(CRNN_2015)An End-to-End Trainable Neural Network for Image-based Sequence Recognition and Its Application to Scene Text Recognition


Image-based sequence recognition has been a longstanding research topic in computer vision.In this paper, we investigate the problem of scene text recognition, which is among the most important and challenging tasks in image-based sequence recognition. A novel neural network architecture, which integrates feature extraction, sequence modeling and transcription into a unified framework, is proposed.Compared with previous systems for scene text recognition, the proposed architecture possesses four distinctive properties: (1) It is end-to-end trainable, in contrast to most of the existing algorithms whose components are separately trained and tuned. (2) It naturally handles sequences in arbitrary lengths, involving no character segmentation or horizontal scale normalization. (3) It is not confined to any predefined lexicon and achieves remarkable performances in both lexicon-free and lexicon-based scene text recognition tasks. (4) It generates an effective yet much smaller model, which is more practical for real-world application scenarios.The experiments on standard benchmarks, including the IIIT-5K, Street View Text and ICDAR datasets, demonstrate the superiority of the proposed algorithm over the prior arts. Moreover, the proposed algorithm performs well in the task of image-based music score recognition, which evidently verifies the generality of it.

(2016) Robust Scene Text Recognition with Automatic Rectification




 Recognizing text in natural images is a challenging task with many unsolved problems.Different from those in documents, words in natural images often possess irregular shapes, which are caused by perspective distortion, curved character placement, etc. We propose RARE (Robust text recognizer with Automatic REctification), a recognition model that is robust to irregular text. RARE is a speciallydesigned deep neural network, which consists of a Spatial Transformer Network (STN) and a Sequence Recognition Network (SRN). In testing, an image is firstly rectified via a predicted Thin-Plate-Spline (TPS) transformation, into a more "readable" image for the following SRN, which recognizes text through a sequence recognition approach. We show that the model is able to recognize several types of irregular text, including perspective text and curved text. RARE is end-to-end trainable, requiring only images and associated text labels, making it convenient to train and deploy the model in practical systems. State-of-the-art or highly-competitive performance achieved on several benchmarks well demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed model.








 Focusing Attention: Towards Accurate Text Recognition in Natural Images(2017)

Scene text recognition has been a hot research topic in computer vision due to its various applications. The state of the art is the attention-based encoder-decoder framework that learns the mapping between input images and output sequences in a purely data-driven way. However, we observe that existing attention-based methods perform poorly on complicated and/or low-quality images. One major reason is that existing methods cannot get accurate alignments between feature areas and targets for such images. We call this phenomenon "attention drift". To tackle this problem, in this paper we propose the FAN (the abbreviation of Focusing Attention Network) method that employs a focusing attention mechanism to automatically draw back the drifted attention. FAN consists of two major components: an attention network (AN) that is responsible for recognizing character targets as in the existing methods, and a focusing network (FN) that is responsible for adjusting attention by evaluating whether AN pays attention properly on the target areas in the images. Furthermore, different from the existing methods, we adopt a ResNet-based network to enrich deep representations of scene text images. Extensive experiments on various benchmarks, including the IIIT5k, SVT and ICDAR datasets, show that the FAN method substantially outperforms the existing methods.







 Gated Recurrent Convolution Neural Network for OCR

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) aims to recognize text in natural images. Inspired by a recently proposed model for general image classification, Recurrent Convolution Neural Network (RCNN), we propose a new architecture named Gated RCNN (GRCNN) for solving this problem. Its critical component, Gated Recurrent Convolution Layer (GRCL), is constructed by adding a gate to the Recurrent Convolution Layer (RCL), the critical component of RCNN. The gate controls the context modulation in RCL and balances the feed-forward information and the recurrent information. In addition, an efficient Bidirectional Long ShortTerm Memory (BLSTM) is built for sequence modeling. The GRCNN is combined with BLSTM to recognize text in natural images. The entire GRCNN-BLSTM model can be trained end-to-end. Experiments show that the proposed model outperforms existing methods on several benchmark datasets including the IIIT-5K, Street View Text (SVT) and ICDAR.








ASTER: An Attentional Scene Text Recognizer with Flexible Rectification

 Abstract—A challenging aspect of scene text recognition is to handle text with distortions or irregular layout. In particular, perspective text and curved text are common in natural scenes and are difficult to recognize. In this work, we introduce ASTER, an end-to-end neural network model that comprises a rectification network and a recognition network. The rectification network adaptively transforms an input image into a new one, rectifying the text in it. It is powered by a flexible Thin-Plate Spline transformation which handles a variety of text irregularities and is trained without human annotations. The recognition network is an attentional sequence-to-sequence model that predicts a character sequence directly from the rectified image. The whole model is trained end to end, requiring only images and their groundtruth text. Through extensive experiments, we verify the effectiveness of the rectification and demonstrate the state-of-the-art recognition performance of ASTER. Furthermore, we demonstrate that ASTER is a powerful component in end-to-end recognition systems, for its ability to enhance the detector.











 Towards Accurate Scene Text Recognition with Semantic Reasoning Networks

Scene text image contains two levels of contents: visual texture and semantic information. Although the previous scene text recognition methods have made great progress over the past few years, the research on mining semantic information to assist text recognition attracts less attention, only RNN-like structures are explored to implicitly model semantic information. However, we observe that RNN based methods have some obvious shortcomings, such as time-dependent decoding manner and one-way serial transmission of semantic context, which greatly limit the help of semantic information and the computation efficiency. To mitigate these limitations, we propose a novel end-to-end trainable framework named semantic reasoning network (SRN) for accurate scene text recognition, where a global semantic reasoning module (GSRM) is introduced to capture global semantic context through multi-way parallel transmission. The state-of-the-art results on 7 public benchmarks, including regular text, irregular text and non-Latin long text, verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. In addition, the speed of SRN has significant advantages over the RNN based methods, demonstrating its value in practical use。



