初级教程可参考:https://www.shiyanlou.com/courses/854 邀请码:U23ERF8H
中级教程可参考:https://www.shiyanlou.com/courses/938 邀请码:U9SVZMKH
1. ROS in 5 Days
Entering ROS
2. ROS Navigation in 5 Days
Mastering ROS
3. ROS AutonomousVehicles 101
Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles in the ROS ecosystem
4. OpenAI Gym for Robotics 101
Learn what is needed to be able to use OpenAI-Gym in your next project
5. RTAB-Map in ROS 101
Learn how to use the rtabmap_ros package for performing RGB-D SLAM
6. TF ROS 101
How to use TF and RobotStatePublisher in ROS.
7. ROS-Industrial 101
Introduction to some basic tools for start working with ROS-Industrial