
案例分析: a>b 并且ab 或者 a>c



Select * from ZQ_001 where enpno=7788 or enpno=7521;
Select * from ZQ_001 where enpno in(7788,7521);

select * from ZQ_001 where ename=‘SMITH’ or ename=‘ALLEN’ or ename=‘WARD’;
select * from ZQ_001 where ename=‘smith’ or ename=‘ALLEN’ or ename=‘WARD’;——”smith”小写错误(进可查询2条信息:“ALLEN”“WARD”)
select * from ZQ_001 where ename in(‘SMITH’, ‘ALLEN’ ,‘WARD’);




Between and :在…与…之间 ,当判断某字段的数据在某2个数据值之间,同时包含边界值时使用。


select * from ZQ_001 where depotno=10 and salary>1000 and salary<3000;

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno=10 and not salary<=1000 and not salary>=3000;

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno=10 and salary between 1000 and 3000 and
not salary in(1000,3000);

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno=10 and salary between 1000 and 3000 and
not salary=1000 and not salary=3000;

19 . and 和 or :and 优先级高于 or
例如:where (A and B) or C 和 where C or A and B 意思是一样的

例如:select * from ZQ_001 where depotno=20 and salary>2000 or depotno=10;——请列出20号部门薪水大于2000的员工信息和10号部门员工所有信息

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno in(20,30) and
salary>1000 and salary<3000;–1

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno in(20,30) and
salary between 1000 and 3000 and not salary in(1000,3000);–2

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno in(20,30) and
not salary<=1000 and not salary>=3000;–3

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno in(20,30) and
not (salary<=1000 or salary>=3000);–4

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno in(20,30) and
salary between 1000 and 3000 and not salary=1000 and not salary=3000;–5

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno in(20,30) and
salary between 1000 and 3000 and not (salary=1000 or salary=3000);–6

select * from ZQ_001 where depotno=20 and salary>1000 and salary<3000
or depotno=30 and salary>1000 and salary<3000;–7

19.Is 与 null(空值):非空数据判断必须使用运算符“=”,而空值的判断职能用“is”
update ZQ_001 set bonus=null where bonus=0;——请将员工表中所有奖金为“0”的人的奖金设置为“null”
update ZQ_001 set bonus=0 where bonus is null;-——请将员工表中所有奖金为“null”的人的奖金设置为“0”

① Concat(charA,charB) 次括号中只允许有2个参数
Select concat(concat(concat(concat(concat(concat(ename,‘的月薪是’),salary),‘元,月奖金是’),nvl(bonus,0)),‘元,职位是’),job) from ZQ_001;

select ename ||‘的月薪是’|| salary || ‘元,月奖金是’ || nvl(bonus,0) || ‘元,职位是’ || job from ZQ_001;

21.取反查询 not :写在判断字段之前(判断空值null是可以将“not”写在“is”后面)
如,select * from ZQ_001 where not job=‘MANAGER’;——请列出员工表中职位不是“MANAGER”的员工信息

22.Upper(char)/ lower(char)/ initcap(char)函数 :转换英文字母大小写
如,select upper(‘hello world’) from dual;——HELLO WORLD
select initcap(‘hello world’) from dual;——Hello World
select initcap(‘HELLO WORLD’) from dual;——Hello World
如,select * from ZQ_001 where ename=‘SMITH’; select * from ZQ_001 where lower(ename)=‘smith’; —-请列出员工“SMITH”的所有信息

“ _”:表示占有一个位置的字符,有且仅有一个;”%”:表示占有多个位置的字符(0~无穷)

select * from ZQ_001 where ename like '_A%' and ename like '%E_'; 或 select * from ZQ_001 where ename like  '_A%E_' or ename like ‘EA’;


24.排序查询:order by(永远写在末尾) 格式: select * from 表名 order by 排序的字段名(Oracle 数据库中,null默认最大值)

如,select ename,salary from ZQ_001 order by salary; ——排序查询:对员工薪水进行排序,显示员工姓名和薪水(升序)
如,select ename,bonus from ZQ_001 order by bonus;——-对员工奖金排序,显示姓名和奖金
如,select ename,hiredate from ZQ_001 order by hiredate;——对员工入职日期排序,显示姓名和入职日期
如,select ename,bonus from ZQ_001 where not bonus=0 and bonus is not null
order by bonus;——请列出员工表中没有奖金的员工姓名和奖金,按姓名排序显示

25.降序查询:desc 格式:select * from 表名 order by 字段名 desc;
如,select ename,salary from ZQ_001 order by salary desc,ename desc;——对员工表中的薪水进行降序排序,若薪水相同,则按姓名降序排序,显示员工姓名和薪水
