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倾斜摄影 镜头畸变校准

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Monitor profiling and calibration are serious business, often involving equipment costing hundreds of dollars. Thankfully, there are free tools for calibration both on the internet and in your operating system.

监控器配置和校准是一项严肃的工作,通常涉及花费数百美元的设备。 值得庆幸的是,互联网和您的操作系统中都有免费的校准工具。

In this article, we’ll briefly cover ways that have been covered by other sources, discuss the equipment professionals use to calibrate their monitors, printers, and scanners. We’ll finish up with what is likely the method most appropriate for many users that will improve the quality of your digital photograph editing. Don’t miss it!

在本文中,我们将简要介绍其他资源所涵盖的方法,并讨论专业人士用于校准显示器,打印机和扫描仪的设备。 我们将以最可能适合许多用户的方法结束,这将改善您的数字照片编辑质量。 不要错过!

(The Graphic Method)

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Lifehacker has covered the very excellent site Photo Friday, and the graphics professionals there have created to help users adjust their monitors and give themselves maximum contrast while keeping value range in subtle colors. Basically, the idea here is to use the buttons on your monitor to adjust brightness, contrast, color, etc with the graphics on-screen. This will ensure that your monitor is adjusted to show as many tones as possible.

Lifehacker报道了非常出色的网站Photo Friday,那里的图形专业人士创建了此窗口,以帮助用户调整显示器并提供最大的对比度,同时将值范围保持在微妙的色彩中。 基本上,这里的想法是使用显示器上的按钮来调整屏幕上的图形的亮度,对比度,颜色等。 这样可以确保将显示器调整为显示尽可能多的色调。

This is an excellent tool, but only adjust part of the problem. You can adjust your monitor, but you’ll also have to adjust the color profile that the computer uses with the display.

这是一个很好的工具,但是只能解决部分问题。 您可以调整显示器,但还必须调整计算机与显示器一起使用的颜色配置文件。

(The Professional Method)

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While this is not an endorsement, X-Rite is one of the major companies professional graphics people trust to ensure their prints match their screens as closely as possible. Many will not only spend the high fees for expensive screen calibration software and hardware, they’ll recalibrate again and again on a schedule to ensure the monitor and printer haven’t had their color shift too far apart.

尽管这不是一种认可,但爱色丽是专业图形用户信任的主要公司之一,以确保其印刷品尽可能与屏幕匹配。 许多人不仅会为昂贵的屏幕校准软件和硬件花费高昂的费用,而且还会按计划一次又一次地进行校准,以确保显示器和打印机的色彩偏移不会太远。

As these tools are meant for professionals, they give some of the best results and can calibrate not only monitors, but scanners, projectors, and other graphics tools. They are however, priced for professionals, and are cost-prohibitive for many hobbyist photographers.

由于这些工具是为专业人士准备的,因此它们可以提供最佳效果,并且不仅可以校准显示器,还可以校准扫描仪,投影仪和其他图形工具。 但是,它们是为专业人士定价的,并且对许多业余摄影师而言都是成本高昂的。

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X-Rite Technology being demonstrated by a Graphics vendor selling the product.


This video is a good illustration on how to use this sort of technology to calibrate a monitor. Again, this is not an endorsement; many readers will find even the cheapest version of this technology is a waste of money for their needs. The following method is free for Windows users, as it is built into the operating system.

该视频很好地说明了如何使用这种技术校准显示器。 再次,这不是背书; 许多读者会发现,即使是最便宜的该技术版本,也无法满足他们的需求。 以下方法是Windows用户免费的,因为它内置在操作系统中。

(Calibrating and Profiling Your Monitor in Windows 7)

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Open your Start Menu and type in “Calibrate Display Color.” This tool is not available to Windows Vista users, as it is new to Windows 7. Lifehacker has covered Calibrize, which has similar features for Vista and XP.

打开“开始”菜单,然后输入“校准显示颜色”。 该工具不适用于Windows Vista用户,因为它是Windows 7的新功能。Lifehacker涵盖了Calibrize ,它具有与Vista和XP类似的功能。

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The program you’re looking for is “Calibrate Display Color,” and it lives in your control panel. You can also go to your control panel and do a search for “calibrate.” The program is shown here, and you will need administrator privileges to calibrate.

您要查找的程序是“校准显示颜色”,它位于控制面板中。 您也可以转到控制面板并搜索“校准”。 该程序显示在此处,您将需要管理员权限才能进行校准。

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It’s hardly an exciting looking app. Simply read the preamble about improving color on your display and click next.

这几乎不是一个令人兴奋的应用程序。 只需阅读有关改善显示屏色彩的前言,然后单击下一步。

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The on-screen graphics do a good job of explaining the sort of look you want to achieve with the calibration tools. You’ll be given adjustment sliders and shown what you’re trying to replicate—here you want to adjust your gamma image to look like the middle “Good Gamma.”

屏幕上的图形可以很好地说明您希望使用校准工具获得的外观。 将为您提供调整滑块,并显示您要复制的内容-在这里您想将伽玛图像调整为看起来像中间的“好伽玛”。

It also does a good job explaining what gamma is—although you will not need to know that to adjust the simple slider.


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You can adjust your gamma slider on this screen. Remember, you’re trying to replicate the “Good Gamma” image. When you’re satisfied, click “Next.”

您可以在此屏幕上调整伽玛滑块。 请记住,您正在尝试复制“ Good Gamma”图像。 如果满意,请单击“下一步”。

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This part is slightly more difficult, and Windows gives users the option to skip brightness and contrast adjustment.


You will have to adjust the monitor with the controls on the front of it, and if this is too frustrating for you, you may want to skip this step. Otherwise, carry on by pressing “Next.”

您必须使用显示器的前面的控件来调整显示器,如果这对您来说太麻烦了, 您可能要跳过此步骤 。 否则,请按“下一步”继续。

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It will show you this graphic illustrating the correct value range you want to achieve. You’ll have to locate the brightness and contrast controls on the front of your monitor and adjust them. It may help to Google the product number for your monitor (likely on the back) and find your product manual online in PDF format. If you still have your printed product manual, you may find it helpful in making these adjustments.

它将为您显示该图,说明您想要实现的正确值范围。 您必须在显示器前面找到亮度和对比度控件,然后进行调整。 这可能会有助于Google搜索显示器的产品编号(可能在背面),并在线找到PDF格式的产品手册。 如果您仍然有印刷的产品手册,则可能会有助于进行这些调整。

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You should have a menu on your monitor similar to this one, which is the menu for the LG company’s L227WT monitor. It is here you adjust your Brightness only using the controls physically on your monitor, not in Windows. Put down the mouse and find them!

您的显示器上应该有一个与此菜单类似的菜单,这是LG公司的L227WT显示器的菜单。 在这里,您只能使用显示器上的实际控件(而不是Windows)来调整亮度 。 放下鼠标,找到它们!

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The trick is maximizing detail while keeping the “X” in the background from disappearing completely. If you cannot see the “X” in the graphic, you need to adjust your Brightness setting. When you are satisfied, click “Next.”

技巧是最大化细节,同时防止背景中的“ X”完全消失。 如果您在图形中看不到“ X”,则需要调整亮度设置 。 如果满意,请单击“下一步”。

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Still working with the controls on the front of your monitor, this image will prepare you to adjust the Contrast setting. Your goal is to ensure that your darks are dark enough without losing details in your brightest detail areas, as in this man’s shirt.

该图像仍与显示器正面的控件一起使用,可以帮助您调整“ 对比度”设置 。 您的目标是确保您的阴暗处足够深,而不会丢失该男士衬衫中最亮的细节区域中的细节。

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Again, you’ll have to work with a screen similar to this one. Consult your monitor manual to find out how to adjust your contrast. On the LG L227WT it is available on the same menu, although your monitor may be completely different.

同样,您必须使用与此类似的屏幕。 请查阅显示器手册,以了解如何调整对比度。 在LG L227WT上,可以在同一菜单上使用它,尽管您的显示器可能完全不同。

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When you are happy with the solid black on your screen, and haven’t lost the details in the shirt, and can distinguish the background from the white in the shirt, you can confidently click “Next” and stop using the controls on your monitor.

当您对屏幕上的纯黑色感到满意,并且没有丢失衬衫中的细节,并且可以将衬衫的背景与衬衫中的白色区分开时,您可以放心地单击“下一步”并停止使用监视器上的控件。 。

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Color balance will be your next step. You will return to working with your mouse, making adjustments to RGB sliders to ensure your monitor doesn’t have a dramatic shift one way or another. Your goal here is to adjust your grays to be as neutral as possible, not leaning to any color in particular, as shown above.

色彩平衡将是您的下一步。 您将回到使用鼠标的方式,对RGB滑块进行调整,以确保显示器不会以一种或另一种方式发生剧烈变化。 您的目标是将灰色调整为尽可能中性,而不是像上面显示的那样特别偏向任何颜色。

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Adjust any of the three sliders until you are confident the gray displayed on your screen doesn’t look greenish, reddish, or bluish. When you are happy with your neutral grays, click “Next.”

调整这三个滑块中的任何一个,直到您确信屏幕上显示的灰色看上去不是绿色,红色或蓝色。 当您对中性灰色满意时,请单击“下一步”。

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You are given this screen to test your new calibration. Check the new one versus the old one, and see if you are happy with your work. If you are, congratulations! You are one step closer to perfecting your digital photography and ensuring better prints.

系统会显示此屏幕来测试您的新校准。 检查新的和旧的,看看您是否对工作满意。 如果是,那么恭喜您! 您距完善数码摄影和确保更好的打印效果还差一步。


倾斜摄影 镜头畸变校准