yolov5 release 6.1版本增加了TensorRT、Edge TPU和OpenVINO的支持,并提供了新的默认单周期线性LR调度器,以128批处理大小的再训练模型。YOLOv5现在正式支持11种不同的权重,不仅可以直接导出,还可以用于推理(detect.py和PyTorch Hub),以及在导出后对mAP配置文件和速度结果进行验证。
- TensorRT支持:TensorFlow, Keras, TFLite, TF.js模型导出现在完全集成使用python export.py -include saved_model pb TFLite tfjs
- TensorFlow Edge TPU:新的更小的YOLOv5n(1.9M params)模型低于YOLOv5s(7.5M params),导出到2.1 MB INT8大小,理想的超轻边缘解决方案。
- OpenVINO支持:YOLOv5 ONNX模型现在兼容OpenCV DNN和ONNX运行。
- Export Benchmarks:使用python utils/ Benchmark.py导出所有YOLOv5格式(mAP和速度)。目前在CPU上运行,未来的更新将实现GPU支持。
- 架构:无更改。
- 超参数:小更改。Yaml LRF从0.2降至0.1。
- 训练:默认学习速率(LR)调度器更新了一个周期的余弦替换为一个周期的线性,以改善结果。
def export_onnx(model, im, file, opset, train, dynamic, simplify, prefix=colorstr('ONNX:')):
# YOLOv5 ONNX export
import onnx
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} starting export with onnx {onnx.__version__}...')
f = file.with_suffix('.onnx')
torch.onnx.export(model, im, f, verbose=False, opset_version=opset,
training=torch.onnx.TrainingMode.TRAINING if train else torch.onnx.TrainingMode.EVAL,
do_constant_folding=not train,
dynamic_axes={'images': {0: 'batch', 2: 'height', 3: 'width'}, # shape(1,3,640,640)
'output': {0: 'batch', 1: 'anchors'} # shape(1,25200,85)
} if dynamic else None)
# Checks
model_onnx = onnx.load(f) # load onnx model
onnx.checker.check_model(model_onnx) # check onnx model
# LOGGER.info(onnx.helper.printable_graph(model_onnx.graph)) # print
# Simplify
if simplify:
import onnxsim
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} simplifying with onnx-simplifier {onnxsim.__version__}...')
model_onnx, check = onnxsim.simplify(
input_shapes={'images': list(im.shape)} if dynamic else None)
assert check, 'assert check failed'
onnx.save(model_onnx, f)
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} simplifier failure: {e}')
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export success, saved as {f} ({file_size(f):.1f} MB)')
return f
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export failure: {e}')
2、 openvino
def export_openvino(model, im, file, prefix=colorstr('OpenVINO:')):
# YOLOv5 OpenVINO export
check_requirements(('openvino-dev',)) # requires openvino-dev: https://pypi.org/project/openvino-dev/
import openvino.inference_engine as ie
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} starting export with openvino {ie.__version__}...')
f = str(file).replace('.pt', '_openvino_model' + os.sep)
cmd = f"mo --input_model {file.with_suffix('.onnx')} --output_dir {f}"
subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True)
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export success, saved as {f} ({file_size(f):.1f} MB)')
return f
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} export failure: {e}')
3、 coreml
def export_coreml(model, im, file, prefix=colorstr('CoreML:')):
# YOLOv5 CoreML export
import coremltools as ct
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} starting export with coremltools {ct.__version__}...')
f = file.with_suffix('.mlmodel')
ts = torch.jit.trace(model, im, strict=False) # TorchScript model
ct_model = ct.convert(ts, inputs=[ct.ImageType('image', shape=im.shape, scale=1 / 255, bias=[0, 0, 0])])
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export success, saved as {f} ({file_size(f):.1f} MB)')
return ct_model, f
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} export failure: {e}')
return None, None
def export_engine(model, im, file, train, half, simplify, workspace=4, verbose=False, prefix=colorstr('TensorRT:')):
# YOLOv5 TensorRT export https://developer.nvidia.com/tensorrt
import tensorrt as trt
if trt.__version__[0] == '7': # TensorRT 7 handling https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/issues/6012
grid = model.model[-1].anchor_grid
model.model[-1].anchor_grid = [a[..., :1, :1, :] for a in grid]
export_onnx(model, im, file, 12, train, False, simplify) # opset 12
model.model[-1].anchor_grid = grid
else: # TensorRT >= 8
check_version(trt.__version__, '8.0.0', hard=True) # require tensorrt>=8.0.0
export_onnx(model, im, file, 13, train, False, simplify) # opset 13
onnx = file.with_suffix('.onnx')
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} starting export with TensorRT {trt.__version__}...')
assert im.device.type != 'cpu', 'export running on CPU but must be on GPU, i.e. `python export.py --device 0`'
assert onnx.exists(), f'failed to export ONNX file: {onnx}'
f = file.with_suffix('.engine') # TensorRT engine file
logger = trt.Logger(trt.Logger.INFO)
if verbose:
logger.min_severity = trt.Logger.Severity.VERBOSE
builder = trt.Builder(logger)
config = builder.create_builder_config()
config.max_workspace_size = workspace * 1 << 30
flag = (1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH))
network = builder.create_network(flag)
parser = trt.OnnxParser(network, logger)
if not parser.parse_from_file(str(onnx)):
raise RuntimeError(f'failed to load ONNX file: {onnx}')
inputs = [network.get_input(i) for i in range(network.num_inputs)]
outputs = [network.get_output(i) for i in range(network.num_outputs)]
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} Network Description:')
for inp in inputs:
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix}\tinput "{inp.name}" with shape {inp.shape} and dtype {inp.dtype}')
for out in outputs:
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix}\toutput "{out.name}" with shape {out.shape} and dtype {out.dtype}')
half &= builder.platform_has_fast_fp16
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} building FP{16 if half else 32} engine in {f}')
if half:
with builder.build_engine(network, config) as engine, open(f, 'wb') as t:
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export success, saved as {f} ({file_size(f):.1f} MB)')
return f
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} export failure: {e}')
def export_pb(keras_model, im, file, prefix=colorstr('TensorFlow GraphDef:')):
# YOLOv5 TensorFlow GraphDef *.pb export https://github.com/leimao/Frozen_Graph_TensorFlow
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework.convert_to_constants import convert_variables_to_constants_v2
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} starting export with tensorflow {tf.__version__}...')
f = file.with_suffix('.pb')
m = tf.function(lambda x: keras_model(x)) # full model
m = m.get_concrete_function(tf.TensorSpec(keras_model.inputs[0].shape, keras_model.inputs[0].dtype))
frozen_func = convert_variables_to_constants_v2(m)
tf.io.write_graph(graph_or_graph_def=frozen_func.graph, logdir=str(f.parent), name=f.name, as_text=False)
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export success, saved as {f} ({file_size(f):.1f} MB)')
return f
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} export failure: {e}')
def export_tflite(keras_model, im, file, int8, data, ncalib, prefix=colorstr('TensorFlow Lite:')):
# YOLOv5 TensorFlow Lite export
import tensorflow as tf
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} starting export with tensorflow {tf.__version__}...')
batch_size, ch, *imgsz = list(im.shape) # BCHW
f = str(file).replace('.pt', '-fp16.tflite')
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(keras_model)
converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS]
converter.target_spec.supported_types = [tf.float16]
converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
if int8:
from models.tf import representative_dataset_gen
dataset = LoadImages(check_dataset(data)['train'], img_size=imgsz, auto=False) # representative data
converter.representative_dataset = lambda: representative_dataset_gen(dataset, ncalib)
converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [tf.lite.OpsSet.TFLITE_BUILTINS_INT8]
converter.target_spec.supported_types = []
converter.inference_input_type = tf.uint8 # or tf.int8
converter.inference_output_type = tf.uint8 # or tf.int8
converter.experimental_new_quantizer = False
f = str(file).replace('.pt', '-int8.tflite')
tflite_model = converter.convert()
open(f, "wb").write(tflite_model)
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export success, saved as {f} ({file_size(f):.1f} MB)')
return f
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} export failure: {e}')
7、Egde TPU
def export_edgetpu(keras_model, im, file, prefix=colorstr('Edge TPU:')):
# YOLOv5 Edge TPU export https://coral.ai/docs/edgetpu/models-intro/
cmd = 'edgetpu_compiler --version'
help_url = 'https://coral.ai/docs/edgetpu/compiler/'
assert platform.system() == 'Linux', f'export only supported on Linux. See {help_url}'
if subprocess.run(cmd + ' >/dev/null', shell=True).returncode != 0:
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} export requires Edge TPU compiler. Attempting install from {help_url}')
sudo = subprocess.run('sudo --version >/dev/null', shell=True).returncode == 0 # sudo installed on system
for c in ['curl https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | sudo apt-key add -',
'echo "deb https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt coral-edgetpu-stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/coral-edgetpu.list',
'sudo apt-get update',
'sudo apt-get install edgetpu-compiler']:
subprocess.run(c if sudo else c.replace('sudo ', ''), shell=True, check=True)
ver = subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, capture_output=True, check=True).stdout.decode().split()[-1]
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} starting export with Edge TPU compiler {ver}...')
f = str(file).replace('.pt', '-int8_edgetpu.tflite') # Edge TPU model
f_tfl = str(file).replace('.pt', '-int8.tflite') # TFLite model
cmd = f"edgetpu_compiler -s {f_tfl}"
subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, check=True)
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export success, saved as {f} ({file_size(f):.1f} MB)')
return f
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} export failure: {e}')
def export_tfjs(keras_model, im, file, prefix=colorstr('TensorFlow.js:')):
# YOLOv5 TensorFlow.js export
import re
import tensorflowjs as tfjs
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} starting export with tensorflowjs {tfjs.__version__}...')
f = str(file).replace('.pt', '_web_model') # js dir
f_pb = file.with_suffix('.pb') # *.pb path
f_json = f + '/model.json' # *.json path
cmd = f'tensorflowjs_converter --input_format=tf_frozen_model ' \
f'--output_node_names="Identity,Identity_1,Identity_2,Identity_3" {f_pb} {f}'
subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True)
json = open(f_json).read()
with open(f_json, 'w') as j: # sort JSON Identity_* in ascending order
subst = re.sub(
r'{"outputs": {"Identity.?.?": {"name": "Identity.?.?"}, '
r'"Identity.?.?": {"name": "Identity.?.?"}, '
r'"Identity.?.?": {"name": "Identity.?.?"}, '
r'"Identity.?.?": {"name": "Identity.?.?"}}}',
r'{"outputs": {"Identity": {"name": "Identity"}, '
r'"Identity_1": {"name": "Identity_1"}, '
r'"Identity_2": {"name": "Identity_2"}, '
r'"Identity_3": {"name": "Identity_3"}}}',
LOGGER.info(f'{prefix} export success, saved as {f} ({file_size(f):.1f} MB)')
return f
except Exception as e:
LOGGER.info(f'\n{prefix} export failure: {e}')
python path/to/detect.py --weights yolov5s.pt # PyTorch
yolov5s.torchscript # TorchScript
yolov5s.onnx # ONNX Runtime or OpenCV DNN with --dnn
yolov5s.xml # OpenVINO
yolov5s.engine # TensorRT
yolov5s.mlmodel # CoreML (MacOS-only)
yolov5s_saved_model # TensorFlow SavedModel
yolov5s.pb # TensorFlow GraphDef
yolov5s.tflite # TensorFlow Lite
yolov5s_edgetpu.tflite # TensorFlow Edge TPU