

This wiki explains the procedure for installing the ROS Qt Creator Plug-in.

Table of Contents

1.1 Installation Procedure for Ubuntu 14.04

1.2 Installation Procedure for Ubuntu 16.04

1.3 Installation Issues and Conflicts

1.4 Testing Plugin

1.5 Proceed to Next Step

1.1 Installation Procedure for Ubuntu 14.04

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt57-trusty  
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:levi-armstrong/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qt57creator-plugin-ros

1.2 Installation Procedure for Ubuntu 16.04

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt57-xenial  
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:levi-armstrong/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qt57creator-plugin-ros

1.3 Installation Issues and Conflicts

  • No known issues

1.4 Testing Plugin.

  1. Start Qt Creator
  • Option 1: Launch using the desktop icon.
  • Option 2: Launch from terminal. Before you can launch from the terminal perform one of the action below.
  • Add "source /opt/qt57/bin/qt57-env.sh" to the users .bashrc file.
  • Create a symbolic link file in you /usr/local/bin called qtcreator which points to /opt/qt57/bin/qtcreator-wrapper
  1. To verify that the plugin exist, goto File>New File or Project>Projects>Import Project>Import ROS Workspace. If the Import ROS Workspace is present then everything built correctly and is ready for development and testing.

Table of Contents

1.1 Setup

1.1.1 Download development packages Installation Procedure for Ubuntu 14.04 Installation Procedure for Ubuntu 16.04

1.1.2 Configure system

1.1.3 Run ROS Qt Creator setup script.

1.1.4 Testing Plugin

1.1.5 Debug issues with Plugin

1.1 Setup

This section explains how to setup your system for development

1.1.1 Download development packages Installation Procedure for Ubuntu 14.04

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt57-trusty  
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:levi-armstrong/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qt57creator-plugin-ros libqtermwidget57-0-dev Installation Procedure for Ubuntu 16.04

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt57-xenial  
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:levi-armstrong/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qt57creator-plugin-ros libqtermwidget57-0-dev

1.1.2 Configure system to use the new version of Qt

After installation you need to tell qtchooser where to find this install. Replace the two lines in the file below with the location to the local version shown below. Make sure to change username and versionin the file path to match your system.


sudo gedit /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt-default/qtchooser/default.conf

File content:


1.1.3 - Run ROS Qt Creator setup script.

  1. Clone your fork of the repository.
    ​$ git clone -b master https://github.com/<username>/ros_qtc_plugins.git​
  2. Next in a terminal, navigate into the repository directory and execute the command below.
    ​$ bash setup.sh -d​

    Note: Instruction 2 can can be repeated to get the latest updates for Qt Creator source. The developer must manually update there fork to get the latest version of ros_qtc_plugins.

1.1.4 Testing Plugin.

  1. Execute the command below or launch using the desktop launcher.
    ​$ qtcreator​
  2. To verify that the plugin exist, goto File>New File or Project>Projects>Import Project>Import ROS Workspace. If the Import ROS Workspace is present then everything built correctly and is ready for development and testing.

1.1.5 - Debug issues with Plugin

  1. Next in a terminal, navigate to the repository ros_qtc_plugin and execute the command below.
    ​$ bash setup.sh -di​
  2. Now launch qtcreator using gdb as shown below and after the plugin segfaults post the trace back in the active/new issue.

    $ gdb <local>/qt-creator-build/bin/qtcreator

    (gdb) run

    After error:

    (gdb) bt


如果使用的是ubuntu 14.04和ROS(indigo),参考他的博客,教程非常详细。

这里测试的是ubuntu 16.04和ROS(kinetic)。但是过程和细节几乎一致。


~$ qtcreator



ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS

ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS Kinetic_02


新建catkin工作空间,并在其中创建功能包,实现Hi ROS!!!!

1 新建工作空间


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS




ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS Kinetic_04

之后,点击Generate Project File,完成后点击下一步(N)

ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS Kinetic_05


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS Kinetic_06


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_kinetic_07

2 创建功能包


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_qt_08



ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ubuntu_09


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ubuntu_10


3 添加一个节点


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS_11

ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ubuntu_12

ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS_13

4 调试编译


## Build ##

## Specify additional locations of header files
## Your package locations should be listed before other locations
# include_directories(include)

## Declare a C++ library
# add_library(HiROS
# src/${PROJECT_NAME}/HiROS.cpp
# )

## Add cmake target dependencies of the library
## as an example, code may need to be generated before libraries
## either from message generation or dynamic reconfigure

## Declare a C++ executable
add_executable(HiROS_node src/HiROS.cpp)

## Add cmake target dependencies of the executable
## same as for the library above
# add_dependencies(HiROS_node ${${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS} ${catkin_EXPORTED_TARGETS})

## Specify libraries to link a library or executable target against


add_executable(HiROS_node src/HiROS.cpp)


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS Kinetic_14


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS_15

5 运行节点


ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS Kinetic_16

点击运行,可以在底栏8 ROS Terminals,查看输入结果:

ROS_Kinetic_22 使用ROS的qt插件即ros_qtc_plugin实现Hi ROS!!!!_ROS Kinetic_17
