple people you can use SharePoint. You can add users with administrative permissions:
PowerPivot可以在Excel中使用,也可以在SharePoint中使用。 PowerPivot for Excel可用于创建报告。 如果需要与多个人共享,则可以使用SharePoint。 您可以添加具有管理权限的用户:
Integration Scale-Out Configuration – Master Mode will be used to define the port to communicate between the master and worker nodes. You will also be able to create the certificate here or use an existing one:
集成横向扩展配置–主模式将用于定义在主节点和工作节点之间进行通信的端口。 您还可以在此处创建证书或使用现有证书:
In the Integration Services Scale Out Configuration – Worker Node, you need to specify the endpoint of the Master Node, which is the master node name and the port. You can also specify the SSL certificate here:
在Integration Services向外扩展配置–工作节点中,您需要指定主节点的端点,即主节点名称和端口。 您还可以在此处指定SSL证书:
You will receive a question if you want to install R. Press Accept and then next. R is a very popular language used for machine learning and other uses:
如果要安装R,您将收到一个问题。按接受,然后按下一步。 R是一种非常流行的语言,用于机器学习和其他用途:
You can also accept to install Python which is a competes with R and offers many useful capabilities
Once that you have everything installed, you can verify the configurations. If everything is OK, press Install:
安装完所有内容后,即可验证配置。 如果一切正常,请按安装:
After 15-45 min, you will have your database installed:
Once installed the database and other components, open the installer. In the Installation section select the option to Install the SQL Server Management Tools:
一旦安装了数据库和其他组件,请打开安装程序。 在“安装”部分中,选择“安装SQL Server管理工具”的选项:
It will go to the SSMS web page, download the product:
Once downloaded, install the product:
In the Windows menu, open the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:
在Windows菜单中,打开Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:
Select the SQL Server name and press Connect:
选择SQL Server名称,然后按Connect:
Select a database. Right click and select New Query:
选择一个数据库。 右键单击并选择新建查询:
We will run a system stored procedure. The sp_who that will show the sessions, users connected and processes:
我们将运行系统存储过程。 显示会话,连接的用户和进程的sp_who:
Another tool that is installed separately is the SQL Server Data Tools. This tool will help you if you want to work with BI tools like SSAS, SSIS or SSRS:
单独安装的另一个工具是SQL Server数据工具。 如果您想使用BI工具(例如SSAS,SSIS或SSRS),此工具将为您提供帮助:
The link will go to the SSDT web page you can download the last version here:
SQL Server 2017 comes with many new features like the Python support, SSIS Master Scale Out, worker nodes. In this article, we learned how to install SQL Server 2017 and learned about some of these new options and features. I hope you enjoy working with SQL Server 2017
SQL Server 2017具有许多新功能,例如Python支持,SSIS Master Scale Out,工作程序节点。 在本文中,我们学习了如何安装SQL Server 2017,并了解了其中一些新选项和功能。 我希望您喜欢使用SQL Server 2017
翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/step-by-step-installation-of-sql-server-2017/