spring boot 与 iview 前后端分离架构之用户管理的实现(三十)
大家可以直接微信扫描上面的二维码关注我的公众号,然后回复【bg30】 里面就会给到源代码的下载地址同时会附上相应的视频教程,并定期在我的公众号上给大家推送相应的技术文章,欢迎大家关注我的公众号。
package com.github.bg.admin.core.entity;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.util.UuidGenId;
import tk.mybatis.mapper.annotation.KeySql;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.persistence.*;
@Table(name = "t_user")
public class User implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5809782578282943998L;
* 用户流水ID
@Column(name = "userId")
@KeySql(genId = UuidGenId.class)
private String userId;
* 用户登录账号
@Column(name = "loginAccount")
private String loginAccount;
* 用户登录密码
@Column(name = "loginPassword")
private String loginPassword;
* 创建时间
@Column(name = "crtDate")
private Date crtDate;
* 真实姓名
@Column(name = "nickName")
private String nickName;
* 最后登录时间
@Column(name = "lastLoginDate")
private Date lastLoginDate;
* 登录的token
@Column(name = "token")
private String token;
* 用户头像图片地址
@Column(name = "headImg")
private String headImg;
* 用户所在省
@Column(name = "province")
private String province;
* 用户所在省名称
@Column(name = "provinceName")
private String provinceName;
* 用户所在市
@Column(name = "city")
private String city;
* 用户所在市名称
@Column(name = "cityName")
private String cityName;
* 用户所在区
@Column(name = "area")
private String area;
* 用户所在区名称
@Column(name = "areaName")
private String areaName;
* 具体地址
@Column(name = "address")
private String address;
// 省略set和get
@Table(name = "t_user_org")
public class UserOrg {
* 用户组织关联流水ID
@Column(name = "userOrgId")
@KeySql(genId = UuidGenId.class)
private String userOrgId;
* 用户流水ID
@Column(name = "userId")
private String userId;
* 组织流水ID
@Column(name = "orgId")
private Integer orgId;
// 省略set和get
@Table(name = "t_user_role")
public class UserRole {
* 用户角色关联流水ID
@Column(name = "userRoleId")
@KeySql(genId = UuidGenId.class)
private String userRoleId;
* 用户ID
@Column(name = "userId")
private String userId;
* 角色ID
@Column(name = "roleId")
private String roleId;
// 省略set和get
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.github.bg.admin.core.dao.UserRoleDao">
<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.github.bg.admin.core.entity.UserRole">
<id column="userRoleId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="userRoleId" />
<result column="userId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="userId" />
<result column="roleId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="roleId" />
<!-- 根据用户ID来删除关联数据 -->
<delete id="deleteUserRoleByUserId">
delete from t_user_role where userId = #{userId}
<!-- 根据用户ID来获取用户和角色的关联数据 -->
<select id="getUserRoleByUserId" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select * from t_user_role where userId = #{userId}
package com.github.bg.admin.core.dao;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.entity.UserRole;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import tk.mybatis.mapper.common.Mapper;
import java.util.List;
public interface UserRoleDao extends Mapper<UserRole> {
* 功能描述:根据用户ID来删除关联数据
* @param userId 用户ID
* @return 返回删除结果
int deleteUserRoleByUserId(@Param("userId") String userId);
* 功能描述:根据用户ID来获取用户和角色的关联数据
* @param userId 用户ID
* @return 返回查询结果
List<UserRole> getUserRoleByUserId(@Param("userId") String userId);
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd">
<mapper namespace="com.github.bg.admin.core.dao.UserDao">
<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.github.bg.admin.core.entity.User">
<id column="userId" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="userId"/>
<result column="loginAccount" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="loginAccount"/>
<result column="loginPassword" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="loginPassword"/>
<result column="crtDate" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="crtDate"/>
<result column="nickName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="nickName"/>
<result column="lastLoginDate" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" property="lastLoginDate"/>
<result column="token" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="token"/>
<result column="headImg" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="headImg"/>
<result column="province" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="province"/>
<result column="provinceName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="provinceName"/>
<result column="city" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="city"/>
<result column="cityName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="cityName"/>
<result column="area" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="area"/>
<result column="areaName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="areaName"/>
<result column="address" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="address"/>
<!-- 根据token和旧的密码来更新新的密码 -->
<update id="changePassword">
update t_user set loginPassword = #{newPassword} where token = #{token} and loginPassword = #{oldPassword}
<!-- 根据token来获取用户数据 -->
<select id="getUserInfo" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select * from t_user where token = #{token}
<!-- 实现用户登陆 -->
<select id="login" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select * from t_user where loginAccount = #{loginAccount} and loginPassword = #{loginPassword}
<!-- 验证这个账户是否已经创建过了 -->
<select id="checkLoginAccount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
select count(*) from t_user where loginAccount = #{loginAccount}
<!-- 查询用户的数据 -->
<select id="queryUserList" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
select tu.* from t_user tu left join t_user_org tuo on tu.userId = tuo.userId left join t_org tg on tuo.orgId = tg.orgId where 1=1
<if test="search != null and search!='' ">
and (
tu.loginAccount like concat('%',#{search},'%') or
tu.nickName like concat('%',#{search},'%')
<if test="fullPath!= null and fullPath!=''">
and tg.fullPath like concat(#{fullPath},'%')
package com.github.bg.admin.core.dao;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.entity.User;
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param;
import tk.mybatis.mapper.common.Mapper;
import java.util.List;
* @author linzf
* @since 2019-07-05
* 类描述:用户的dao
public interface UserDao extends Mapper<User> {
* 功能描述:根据token和旧的密码来更新新的密码
* @param token 登录的token
* @param oldPassword 旧的密码
* @param newPassword 新的密码
* @return 返回更新结果
int changePassword(@Param("token")String token,@Param("oldPassword")String oldPassword,@Param("newPassword")String newPassword);
* 功能描述:根据token来获取用户数据
* @param token token的值
* @return 返回获取的结果
User getUserInfo(@Param("token")String token);
* 功能描述:实现用户的登陆
* @param loginAccount 用户账号
* @param loginPassword 用户密码
* @return 返回登陆结果
User login(@Param("loginAccount")String loginAccount,@Param("loginPassword")String loginPassword);
* 功能描述:验证这个账户是否已经创建过了
* @param loginAccount 用户账号
* @return 返回验证结果
int checkLoginAccount(@Param("loginAccount")String loginAccount);
* 功能描述:查询用户的数据
* @param search 根据账号和名称来模糊查询
* @param fullPath 父组织架构的匹配路径
* @return 返回查询结果
List<User> queryUserList(@Param("search") String search, @Param("fullPath") String fullPath);
package com.github.bg.admin.core.service;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.auth.Auth;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.constant.SystemStaticConst;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.dao.*;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.entity.*;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.util.JsonUtils;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.util.PageUtil;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* @author linzf
* @since 2019/4/25
* 类描述:用户的service类的实现
@Transactional(rollbackFor = {IllegalArgumentException.class})
public class UserService {
private UserDao userDao;
private UserRoleDao userRoleDao;
private UserOrgDao userOrgDao;
private RoleDao roleDao;
private OrgDao orgDao;
private TreeDao treeDao;
private Auth authProvider;
* 功能描述:根据token和旧的密码来更新新的密码
* @param token 登录的token
* @param oldPassword 旧的密码
* @param newPassword 新的密码
* @return 返回更新结果
public ReturnInfo changePassword(String token, String oldPassword, String newPassword) {
if (userDao.changePassword(token, oldPassword, newPassword) > 0) {
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "更新用户密码成功");
} else {
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.FAIL, "密码不正确,更新失败!");
* 功能描述:删除用户
* @param userId 用户ID
* @return 返回删除结果
public ReturnInfo deleteUser(String userId) {
if (userDao.deleteByPrimaryKey(userId) > 0) {
// 根据用户ID删除角色表和组织架构表的关联数据
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "删除用户数据成功");
} else {
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.FAIL, "查无此用户数据");
* 功能描述:更新用户
* @param userId 用户ID
* @param nickName 真实姓名
* @param headImg 头像地址
* @param province 所在省
* @param provinceName 所在省名称
* @param city 所在市
* @param cityName 所在市名称
* @param area 所在区
* @param areaName 所在区名称
* @param address 地址
* @param orgIds 组织架构ID
* @param roles 角色集合
* @return 返回数据新增的结果
public ReturnInfo updateUser(@RequestParam(name = "userId") String userId,
@RequestParam(name = "nickName") String nickName,
@RequestParam(name = "headImg") String headImg,
@RequestParam(name = "province") String province,
@RequestParam(name = "provinceName") String provinceName,
@RequestParam(name = "city") String city,
@RequestParam(name = "cityName") String cityName,
@RequestParam(name = "area") String area,
@RequestParam(name = "areaName") String areaName,
@RequestParam(name = "address") String address,
@RequestParam(name = "orgIds") String[] orgIds,
@RequestParam(name = "roles") String[] roles) {
User user = userDao.selectByPrimaryKey(userId);
if (user == null) {
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.FAIL, "查无此用户数据");
user.setCrtDate(new Date());
// 根据用户ID删除角色表和组织架构表的关联数据
// 增加用户和角色的关联的数据
UserRole userRole;
for (String role : roles) {
userRole = new UserRole();
String orgId = orgIds[orgIds.length - 1];
UserOrg userOrg = new UserOrg();
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "用户更新成功");
* 功能描述:根据用户流水ID来获取用户数据
* @param userId 用户流水ID
* @return 返回获取结果
public ReturnInfo getUserByUserId(String userId) {
User user = userDao.selectByPrimaryKey(userId);
if (user == null) {
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "查无此用户数据");
Map<String, Object> result = JsonUtils.objToMap(user);
List<UserRole> userRoleList = userRoleDao.getUserRoleByUserId(userId);
String[] roleIds = new String[userRoleList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < userRoleList.size(); i++) {
roleIds[i] = userRoleList.get(i).getRoleId();
result.put("roles", roleIds);
// 获取组织架构的数据数据
result.put("orgIds", orgDao.getOrgByUserId(userId).getFullPath().split("\\."));
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "加载用户信息成功", result);
* 功能描述:加载所有的角色数据
* @return 返回加载结果
public ReturnInfo loadAllRole() {
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "加载所有的角色成功", roleDao.selectAll());
* 功能描述:创建用户
* @param loginAccount 用户账号
* @param nickName 真实姓名
* @param headImg 头像地址
* @param province 所在省
* @param provinceName 所在省名称
* @param city 所在市
* @param cityName 所在市名称
* @param area 所在区
* @param areaName 所在区名称
* @param address 地址
* @param orgIds 组织架构ID
* @param roles 角色集合
* @return 返回数据新增的结果
public ReturnInfo createUser(String loginAccount, String nickName,
String headImg, String province,
String provinceName, String city,
String cityName, String area,
String areaName, String address,
String[] orgIds, String[] roles) {
if (userDao.checkLoginAccount(loginAccount) > 0) {
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "账号已经存在,请修改以后再进行提交!");
User user = new User();
user.setCrtDate(new Date());
// 增加用户和角色的关联的数据
UserRole userRole;
for (String role : roles) {
userRole = new UserRole();
String orgId = orgIds[orgIds.length - 1];
UserOrg userOrg = new UserOrg();
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "用户创建成功");
* 功能描述:验证这个账户是否已经创建过了
* @param loginAccount 用户账号
* @return 返回验证结果
public ReturnInfo checkLoginAccount(String loginAccount) {
Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>(1);
if (userDao.checkLoginAccount(loginAccount) > 0) {
result.put("success", "unPass");
} else {
result.put("success", "pass");
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "验证请求发送成功", result);
* 功能描述:获取用户列表
* @param fullPath 父组织架构的匹配路径
* @param search 根据账号和名称来模糊查询
* @param pageSize 每页显示的记录的条数
* @param current 当前访问第几页
* @param orderKey 排序字段
* @param orderByValue 排序方式,降序还是升序
* @return 返回查询结果
public ReturnInfo queryUserList(String fullPath, String search, int pageSize, int current, String orderKey, String orderByValue) {
PageHelper.startPage(current, (pageSize > 0 && pageSize <= 500) ? pageSize : 20, (orderKey != null && !"".equals(orderKey)) ? ((orderByValue != null && !"".equals(orderByValue)) ? (orderKey + " " + orderByValue) : orderKey) : "");
HashMap<String, Object> res = PageUtil.getResult(userDao.queryUserList(search, fullPath));
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "获取用户列表数据成功!", new Page(pageSize, current, (long) res.get("total"), (List) res.get("rows")));
* 功能描述:实现重新刷新token
* @param refreshToken token的值
* @return 返回刷新结果
public ReturnInfo refreshToken(String refreshToken) {
return authProvider.refreshToken(refreshToken);
* 功能描述:实现用户登陆
* @param loginAccount 用户账号
* @param loginPassword 用户密码
* @return 返回登陆结果
public ReturnInfo login(String loginAccount, String loginPassword) {
return authProvider.login(loginAccount, loginPassword);
* 功能描述:根据token来获取用户数据
* @param token token的值
* @return 返回获取的结果
public ReturnInfo getUserInfo(String token) {
User user = userDao.getUserInfo(token);
if (user == null) {
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.FAIL, "获取账号信息错误");
List<Tree> treeList = treeDao.getLoginUserTree(user.getUserId());
String[] access = new String[treeList.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < treeList.size(); i++) {
access[i] = treeList.get(i).getTreeCode();
Map<String, Object> result = JsonUtils.objToMap(user);
result.put("access", access);
return new ReturnInfo(SystemStaticConst.SUCCESS, "登陆成功", result);
package com.github.bg.admin.core.controller;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.entity.ReturnInfo;
import com.github.bg.admin.core.service.UserService;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiOperation;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.ServletRequestAttributes;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
* @author linzf
* @since 2019/4/25
* 类描述:
public class UserController {
private UserService userService;
* 功能描述:根据token和旧的密码来更新新的密码
* @param oldPassword 旧的密码
* @param newPassword 新的密码
* @return 返回更新结果
@ApiOperation(value = "根据token和旧的密码来更新新的密码")
public ReturnInfo changePassword(@RequestParam(name = "oldPassword") String oldPassword,
@RequestParam(name = "newPassword") String newPassword) {
HttpServletRequest request = ((ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes()).getRequest();
String token = request.getHeader("x-access-token");
return userService.changePassword(token, oldPassword, newPassword);
* 功能描述:删除用户
* @param userId 用户ID
* @return 返回删除结果
@ApiOperation(value = "删除用户")
public ReturnInfo deleteUser(@RequestParam(name = "userId") String userId) {
return userService.deleteUser(userId);
* 功能描述:更新用户
* @param userId 用户ID
* @param nickName 真实姓名
* @param headImg 头像地址
* @param province 所在省
* @param provinceName 所在省名称
* @param city 所在市
* @param cityName 所在市名称
* @param area 所在区
* @param areaName 所在区名称
* @param address 地址
* @param orgIds 组织架构ID
* @param roles 角色集合
* @return 返回数据新增的结果
@ApiOperation(value = "更新用户")
public ReturnInfo updateUser(@RequestParam(name = "userId") String userId,
@RequestParam(name = "nickName") String nickName,
@RequestParam(name = "headImg") String headImg,
@RequestParam(name = "province") String province,
@RequestParam(name = "provinceName") String provinceName,
@RequestParam(name = "city") String city,
@RequestParam(name = "cityName") String cityName,
@RequestParam(name = "area") String area,
@RequestParam(name = "areaName") String areaName,
@RequestParam(name = "address") String address,
@RequestParam(name = "orgIds") String[] orgIds,
@RequestParam(name = "roles") String[] roles) {
return userService.updateUser(userId, nickName, headImg, province, provinceName, city, cityName, area, areaName, address, orgIds, roles);
* 功能描述:根据用户流水ID来获取用户数据
* @param userId 用户流水ID
* @return 返回获取结果
@ApiOperation(value = "根据用户流水ID来获取用户数据")
public ReturnInfo getUserByUserId(@RequestParam(name = "userId") String userId) {
return userService.getUserByUserId(userId);
* 功能描述:加载所有的角色数据
* @return 返回加载结果
@ApiOperation(value = "加载所有的角色数据")
public ReturnInfo loadAllRole() {
return userService.loadAllRole();
* 功能描述:创建用户
* @param loginAccount 用户账号
* @param nickName 真实姓名
* @param headImg 头像地址
* @param province 所在省
* @param provinceName 所在省名称
* @param city 所在市
* @param cityName 所在市名称
* @param area 所在区
* @param areaName 所在区名称
* @param address 地址
* @param orgIds 组织架构ID
* @param roles 角色集合
* @return 返回数据新增的结果
@ApiOperation(value = "创建用户")
public ReturnInfo createUser(@RequestParam(name = "loginAccount") String loginAccount,
@RequestParam(name = "nickName") String nickName,
@RequestParam(name = "headImg") String headImg,
@RequestParam(name = "province") String province,
@RequestParam(name = "provinceName") String provinceName,
@RequestParam(name = "city") String city,
@RequestParam(name = "cityName") String cityName,
@RequestParam(name = "area") String area,
@RequestParam(name = "areaName") String areaName,
@RequestParam(name = "address") String address,
@RequestParam(name = "orgIds") String[] orgIds,
@RequestParam(name = "roles") String[] roles) {
return userService.createUser(loginAccount, nickName, headImg, province, provinceName, city, cityName, area, areaName, address, orgIds, roles);
* 功能描述:验证这个账户是否已经创建过了
* @param loginAccount 用户账号
* @return 返回验证结果
@ApiOperation(value = "验证这个账户是否已经创建过了")
public ReturnInfo checkLoginAccount(@RequestParam(name = "loginAccount") String loginAccount) {
return userService.checkLoginAccount(loginAccount);
* 功能描述:获取用户列表
* @param fullPath 父组织架构的匹配路径
* @param search 根据账号和名称来模糊查询
* @param pageSize 每页显示的记录的条数
* @param current 当前访问第几页
* @param orderKey 排序字段
* @param orderByValue 排序方式,降序还是升序
* @return 返回查询结果
@ApiOperation(value = "获取用户列表")
public ReturnInfo queryUserList(@RequestParam(name = "fullPath") String fullPath, @RequestParam(name = "search") String search,
@RequestParam(name = "pageSize") int pageSize, @RequestParam(name = "current") int current,
@RequestParam(name = "orderKey") String orderKey, @RequestParam(name = "orderByValue") String orderByValue) {
return userService.queryUserList(fullPath, search, pageSize, current, orderKey, orderByValue);
* 功能描述:实现重新刷新token
* @param refreshToken token的值
* @return 返回刷新结果
@ApiOperation(value = "实现刷新用户的token")
public ReturnInfo refreshToken(@RequestParam(name = "refreshToken") String refreshToken) {
return userService.refreshToken(refreshToken);
* 功能描述:实现用户登陆
* @param loginAccount 用户账号
* @param loginPassword 用户密码
* @return 返回登陆结果
@ApiOperation(value = "实现用户登陆")
public ReturnInfo login(@RequestParam(name = "loginAccount") String loginAccount, @RequestParam(name = "loginPassword") String loginPassword) {
return userService.login(loginAccount, loginPassword);
* 功能描述:根据token来获取用户数据
* @param token token的值
* @return 返回获取的结果
@ApiOperation(value = "根据token来获取用户数据")
public ReturnInfo getUserInfo(@RequestParam(name = "token") String token) {
return userService.getUserInfo(token);
上一篇文章地址:spring boot+iview 前后端分离架构之组织管理的实现(二十九)
下一篇文章地址:spring boot+iview 前后端分离架构之文件上传的实现(三十一)