The code base version is an integer start from 1 to n. One day, someone committed a bad version in the code case, so it caused this version and the following versions are all failed in the unit tests. Find the first bad version.
You can callisBadVersionto help you determine which version is the first bad one. The details interface can be found in the code's annotation part.
代码库的版本号是从1 到n的整数。某一天,有人提交了错误版本的代码,因此造成自身及之后版本的代码在单元测试中均出错。请找出第一个错误的版本号。
你可以通过isBadVersion的接口来判断版本号 version 是否在单元测试中出错,具体接口详情和调用方法请见代码的注释部分。