2 DFS算法



  1. 创建OPENCLOSED列表,代表已访问的点以未访问的点
  2. 添加初始节点到OPEN
  3. 判断OPEN列表是否为空,为空则结束搜索,未找到路径,(循环1)
  1. 取出OPEN最后面的点,记为cueent_node,将其从OPEN中删除,并添加到CLOSED
  2. 获取current_node周围点(子节点),并遍历(循环2)
  1. 判断周围点是否在CLOSED中,在其中则continue
  2. 判断周围单是否在OPEN中,在其中则continue
  3. 到此步则说明该子节点是新节点,因此构建子节点与父节点之间关系,并直接将其添加到OPEN
  4. 判断该子节点是否为终点,为终点则直接返回。
  1. 返回带有父节点信息的终点。
  2. 从终点遍历到起点,保存每个点,最终形成路径集合。

2.1 核心代码


#ifndef MYMAP_H_
#define MYMAP_H_

#include <vector>

using std::vector;
namespace mymap {
class MyMap {
  // 构造函数
  MyMap(const int map_xlength, const int map_ylength);
  // 设置平行与X轴的一排障碍物,[x_begin, x_end]
  void SetObsLineX(const int x_begin, const int x_end, const int y);
  // 设置平行与Y轴的一排障碍物,[y_begin, y_end]
  void SetObsLineY(const int y_begin, const int y_end, const int x);
  // 获取(x, y)处的地图状态,1为有障碍物,0为无障碍物
  bool GetMapPointState(const int x, const int y) const;
  // 获取成员变量接口
  vector<vector<int>> map() const { return map_; };
  int map_xlength() const { return map_xlength_; };
  int map_ylength() const { return map_ylength_; };
  vector<vector<int>> map_;   // 地图矩阵
  int map_xlength_; // 地图列数,长
  int map_ylength_; // 地图行数,宽
  int unfree = 1;   // 地图点状态
  int free = 0;
}  // namespace mymap

#endif  // MYMAP_H
#include "mymap.h"

namespace mymap {
// 构造函数,构建指定长宽的地图大小
MyMap::MyMap(const int map_xlength, const int map_ylength)
    : map_xlength_(map_xlength), map_ylength_(map_ylength) {
  for (auto &e : map_) {
  int x_scale = map_xlength_ / 5;
  int y_scale = map_ylength_ /5;
  SetObsLineX(0, map_xlength_ - 1, 0);
  SetObsLineX(0, map_xlength_ - 1, map_ylength_ - 1);
  SetObsLineY(0, map_ylength_ - 1, 0);
  SetObsLineY(0, map_ylength_ - 1, map_xlength_ - 1);
  SetObsLineX(x_scale, x_scale * 2, y_scale * 3);
  SetObsLineX(x_scale * 3, x_scale * 4, y_scale * 2);
  SetObsLineX(0, x_scale, y_scale * 2);
  SetObsLineX(x_scale * 4, x_scale * 5, y_scale * 3);
  SetObsLineY(0, y_scale * 3, x_scale * 2);
  SetObsLineY(y_scale * 2, y_scale * 5, x_scale * 3);

void MyMap::SetObsLineX(const int x_begin, const int x_end, const int y) {
  for (int i = x_begin; i <= x_end; ++i) {
    map_[i][y] = unfree;

void MyMap::SetObsLineY(const int y_begin, const int y_end, const int x) {
  for (int i = y_begin; i <= y_end; ++i) {
    map_[x][i] = unfree;

bool MyMap::GetMapPointState(const int x, const int y) const {
  return map_[x][y];

}  // namespace mymap


#ifndef DFS_H_
#define DFS_H_

#include <list>
#include <vector>

#include "mymap.h"

struct Point {
  int x_;
  int y_;
  double F_;
  double G_;
  double H_;
  Point* parent_;
  Point(int x, int y)
      : x_(x), y_(y), F_(0.0), G_(0.0), H_(0.0), parent_(nullptr){};

class Dfs {
  Dfs(mymap::MyMap map) : map_(map){};
  // 获取整个路径,也就是搜索完以后的路径点集
  std::list<Point*> get_path(const Point& start_point, const Point& end_point);
  // 获取成员变量
  std::list<Point*> open_list() const { return open_list_; };
  std::list<Point*> close_list() const { return close_list_; };

  // 从起点开始搜索路径,返回带有父节点信息的终点
  Point* search(const Point& start_point, const Point& end_point);
  // 获取当前点的周围点
  std::list<Point*> get_neighbors(const Point& current_point) const;
  // 访问的点在open中
  bool is_in_openlist(const Point& current_point) const;
  // 访问的点在close中
  bool is_in_closelist(const Point& current_point) const;
  // 当前点到下一个点之间是否可以通过
  bool is_collision(const Point* firstPoint, const Point* secondPoint) const;

  mymap::MyMap map_;
  std::list<Point*> open_list_;
  std::list<Point*> close_list_;

#endif  // DFS_H_
#include "dfs.h"

#include <cmath>

std::list<Point*> Dfs::get_path(const Point& start_point,
                                  const Point& end_point) {
  // 执行搜索,返回带有父节点信息的终点
  Point* end_with_parent = this->search(start_point, end_point);
  std::list<Point*> path;
  // 从终点查找到起点
  while (end_with_parent) {
    end_with_parent = end_with_parent->parent_;
  return path;

Point* Dfs::search(const Point& start_point, const Point& end_point) {
  // 重新构建新的起始节点与终点,因为传入的是const不能改变内容
  Point* start = new Point(start_point);
  // 起点进入待访问
  // 开始搜索
  while (!open_list_.empty()) {
    // 获取后进入的元素
    Point* current_node = open_list_.front();
    // 添加到close中
    // 获取周围点
    std::list<Point*> neighbors = get_neighbors(*current_node);
    // 遍历周围点
    for (auto neighbor : neighbors) {
      // 在已访问过则不访问
      if (is_in_closelist(*neighbor)) continue;
      // 已经添加也不用访问
      if (is_in_openlist(*neighbor)) continue;
      // 添加父节点关系
      neighbor->parent_ = current_node;
      // 添加到open中,添加到表头
      // 判断是否为终点
      if (neighbor->x_ == end_point.x_ && neighbor->y_ == end_point.x_) {
        return neighbor;
  // 查找失败则为空指针
  return nullptr;

std::list<Point*> Dfs::get_neighbors(const Point& current_point) const {
  std::list<Point*> neighbors;
  int mid_x = current_point.x_;
  int mid_y = current_point.y_;
  // 上下左右四个点
  // // 左边的点
  // if (mid_x - 1 >= 0 and !map_.GetMapPointState(mid_x - 1, mid_y)) {
  //   neighbors.push_back(new Point(mid_x - 1, mid_y));
  // }
  // // 右面的点
  // if (mid_x + 1 <= map_.map_xlength() and
  //     !map_.GetMapPointState(mid_x + 1, mid_y)) {
  //   neighbors.push_back(new Point(mid_x + 1, mid_y));
  // }
  // // 上面的点
  // if (mid_y + 1 <= map_.map_ylength() and
  //     !map_.GetMapPointState(mid_x, mid_y + 1)) {
  //   neighbors.push_back(new Point(mid_x, mid_y + 1));
  // }
  // // 下面的点
  // if (mid_y - 1 >= 0 and !map_.GetMapPointState(mid_x, mid_y - 1)) {
  //   neighbors.push_back(new Point(mid_x, mid_y - 1));
  // }

  // 八个点情况
  // 遍历时点应该在地图范围内,并且中间的那个点,以及对角线路线不能被卡住
  for (int i = mid_x - 1; i <= mid_x + 1; i++) {
    for (int j = mid_y - 1; j <= mid_y + 1; j++) {
      if (i >= 0 and j >= 0 and i <= map_.map_xlength() - 1 and
          j <= map_.map_ylength() - 1 and
          !is_collision(¤t_point, new Point(i, j))) {
        neighbors.push_back(new Point(i, j));
  return neighbors;

bool Dfs::is_in_openlist(const Point& current_point) const {
  for (auto p : open_list_) {
    if (p->x_ == current_point.x_ && p->y_ == current_point.y_) {
      return true;
  return false;

bool Dfs::is_in_closelist(const Point& current_point) const {
  for (auto p : close_list_) {
    if (p->x_ == current_point.x_ && p->y_ == current_point.y_) {
      return true;
  return false;

bool Dfs::is_collision(const Point* firstPoint,
                         const Point* secondPoint) const {
  if (this->map_.GetMapPointState(firstPoint->x_, firstPoint->y_) or
      this->map_.GetMapPointState(secondPoint->x_, secondPoint->y_)) {
    return true;
  if (firstPoint->x_ != secondPoint->x_ and firstPoint->y_ != secondPoint->y_) {
    if (secondPoint->x_ - firstPoint->x_ == firstPoint->y_ - secondPoint->y_) {
      Point leftDwon(std::min(firstPoint->x_, secondPoint->x_),
                     std::min(firstPoint->y_, secondPoint->y_));
      Point rightUp(std::max(firstPoint->x_, secondPoint->x_),
                    std::max(firstPoint->y_, secondPoint->y_));
      return this->map_.GetMapPointState(leftDwon.x_, leftDwon.y_) or
             this->map_.GetMapPointState(rightUp.x_, rightUp.y_);
    } else {
      Point leftUp(std::min(firstPoint->x_, secondPoint->x_),
                   std::max(firstPoint->y_, secondPoint->y_));
      Point rightDwon(std::max(firstPoint->x_, secondPoint->x_),
                      std::min(firstPoint->y_, secondPoint->y_));
      return this->map_.GetMapPointState(leftUp.x_, leftUp.y_) or
             this->map_.GetMapPointState(rightDwon.x_, rightDwon.y_);
  return false;
#include <vector>
// #include <unistd.h>

#include "dfs.h"
#include "matplotlibcpp.h"
#include "mymap.h"

namespace plt = matplotlibcpp;

int main() {
  mymap::MyMap map(51, 51);
  Dfs Dfs(map);
  Point start_point(5, 5);
  Point end_point(45, 45);
  vector<int> start_and_end_point_x{start_point.x_, end_point.x_};
  vector<int> start_and_end_point_y{start_point.y_, end_point.y_};
  vector<int> path_x;
  vector<int> path_y;
  vector<int> open_list_x;
  vector<int> open_list_y;
  vector<int> close_list_x;
  vector<int> close_list_y;

  std::list<Point*> path = Dfs.get_path(start_point, end_point);
  std::list<Point*> close_list = Dfs.close_list();

  for (auto p : path) {

  // for (auto p : close_list) {
  //   close_list_x.push_back(p->x_);
  //   close_list_y.push_back(p->y_);
  // }

  std::vector<int> free_x, unfree_x, free_y, unfree_y;
  for (int i = 0; i < map.map_xlength(); ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < map.map_ylength(); ++j) {
      if (map.GetMapPointState(i, j) == 1) {
      } else {
  vector<int> x{10, 20};
  vector<int> y{10, 20};
  plt::plot(unfree_x, unfree_y, "ko");
  // plt::plot(close_list_x, close_list_y, "yo");
  int i = 0;
  for (auto p : close_list) {
    if (i == 1) {
      plt::plot(close_list_x, close_list_y, "yo");
      i = 0;
  plt::plot(open_list_x, open_list_y, "co");
  // plt::plot(free_x, free_y, "wo");
  plt::plot(path_x, path_y, "ro");
  plt::plot(start_and_end_point_x, start_and_end_point_y, "gs");
  return 0;

2.2 仿真结果

Dfs java 实现 dfs算法实现_#include