This document covers how to connect to SQL Server and browse its contents.  It is meant for those new to Visual Studio and/or working with Microsoft SQL Server.  It is not a guide to building SQL Server database connections in your code.  This is more about using the Visual Studio environment to view databases on a SQL Server installation if you don’t have any database tools such as SQL Server Management Studio.  

本文档介绍如何连接到SQL Server和浏览其内容。 它适用于那些不熟悉Visual Studio和/或使用Microsoft SQL Server的用户。 它不是在代码中建立SQL Server数据库连接的指南。 如果您没有任何数据库工具(例如SQL Server Management Studio),则这与使用Visual Studio环境查看SQL Server安装上的数据库有关。

The most useful reason you may want to do this is that once you do establish your data connection in Visual Studio, you can use the drag-and-drop data functionality in Visual Studio for SQL Server.

您可能要执行此操作的最有用的原因是,一旦在Visual Studio中建立了数据连接,便可以在Visual Studio for SQL Server中使用拖放数据功能。

A handy tip:  many of these dialogs and menus are the same or very similar in Visual Studio 2008 and 2005.

一个方便的提示:在Visual Studio 2008和2005中,许多对话框和菜单是相同或非常相似的。

1)  Open Visual Studio

1)打开Visual Studio

Server Explorer tab from the left-hand pane (where you see the Toolbox--at the bottom of that pane you will see "Server Explorer")  


Data Connections and choose Add Connection…

数据连接”,然后从上下文菜单中选择“ 添加连接…

Choose Data Source window, click Microsoft SQL Server.

选择数据源”窗口中,单击“ Microsoft SQL Server”。



Continue.  The 'Test Connection' pane will open.


Server Name lets you type the name of the machine hosting SQL Server, or click the dropdown and you will see a list of all the visible instances of SQL Server on your network. 服务器名称允许您键入托管SQL Server的计算机的名称,或单击下拉列表,您将看到网络上所有可见SQL Server实例的列表。

b)  Log on to the server lets you specify which method is used to access the database.  Typically this is Windows Authentication, but your DBA will be able to help you if you’re unsure.

b)登录到服务器可以让您指定用于访问数据库的方法。 通常,这是Windows身份验证,但是如果您不确定,您的DBA将能够为您提供帮助。

c)  Select or enter a database name will let you type in the name, or you can click the dropdown and select it from among the databases that were found on the SQL Server.

c)选择或输入数据库名称将使您可以键入名称,也可以单击下拉列表并从SQL Server上找到的数据库中选择它。

Test Connection

测试连接是最好的部分–使用它来确认您的连接可以工作。 单击它时,您应该得到“测试连接成功”或一条错误消息,指出问题所在。

e)  Click OK and you will be dropped back into Visual Studio

e)单击“确定”,您将被放回到Visual Studio中

Just use the plus signs next to each element to open/close the item and view objects on the server.


NOTE:  The attached PDF includes screenshots...if this text isn't helpful, consider opening the attachment for a visual walkthrough.




Hope this Article helps you with your database projects.

