收货详细地址 |
湖北恩施恩施小渡船街道办事处航空大道 |
四川省成都市武侯石羊场街道办事处蜀绣西路 |
URL | |
请求方式 | GET |
Sub 省市区解析()
iRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Set objSC = CreateObjectx86("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl") '在64位版Excel中的处理方法
objSC.Language = "JScript"
For i = 2 To iRows
ptly = Cells(i, "E").Value
address1 = Cells(i, "N").Value
Address = UrlEncode(address1)
If ptly = "XXXX" Then ' 只处理某种数据
If Len(address1) > 10 Then ' 只处理详细地址的 用字符长度大于10判断
URL = "http://restapi.amap.com/v3/geocode/geo?key=xxxx&address=" + Address
Dim http As Object
Set http = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") ' 创建 http 对象以发送请求
http.Open "GET", URL, False ' 设置请求地址
http.setRequestHeader "CONTENT-TYPE", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" '设置请求头
http.send '发送请求
If http.Status = 200 Then
Dim json$ '定义字符串 json
json = http.responseText '获取相应结果
'接下来是解析 json
strJSON = "var json=" & json
objSC.AddCode (strJSON) '将 json 由字符串解析为对象
Dim geocodes
geocodes = objSC.Eval("json.geocodes")
If geocodes <> "" Then
Dim province$
province = objSC.Eval("json.geocodes[0].province")
If province <> "" Then
Cells(i, "N").Value = objSC.Eval("json.geocodes[0].province") '将省填入 Excel 表格
Cells(i, "O").Value = objSC.Eval("json.geocodes[0].city") '将市填入 Excel 表格
Cells(i, "P").Value = objSC.Eval("json.geocodes[0].district") '将区填入 Excel 表格
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Function CreateObjectx86(Optional sProgID, Optional bClose = False)
Static oWnd As Object
Dim bRunning As Boolean
#If Win64 Then
bRunning = InStr(TypeName(oWnd), "HTMLWindow") > 0
If bClose Then
If bRunning Then oWnd.Close
Exit Function
End If
If Not bRunning Then
Set oWnd = CreateWindow()
oWnd.execScript "Function CreateObjectx86(sProgID): Set CreateObjectx86 = CreateObject(sProgID): End Function", "VBScript"
End If
Set CreateObjectx86 = oWnd.CreateObjectx86(sProgID)
Set CreateObjectx86 = CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl")
#End If
End Function
Function CreateWindow()
Dim sSignature, oShellWnd, oProc
On Error Resume Next
sSignature = Left(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").GUID, 38)
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "%systemroot%\syswow64\mshta.exe about:""about:<head><script>moveTo(-32000,-32000);document.title='x86Host'</script><hta:application showintaskbar=no /><object id='shell' classid='clsid:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2'><param name=RegisterAsBrowser value=1></object><script>shell.putproperty('" & sSignature & "',document.parentWindow);</script></head>""", 0, False
For Each oShellWnd In CreateObject("Shell.Application").Windows
Set CreateWindow = oShellWnd.GetProperty(sSignature)
If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Function
End Function
Function UrlEncode(ByRef szString As String) As String
Dim szChar As String
Dim szTemp As String
Dim szCode As String
Dim szHex As String
Dim szBin As String
Dim iCount1 As Integer
Dim iCount2 As Integer
Dim iStrLen1 As Integer
Dim iStrLen2 As Integer
Dim lResult As Long
Dim lAscVal As Long
szString = Trim$(szString)
iStrLen1 = Len(szString)
For iCount1 = 1 To iStrLen1
szChar = Mid$(szString, iCount1, 1)
lAscVal = AscW(szChar)
If lAscVal >= &H0 And lAscVal <= &HFF Then
If (lAscVal >= &H30 And lAscVal <= &H39) Or _
(lAscVal >= &H41 And lAscVal <= &H5A) Or _
(lAscVal >= &H61 And lAscVal <= &H7A) Then
szCode = szCode & szChar
szCode = szCode & "%" & Hex(AscW(szChar))
End If
szHex = Hex(AscW(szChar))
iStrLen2 = Len(szHex)
For iCount2 = 1 To iStrLen2
szChar = Mid$(szHex, iCount2, 1)
Select Case szChar
Case Is = "0"
szBin = szBin & "0000"
Case Is = "1"
szBin = szBin & "0001"
Case Is = "2"
szBin = szBin & "0010"
Case Is = "3"
szBin = szBin & "0011"
Case Is = "4"
szBin = szBin & "0100"
Case Is = "5"
szBin = szBin & "0101"
Case Is = "6"
szBin = szBin & "0110"
Case Is = "7"
szBin = szBin & "0111"
Case Is = "8"
szBin = szBin & "1000"
Case Is = "9"
szBin = szBin & "1001"
Case Is = "A"
szBin = szBin & "1010"
Case Is = "B"
szBin = szBin & "1011"
Case Is = "C"
szBin = szBin & "1100"
Case Is = "D"
szBin = szBin & "1101"
Case Is = "E"
szBin = szBin & "1110"
Case Is = "F"
szBin = szBin & "1111"
Case Else
End Select
Next iCount2
szTemp = "1110" & Left$(szBin, 4) & "10" & Mid$(szBin, 5, 6) & "10" & Right$(szBin, 6)
For iCount2 = 1 To 24
If Mid$(szTemp, iCount2, 1) = "1" Then
lResult = lResult + 1 * 2 ^ (24 - iCount2)
Else: lResult = lResult + 0 * 2 ^ (24 - iCount2)
End If
Next iCount2
szTemp = Hex(lResult)
szCode = szCode & "%" & Left$(szTemp, 2) & "%" & Mid$(szTemp, 3, 2) & "%" & Right$(szTemp, 2)
End If
szBin = vbNullString
lResult = 0
Next iCount1
UrlEncode = szCode
End Function
收货省份 | 收货城市 | 收货区县 | 收货详细地址 |
湖北省 | 恩施土家族苗族自治州 | 恩施市 | 湖北恩施恩施小渡船街道办事处航空大道 |
四川省 | 成都市 | 武侯区 | 四川省成都市武侯石羊场街道办事处蜀绣西路 |