Android users have been a spoiled bunch when it comes to device notifications. iPhone and iPad users had to wait until 2011 to see a notification center appear on their devices. It works pretty well though it handles things much differently than its Google counterpart.
在设备通知方面,Android用户被宠坏了。 iPhone和iPad用户必须等到2011年才能在其设备上看到通知中心。 尽管处理方式与Google的处理方式大不相同,但它的效果很好。
We’ve spent quite a bit of time lately discussing notifications, specifically managing them on Android 5 Lollipop, and also how to tame Facebook’s myriad ways of interrupting you. Let’s turn our attention now to iOS and show you how notifications work on those devices. Like we said, the iOS notification center is still somewhat new, but it’s fairly mature and easy to use.
最近,我们花了很多时间讨论通知,尤其是在Android 5 Lollipop上管理通知,以及如何处理Facebook干扰您的各种方式 。 现在让我们将注意力转向iOS,并向您展示通知在这些设备上的工作方式。 就像我们说的那样,iOS通知中心仍然有些新,但是它已经相当成熟并且易于使用。
The Notification Center can be accessed by swiping downward from the top edge of your iPhone or iPad, and then swiping left. Any apps allowed to push notifications to your device will be displayed here.
可以通过从iPhone或iPad的顶部边缘向下滑动,然后向左滑动来访问通知中心 。 任何允许将通知推送到您的设备的应用都将在此处显示。
If you want to clear a group of notifications, tap the “X” in the upper-right corner. If you want to clear a specific notification, press and swipe left and an “X” will appear next to it.
如果要清除一组通知,请点击右上角的“ X”。 如果您要清除特定的通知,请按并向左滑动,旁边会出现一个“ X”。
Easy enough, but how do you configure apps to even show (or hide) notifications in the first place? That’s also easy. For one, usually when you install an app on your iPhone or iPad, it will ask you if you want to allow it to display notifications on your device. You don’t have to put a lot of thought into this because you can always go into the system settings and change it.
这很容易,但是如何配置应用程序以使其首先显示(或隐藏)通知? 这也很容易。 例如,通常当您在iPhone或iPad上安装应用程序时,它会询问您是否要允许它在设备上显示通知。 您不必为此花费很多心思,因为您始终可以进入系统设置并进行更改。
Open the settings and tap “Notifications” to see your apps list. First off, check out the sorting options. You can sort them by the time they arrive, or by how you want them to appear. To do this, tap “Edit” in the upper-right corner and you can drag your apps around so their notifications appear in the order you prefer.
打开设置,然后点击“通知”以查看您的应用列表。 首先,请检查排序选项。 您可以按它们的到达时间或它们的显示方式对其进行排序。 为此,请点击右上角的“编辑”,然后可以拖动应用程序,以便按您喜欢的顺序显示其通知。
Tap on an app to adjust its individual settings. We’ll show you what Messages looks like because it’s a rather extensive example of what you might find.
点击某个应用以调整其个人设置。 我们将向您展示Messages的外观,因为它是您可能找到的内容的相当广泛的示例。
At the top is the most important setting of all: Allow Notifications, so if you want to disable or enable them, here’s where you do that. Beyond this, you have the option to decide how many notifications can appear in the Notification Center (from none to twenty). You may also be able to choose a notification sound (or simply turn the sound on or off), as well as whether or not this particular app can appear on the Lock Screen.
最顶层是所有设置中最重要的设置:允许通知,因此,如果要禁用或启用它们,请在此处进行操作。 除此之外,您还可以决定在“通知中心”中可以显示多少个通知(从零到二十)。 您还可以选择通知声音(或简单地打开或关闭声音),以及此特定应用程序是否可以出现在锁定屏幕上。
If you have the Badge App Icon setting enabled, it means that if an app wants to alert you to unread e-mails or messages, it will typically show an unread counter (badge) on its app icon, as seen here with Hangouts.
If we scroll down further, there are options for choosing how notifications appear as they happen. This means that if you’re using another app on your device, and for example, someone sends you a message or an e-mail arrives. You can decide whether you see that notification as a banner, an alert, or not at all.
如果我们进一步向下滚动,则可以使用一些选项来选择通知的显示方式。 这意味着,如果您正在设备上使用其他应用程序,例如,有人向您发送消息或收到电子邮件。 您可以决定是否将该通知视为标题,警报或根本不查看。
Banners appear at the top of your screen and disappear automatically while alerts appear in the middle of your screen, and must be acted upon before they go away.
Scrolling down further, we see even more options. These are specific to Messages, but you’ll also see a similar set of choices in Photos and Game Center, among others.
向下滚动,我们看到更多的选择。 这些特定于消息,但是您还将在“照片”和“游戏中心”中看到一组类似的选择。
Some apps, such as the native Apple Calendar may allow you to adjust notifications by categories. You see, each calendar notification group – upcoming events, invitations, invitee responses, and changes – has its own set of notifications you can configure, which will be very much like those we’ve already described.
某些应用程序(例如本地Apple日历)可能允许您按类别调整通知。 您会看到,每个日历通知组(即将发生的事件,邀请,被邀请者的响应和更改)都有可以配置的自己的一组通知,这与我们已经描述的非常相似。
Basically, that is the long and short of dealing with notifications on iOS. The nice thing about it is how much say you have over whether an app can display notifications, how they display them, and so on. So, now if you’re getting badgered by one particular app, or you’re missing out on important messages from another, you know exactly how to fix it.
基本上,这就是在iOS上处理通知的长短。 关于它的好处是,您对应用程序是否可以显示通知,如何显示通知等等有很多意见。 因此,现在,如果您被某个特定的应用程序徽章,或者您错过了另一个应用程序的重要消息,那么您将确切知道如何修复它。
Let’s turn things over to you now. Got an opinion you’d like to share with us, or a burning question you want to ask? Our discussion forum is open and we welcome your feedback.
现在让我们把事情交给你。 有您想与我们分享的意见,还是您想提出的紧迫问题? 我们的讨论论坛是开放的,我们欢迎您的反馈。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/206516/how-to-manage-notifications-on-iphone-and-ipad/