1 switch
与default等效的是捕获所有的case_ 模式。如果没有模式匹配,抛出MatchError,每个case中,不用break语句。可以在match中使用任何类型,而不仅仅是数字。
var result = 0; val op : Char = '-' op match { case '+' => result = 1 case '-' => result = -1 case _ => result = 0 } println(result) |
2 守卫
for (ch <- "+-3!") { var sign = 0 var digit = 0 ch match { case '+' => sign = 1 case '-' => sign = -1 case _ if ch.toString.equals("3") => digit = 3 case _ => sign = 0 } println(ch + " " + sign + " " + digit) } |
3 模式中的变量
val str = "+-3!" for (i <- str.indices) { var sign = 0 var digit = 0 str(i) match { case '+' => sign = 1 case '-' => sign = -1 case ch if Character.isDigit(ch) => digit = Character.digit(ch, 10) case _ => } println(str(i) + " " + sign + " " + digit) } |
4 类型模式
val a = 8 val obj = if(a == 1) 1 else if(a == 2) "2" else if(a == 3) BigInt(3) else if(a == 4) Map("aa" -> 1) else if(a == 5) Map(1 -> "aa") else if(a == 6) Array(1, 2, 3) else if(a == 7) Array("aa", 1) else if(a == 8) Array("aa") val r1 = obj match { case x: Int => x case s: String => s.toInt case BigInt => -1 //不能这么匹配 case _: BigInt => Int.MaxValue case m: Map[String, Int] => "Map[String, Int]类型的Map集合" case m: Map[_, _] => "Map集合" case a: Array[Int] => "It's an Array[Int]" case a: Array[String] => "It's an Array[String]" case a: Array[_] => "It's an array of something other than Int" case _ => 0 } println(r1 + ", " + r1.getClass.getName) |
5 匹配数组、列表、元组
Array(0) 匹配只有一个元素且为0的数组。
Array(x,y) 匹配数组有两个元素,并将两个元素赋值为x和y。
Array(0,_*) 匹配数组以0开始。
1) 匹配数组
for (arr <- Array(Array(0), Array(1, 0), Array(0, 1, 0), Array(1, 1, 0), Array(1, 1, 0, 1))) { val result = arr match { case Array(0) => "0" case Array(x, y) => x + " " + y case Array(x, y, z) => x + " " + y + " " + z case Array(0, _*) => "0..." case _ => "something else" } println(result) } |
2) 匹配列表
for (lst <- Array(List(0), List(1, 0), List(0, 0, 0), List(1, 0, 0))) { val result = lst match { case 0 :: Nil => "0" case x :: y :: Nil => x + " " + y case 0 :: tail => "0 ..." case _ => "something else" } println(result) } |
3) 匹配元组
for (pair <- Array((0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1))) { val result = pair match { case (0, _) => "0 ..." case (y, 0) => y + " 0" case _ => "neither is 0" } println(result) } |
6 提取器
1) unapply
--如果是Some,则将其解开,并将其中的值赋值给n(就是case Square(n)中的n)
创建object Square: object Square { def unapply(z: Double): Option[Double] = Some(math.sqrt(z)) } 模式匹配使用: val number: Double = 36.0 number match { case Square(n) => println(s"square root of $number is $n") case _ => println("nothing matched") } |
2) unapplySeq
创建object Names: object Names { def unapplySeq(str: String): Option[Seq[String]] = { if (str.contains(",")) Some(str.split(",")) else None } } 模式匹配使用: val namesString = "Alice,Bob,Thomas" namesString match { case Names(first, second, third) => { println("the string contains three people's names") println(s"$first $second $third") } case _ => println("nothing matched") } |
7 变量声明中的模式
val (x, y) = (1, 2) val (q, r) = BigInt(10) /% 3 val arr = Array(1, 7, 2, 9) val Array(first, second, _*) = arr println(first, second) |
8 for表达式中的模式
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ for ((k, v) <- System.getProperties.asScala) println(k + " -> " + v) for ((k, "") <- System.getProperties.asScala) println(k) for ((k, v) <- System.getProperties.asScala if v == "") println(k) |
9 样例类
1) 样例类的创建
package unit6 abstract class Amount case class Dollar(value: Double) extends Amount case class Currency(value: Double, unit: String) extends Amount case object Nothing extends Amount |
2) 当我们有一个类型为Amount的对象时,我们可以用模式匹配来匹配他的类型,并将属性值绑定到变量:
for (amt <- Array(Dollar(1000.0), Currency(1000.0, "EUR"), Nothing)) { val result = amt match { case Dollar(v) => "$" + v case Currency(_, u) => u case Nothing => "" } println(amt + ": " + result) } |
--在半生对象中提供apply方法让你不用new关键字就能构造出相应的对象,比如Dollar(29.95)或Currency(29.95, "EUR")
10 Copy方法和带名参数
val amt = Currency(29.95, "EUR") val price = amt.copy(value = 19.95) println(amt) println(price) println(amt.copy(unit = "CHF")) |
11 Case语句的中置(缀)表达式
什么是中置表达式?1 + 2,这就是一个中置表达式。如果unapply方法产出一个元组,你可以在case语句中使用中置表示法。比如可以匹配一个List序列。
List(1, 7, 2, 9) match { case first :: second :: rest => println(first + second + rest.length) case _ => 0 } |
12 匹配嵌套结构
1) 创建样例类
abstract class Item case class Article(description: String, price: Double) extends Item case class Bundle(description: String, discount: Double, item: Item*) extends Item |
2) 匹配嵌套结构
val sale = Bundle("愚人节大甩卖系列", 10, Article("《九阴真经》", 40), Bundle("从出门一条狗到装备全发光的修炼之路系列", 20, Article("《如何快速捡起地上的装备》", 80), Article("《名字起得太长躲在树后容易被地方发现》",30))) |
3) 将descr绑定到第一个Article的描述
val result1 = sale match { case Bundle(_, _, Article(descr, _), _*) => descr } println(result1) |
4) 通过@表示法将嵌套的值绑定到变量。_*绑定剩余Item到rest
val result2 = sale match { case Bundle(_, _, art @ Article(_, _), rest @ _*) => (art, rest) } println(result2) |
5) 不使用_*绑定剩余Item到rest
val result3 = sale match { case Bundle(_, _, art @ Article(_, _), rest) => (art, rest) } println(result3) |
6) 计算某个Item价格的函数,并调用
def price(it: Item): Double = { it match { case Article(_, p) => p case Bundle(_, disc, its@_*) => its.map(price _).sum - disc } } println(SwitchBaseSyllabus.price(sale)) |
13 密封类
14 模拟枚举
1) 创建密封样例类(不密封也可以,在这里只是为了用一下sealed关键字)
package unit6 sealed abstract class TrafficLightColor case object Red extends TrafficLightColor case object Yellow extends TrafficLightColor case object Green extends TrafficLightColor |
2) 模拟枚举
for (color <- Array(Red, Yellow, Green)) println( color match { case Red => "stop" case Yellow => "slowly" case Green => "go" }) |
15 偏函数
val f: PartialFunction[Char, Int] = { case '+' => 1 case '-' => -1 } println(f('-')) println(f.isDefinedAt('0')) println(f('+')) // println(f('0')) |
val f1 = new PartialFunction[Any, Int] { def apply(any: Any) = any.asInstanceOf[Int] + 1 def isDefinedAt(any: Any) = if (any.isInstanceOf[Int]) true else false } val rf1 = List(1, 3, 5, "seven") collect f1 println(rf1) |
def f2: PartialFunction[Any, Int] = { case i: Int => i + 1 } val rf2 = List(1, 3, 5, "seven") collect f2 println(rf2) |