一. 首先在Android源代码目录下的build目录下,有个脚本文件envsetup.sh,执行这个脚本文件后,就可以获得一些有用的工具:
USER-NAME@MACHINE-NAME:~/Android$ . ./build/envsetup.sh
- croot: Changes directory to the top of the tree.
- m: Makes from the top of the tree.
- mm: Builds all of the modules in the current directory.
- mmm: Builds all of the modules in the supplied directories.
- cgrep: Greps on all local C/C++ files.
- jgrep: Greps on all local Java files.
- resgrep: Greps on all local res/*.xml files.
- godir: Go to the directory containing a file.
二. 使用mmm命令来编译指定的模块,例如Email应用程序:
USER-NAME@MACHINE-NAME:~/Android$ mmm packages/apps/Email/
三. 编译好模块后,还要重新打包一下system.img文件,这样我们把system.img运行在模拟器上时,就可以看到我们的程序了。
USER-NAME@MACHINE-NAME:~/Android$ make snod
四. 参照 Ubuntu上下载、编译和安装Android最新源代码一文介绍的方法运行模拟器:
USER-NAME@MACHINE-NAME:~/Android$ emulator
make systemimage - system.img
make userdataimage -userdata.img
make ramdisk - ramdisk.img
make snod - 快速打包system.img
(with thiscommand, it will build a new system.img very quickly. well, youcannot use “make snod” for all the situations. it would not checkthe dependences. if you change some code in the framework whichwill effect other applications)
system.img 是 從 out/target/product/xxxx/system 做出來的。
如果改了 這個 folder 的內容,想要重新產生 system.img。不要管 system folde 裡面的 file 的dependency,可以用 snod 這個 target:
make snod