This job does three things.
1. Creates a new class, compiles and saves it.
2. Finds the class and adds a new static method to it.
3. Calls the new method using DictClass.
If you want to you can just add to the newClassBuld.classNode() instead of finding it again as I do in this example. I did it this way to show both how to create a new class and how to add methods to an existing class.
This job was created in Dynamics AX 4.0 and has not been tested in any other version.
TreeNode classesRootNode;
TreeNode methodNode;
ClassNode classNode;
str MethodContent;
ClassBuild newClassBuild;
ClassName className = "HelloWorld";
str MethodName = "sayHelloWorld";
str classDeclaration;
ClassId classId;
DictClass dictClass;
// Step one
// Create a new classBuild based on the new class.
newClassBuild = new ClassBuild(className);
// Save and compile the class.
classId = newClassBuild.classNode().iD();
// Step two
// Find the AOT class node using the AOT macro
classesRootNode = TreeNode::findNode(#ClassesPath);
// Find the class we want to add to
classNode = classesRootNode.AOTfindChild(className);
if (classNode)
MethodContent = 'static void %1()\n' +
'{;\n\n' +
' info("Hello World!");\n\n' +
// Add method name to the methodContent.
MethodContent = strFmt(MethodContent, MethodName);
methodNode = classNode.AOTfindChild(MethodName);
// Add the method to the class.
// Find new method.
methodNode = classNode.AOTfindChild(MethodName);
// Add method content.
methodNode.AOTsetSource(MethodContent, true);
// Compile, save the class and refresh the AOT.
// -------- Step three
// Find the class
dictClass = new DictClass(classId);
// Call the new static method.
info("New class was not found.");