1 测试环境加了一个节点, 后台日志突然出现大量 异常,但新建的topic还能正常运行
[2021-10-29 23:59:59,840] ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-33], Error for partition [585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2,10] to broker 33:org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownServerException: The server experienced an unexpected error when processing the request (kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
1.2 kafka.common.NotAssignedReplicaException: Leader 57 failed to record follower 58's position 7387 since the replica is not recognized to be one of the assigned replicas 57 for partition c13820d7b5ca40eaad8a744531c99519-0.
通过杀死所有zk,再重新启动。 没有发现第二个包含正常topic的异常了。但是还是出现下述异常
2 后台发现如下异常
Error for partition [585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2,1] to broker 33:org.appache.kafka.common.errors.UnknownServerException:The server experienced an unexpected error when processing the request(kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)
kafka.common.KafkaException: Should not set log end offset on partition's local replication 58
A common problem is that more than one broker registered the same host/port in Zookeeper. As a result, the replica fetcher is confused when fetching data from the leader. To verify that, you can use a Zookeeper client shell to list the registration info of each broker. The Zookeeper path and the format of the broker registration is described in Kafka data structures in Zookeeper. You want to make sure that all the registered brokers have unique host/port.
当server.properties没有设置 host.name,默认是注册到all interface name, 即默认localhost.
3 后台大量如下异常
kafka.common.NotAssignedReplicaException: Leader 58 failed to record follower 57's position -1 since the replica is not recognized to be one of the assigned replicas for partition 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2-6.
从异常信息,大概意思是 leader 58记录follower 57的postion失败. 原因是 副本根本不在分区分配的副本集中。
查看分区信息:58 并不是leader,也不是 follow。如下:
[kafka-01 bin]$ ./kafka-topics.sh --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2
Topic:585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 PartitionCount:12 ReplicationFactor:2 Configs:
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 0 Leader: 57 Replicas: 57,33 Isr: 57,33
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 1 Leader: 33 Replicas: 33,57 Isr: 33,57
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 2 Leader: 57 Replicas: 57,33 Isr: 57,33
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 3 Leader: 33 Replicas: 33,57 Isr: 33,57
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 4 Leader: 57 Replicas: 57,33 Isr: 57
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 5 Leader: 33 Replicas: 33,57 Isr: 33,57
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 6 Leader: 57 Replicas: 57,33 Isr: 57,33
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 7 Leader: 33 Replicas: 33,57 Isr: 33,57
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 8 Leader: 57 Replicas: 57,33 Isr: 57,33
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 9 Leader: 33 Replicas: 33,57 Isr: 33,57
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 10 Leader: 57 Replicas: 57,33 Isr: 57
Topic: 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 Partition: 11 Leader: 33 Replicas: 33,57 Isr: 33,57
./kafka-topics.sh --delete --zookeeper --topic 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2
rmr /brokers/topics/585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2
rmr /config/topics/585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2
rmr /admin/delete_topics/585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2
检查 zkCli.sh, 查看相关的topic信息确实存在。
经过执行下述命令,发现585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2 这个 topic的分区偏移量还在不断增长,
./kafka-run-class.sh kafka.tools.GetOffsetShell --broker-list --topic 585cd97cab31fb583f7338f2。
查阅相关资料, 如果要彻底删除分区, 需要修改server.config配置文件设置参数:auto.create.topic.enable=false,禁用自动创建topic.
上述步骤执行后, 后台日志终于正常了。