




elsa工作流技术架构 es工作流程_i++





elsa工作流技术架构 es工作流程_ide_02


    protected void doExecute(Task task, BulkRequest bulkRequest, ActionListener<BulkResponse> listener) {
        if (bulkRequest.hasIndexRequestsWithPipelines()) {//如果指定pipeline了
            if (clusterService.localNode().isIngestNode()) { //如果当前节点具备数据预处理资格
                processBulkIndexIngestRequest(task, bulkRequest, listener);
            } else {//从可以执行预处理的节点中选择一个 选择方法是 Math.floor
                ingestForwarder.forwardIngestRequest(BulkAction.INSTANCE, bulkRequest, listener);

        final long startTime = relativeTime();
        final AtomicArray<BulkItemResponse> responses = new AtomicArray<>(bulkRequest.requests.size());

        if (needToCheck()) {//如果需要自动创建索引检查
            final Set<String> indices =
                    // delete requests should not attempt to create the index (if the index does not
                    // exists), unless an external versioning is used
                .filter(request -> request.opType() != DocWriteRequest.OpType.DELETE 
                        || request.versionType() == VersionType.EXTERNAL 
                        || request.versionType() == VersionType.EXTERNAL_GTE)
                .collect(Collectors.toSet());//只需要 非删除的 、EXTERNAL EXTERNAL_GTE的
            /* Step 2: filter that to indices that don't exist and we can create. At the same time build a map of indices we can't create
             * that we'll use when we try to run the requests. */
            final Map<String, IndexNotFoundException> indicesThatCannotBeCreated = new HashMap<>();
            Set<String> autoCreateIndices = new HashSet<>();
            ClusterState state = clusterService.state();
            for (String index : indices) {
                boolean shouldAutoCreate;
                try {
                    shouldAutoCreate = shouldAutoCreate(index, state);
                } catch (IndexNotFoundException e) {
                    shouldAutoCreate = false;
                    indicesThatCannotBeCreated.put(index, e);
                if (shouldAutoCreate) {
            // Step 3: create all the indices that are missing, if there are any missing. start the bulk after all the creates come back.
            if (autoCreateIndices.isEmpty()) {//添加需要创建索引的index 如果不需要创建 直接提交bulk 请求
                executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, listener, responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);
            } else {//否则先创建 再提交bulk
                final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(autoCreateIndices.size());
                for (String index : autoCreateIndices) {
                    createIndex(index, bulkRequest.timeout(), new ActionListener<CreateIndexResponse>() {//创建索引
                        public void onResponse(CreateIndexResponse result) {
                            if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {//如果全部成功后提交bulk
                                executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, listener, responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);

                        public void onFailure(Exception e) {
                            if (!(ExceptionsHelper.unwrapCause(e) instanceof ResourceAlreadyExistsException)) {
                                // fail all requests involving this index, if create didn't work
                                for (int i = 0; i < bulkRequest.requests.size(); i++) {//如果失败 设置失败原因  并把bulk中该条失败的设置为null
                                    DocWriteRequest request = bulkRequest.requests.get(i);
                                    if (request != null && setResponseFailureIfIndexMatches(responses, i, request, index, e)) {
                                        bulkRequest.requests.set(i, null);
                            if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {//如果所有索引都创建成功  提交bulk  因为可能bulk中有多条记录是同一个index的操作  如果某一条索引关联的index创建失败 其他成功了cout也会--
                                executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, ActionListener.wrap(listener::onResponse, inner -> {
                                }), responses, indicesThatCannotBeCreated);
        } else {
            executeBulk(task, bulkRequest, startTime, listener, responses, emptyMap());


        protected void doRun() throws Exception {
            final ClusterState clusterState = observer.setAndGetObservedState();
            if (handleBlockExceptions(clusterState)) {//如果索引是只读的  可能是磁盘满了 通过设置"index.blocks.read_only_allow_delete":"false"参数
            final ConcreteIndices concreteIndices = new ConcreteIndices(clusterState, indexNameExpressionResolver);
            MetaData metaData = clusterState.metaData();
            for (int i = 0; i < bulkRequest.requests.size(); i++) {
                DocWriteRequest docWriteRequest = bulkRequest.requests.get(i);
                //the request can only be null because we set it to null in the previous step, so it gets ignored
                if (docWriteRequest == null) {
                if (addFailureIfIndexIsUnavailable(docWriteRequest, i, concreteIndices, metaData)) {//如果某些index不可被新增或者索引已经关闭
                Index concreteIndex = concreteIndices.resolveIfAbsent(docWriteRequest);
                try {
                    switch (docWriteRequest.opType()) {
                        case CREATE:
                        case INDEX:
                            IndexRequest indexRequest = (IndexRequest) docWriteRequest;
                            final IndexMetaData indexMetaData = metaData.index(concreteIndex);//索引元信息
                            MappingMetaData mappingMd = indexMetaData.mappingOrDefault(indexRequest.type());
                            Version indexCreated = indexMetaData.getCreationVersion();
                            indexRequest.process(indexCreated, mappingMd, concreteIndex.getName());//检查创建路由和主键id  如果版本在在V_6_0_0_beta1 之后用 如果版本在在V_6_0_0_beta1 之后用 base64UUID()其他用 legacyBase64UUID  设置ID
                        case UPDATE:
                            TransportUpdateAction.resolveAndValidateRouting(metaData, concreteIndex.getName(), (UpdateRequest) docWriteRequest);//通过id找路由 如果设置别名 也会找别名
                        case DELETE:
                            docWriteRequest.routing(metaData.resolveIndexRouting(docWriteRequest.parent(), docWriteRequest.routing(), docWriteRequest.index()));
                            // check if routing is required, if so, throw error if routing wasn't specified
                            if (docWriteRequest.routing() == null && metaData.routingRequired(concreteIndex.getName(), docWriteRequest.type())) {
                                throw new RoutingMissingException(concreteIndex.getName(), docWriteRequest.type(),;
                        default: throw new AssertionError("request type not supported: [" + docWriteRequest.opType() + "]");
                } catch (ElasticsearchParseException | IllegalArgumentException | RoutingMissingException e) {//设置失败信息 并不会throw异常
                    BulkItemResponse.Failure failure = new BulkItemResponse.Failure(concreteIndex.getName(), docWriteRequest.type(),, e);
                    BulkItemResponse bulkItemResponse = new BulkItemResponse(i, docWriteRequest.opType(), failure);
                    responses.set(i, bulkItemResponse);
                    // make sure the request gets never processed again
                    bulkRequest.requests.set(i, null);

            // first, go over all the requests and create a ShardId -> Operations mapping
            Map<ShardId, List<BulkItemRequest>> requestsByShard = new HashMap<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < bulkRequest.requests.size(); i++) {//把bulk里面的request 按照shard 放到不同的集合中
                DocWriteRequest request = bulkRequest.requests.get(i);
                if (request == null) {
                String concreteIndex = concreteIndices.getConcreteIndex(request.index()).getName();
                ShardId shardId = clusterService.operationRouting().indexShards(clusterState, concreteIndex,, request.routing()).shardId();//通过路由找到shard
                List<BulkItemRequest> shardRequests = requestsByShard.computeIfAbsent(shardId, shard -> new ArrayList<>());
                shardRequests.add(new BulkItemRequest(i, request));

            if (requestsByShard.isEmpty()) {
                listener.onResponse(new BulkResponse(responses.toArray(new BulkItemResponse[responses.length()]), buildTookInMillis(startTimeNanos)));

            final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(requestsByShard.size());
            String nodeId = clusterService.localNode().getId();
            for (Map.Entry<ShardId, List<BulkItemRequest>> entry : requestsByShard.entrySet()) {
                final ShardId shardId = entry.getKey();
                final List<BulkItemRequest> requests = entry.getValue();
                BulkShardRequest bulkShardRequest = new BulkShardRequest(shardId, bulkRequest.getRefreshPolicy(),
                        requests.toArray(new BulkItemRequest[requests.size()]));//封装到不同的bulkshard request中
                bulkShardRequest.waitForActiveShards(bulkRequest.waitForActiveShards()); //设置足够的活动分片
                if (task != null) {
                    bulkShardRequest.setParentTask(nodeId, task.getId());
                shardBulkAction.execute(bulkShardRequest, new ActionListener<BulkShardResponse>() {
                    public void onResponse(BulkShardResponse bulkShardResponse) {
                        for (BulkItemResponse bulkItemResponse : bulkShardResponse.getResponses()) {
                            // we may have no response if item failed
                            if (bulkItemResponse.getResponse() != null) {
                            responses.set(bulkItemResponse.getItemId(), bulkItemResponse);
                        if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {//如果全部执行成功 

                    public void onFailure(Exception e) {
                        // create failures for all relevant requests
                        for (BulkItemRequest request : requests) {
                            final String indexName = concreteIndices.getConcreteIndex(request.index()).getName();
                            DocWriteRequest docWriteRequest = request.request();
                            responses.set(, new BulkItemResponse(, docWriteRequest.opType(),
                                    new BulkItemResponse.Failure(indexName, docWriteRequest.type(),, e)));
                        if (counter.decrementAndGet() == 0) {

                    private void finishHim() {
                        listener.onResponse(new BulkResponse(responses.toArray(new BulkItemResponse[responses.length()]), buildTookInMillis(startTimeNanos)));

接受到bulk的消息后 在TransportReplicationAction的duRun中处理

        protected void doRun() {
            setPhase(task, "routing");
            final ClusterState state = observer.setAndGetObservedState();
            if (handleBlockExceptions(state)) {

            // request does not have a shardId yet, we need to pass the concrete index to resolve shardId
            final String concreteIndex = concreteIndex(state);
            final IndexMetaData indexMetaData = state.metaData().index(concreteIndex);
            if (indexMetaData == null) {
                retry(new IndexNotFoundException(concreteIndex));
            if (indexMetaData.getState() == IndexMetaData.State.CLOSE) {
                throw new IndexClosedException(indexMetaData.getIndex());

            // resolve all derived request fields, so we can route and apply it
            resolveRequest(indexMetaData, request);
            assert request.shardId() != null : "request shardId must be set in resolveRequest";
            assert request.waitForActiveShards() != ActiveShardCount.DEFAULT : "request waitForActiveShards must be set in resolveRequest";

            final ShardRouting primary = primary(state);
            if (retryIfUnavailable(state, primary)) {
            final DiscoveryNode node = state.nodes().get(primary.currentNodeId());
            if (primary.currentNodeId().equals(state.nodes().getLocalNodeId())) {//主分片在本节点 在本地写 否则转发出去
                performLocalAction(state, primary, node, indexMetaData);
            } else {
                performRemoteAction(state, primary, node);


        private void performLocalAction(ClusterState state, ShardRouting primary, DiscoveryNode node, IndexMetaData indexMetaData) {
            setPhase(task, "waiting_on_primary");
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.trace("send action [{}] to local primary [{}] for request [{}] with cluster state version [{}] to [{}] ",
                    transportPrimaryAction, request.shardId(), request, state.version(), primary.currentNodeId());
            performAction(node, transportPrimaryAction, true,
                new ConcreteShardRequest<>(request, primary.allocationId().getId(), indexMetaData.primaryTerm(;

        public void onResponse(PrimaryShardReference primaryShardReference) {
            try {
                if (primaryShardReference.isRelocated()) {//如果主分片已经迁移 往迁移的分片上发
                    primaryShardReference.close(); // release shard operation lock as soon as possible
                    setPhase(replicationTask, "primary_delegation");
                    // delegate primary phase to relocation target
                    // it is safe to execute primary phase on relocation target as there are no more in-flight operations where primary
                    // phase is executed on local shard and all subsequent operations are executed on relocation target as primary phase.
                    final ShardRouting primary = primaryShardReference.routingEntry();
                    assert primary.relocating() : "indexShard is marked as relocated but routing isn't" + primary;
                    DiscoveryNode relocatingNode = clusterService.state().nodes().get(primary.relocatingNodeId());
                    transportService.sendRequest(relocatingNode, transportPrimaryAction,
                        new ConcreteShardRequest<>(request, primary.allocationId().getRelocationId(), primaryTerm),
                        new TransportChannelResponseHandler<Response>(logger, channel, "rerouting indexing to target primary " + primary,
                            TransportReplicationAction.this::newResponseInstance) {

                            public void handleResponse(Response response) {
                                setPhase(replicationTask, "finished");

                            public void handleException(TransportException exp) {
                                setPhase(replicationTask, "finished");
                } else {
                    setPhase(replicationTask, "primary");
                    final ActionListener<Response> listener = createResponseListener(primaryShardReference);
                            ActionListener.wrap(result -> result.respond(listener), listener::onFailure),
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Releasables.closeWhileHandlingException(primaryShardReference); // release shard operation lock before responding to caller

    写处理 在ReplicationOperation的execute中 

    public void execute() throws Exception {
        final String activeShardCountFailure = checkActiveShardCount();//检查是否够活跃的分片
        final ShardRouting primaryRouting = primary.routingEntry();
        final ShardId primaryId = primaryRouting.shardId();
        if (activeShardCountFailure != null) {
            finishAsFailed(new UnavailableShardsException(primaryId,
                "{} Timeout: [{}], request: [{}]", activeShardCountFailure, request.timeout(), request));

        pendingActions.incrementAndGet(); // increase by 1 until we finish all primary coordination 
        primaryResult = primary.perform(request);//在主分片上写
        primary.updateLocalCheckpointForShard(primaryRouting.allocationId().getId(), primary.localCheckpoint());//更新本地checkPoint  每个分片都维护一个本地的checkpoint 主分片上还会维护一个全局的
        final ReplicaRequest replicaRequest = primaryResult.replicaRequest();
        if (replicaRequest != null) {
            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                logger.trace("[{}] op [{}] completed on primary for request [{}]", primaryId, opType, request);

            // we have to get the replication group after successfully indexing into the primary in order to honour recovery semantics.
            // we have to make sure that every operation indexed into the primary after recovery start will also be replicated
            // to the recovery target. If we used an old replication group, we may miss a recovery that has started since then.
            // we also have to make sure to get the global checkpoint before the replication group, to ensure that the global checkpoint
            // is valid for this replication group. If we would sample in the reverse, the global checkpoint might be based on a subset
            // of the sampled replication group, and advanced further than what the given replication group would allow it to.
            // This would entail that some shards could learn about a global checkpoint that would be higher than its local checkpoint.
            final long globalCheckpoint = primary.globalCheckpoint();//获取全局检查点  checkPoint
            final ReplicationGroup replicationGroup = primary.getReplicationGroup();//获取副本分片
            markUnavailableShardsAsStale(replicaRequest, replicationGroup.getInSyncAllocationIds(), replicationGroup.getRoutingTable());//关闭不可达的分片
            performOnReplicas(replicaRequest, globalCheckpoint, replicationGroup.getRoutingTable());//副本分片执行写

        successfulShards.incrementAndGet();  // mark primary as successful  成功的话 +1 
        decPendingAndFinishIfNeeded();//每次提交都会在pendingAction列表理添加 当待执行的列表为空的话 执行结束

    在主分片上写 TransportShardBulkAction
        public static WritePrimaryResult<BulkShardRequest, BulkShardResponse> performOnPrimary(
            BulkShardRequest request,
            IndexShard primary,
            UpdateHelper updateHelper,
            LongSupplier nowInMillisSupplier,
            MappingUpdatePerformer mappingUpdater) throws Exception {
        final IndexMetaData metaData = primary.indexSettings().getIndexMetaData();
        Translog.Location location = null;
        for (int requestIndex = 0; requestIndex < request.items().length; requestIndex++) {
            if (isAborted(request.items()[requestIndex].getPrimaryResponse()) == false) {//如果 可以写入 就是判断是不是为null
                location = executeBulkItemRequest(metaData, primary, request, location, requestIndex,
                    updateHelper, nowInMillisSupplier, mappingUpdater); 
        BulkItemResponse[] responses = new BulkItemResponse[request.items().length];
        BulkItemRequest[] items = request.items();
        for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
            responses[i] = items[i].getPrimaryResponse();
        BulkShardResponse response = new BulkShardResponse(request.shardId(), responses);
        return new WritePrimaryResult<>(request, response, location, null, primary, logger);//封装结果

        /** Executes bulk item requests and handles request execution exceptions */
    static Translog.Location executeBulkItemRequest(IndexMetaData metaData, IndexShard primary,
                                                    BulkShardRequest request, Translog.Location location,
                                                    int requestIndex, UpdateHelper updateHelper,
                                                    LongSupplier nowInMillisSupplier,
                                                    final MappingUpdatePerformer mappingUpdater) throws Exception {
        final DocWriteRequest itemRequest = request.items()[requestIndex].request();
        final DocWriteRequest.OpType opType = itemRequest.opType();
        final BulkItemResultHolder responseHolder;
        switch (itemRequest.opType()) {
            case CREATE:
            case INDEX:
                responseHolder = executeIndexRequest((IndexRequest) itemRequest,
                        request.items()[requestIndex], primary, mappingUpdater);//先写主节点 
            case UPDATE:
                responseHolder = executeUpdateRequest((UpdateRequest) itemRequest, primary, metaData, request,
                        requestIndex, updateHelper, nowInMillisSupplier, mappingUpdater);
            case DELETE:
                responseHolder = executeDeleteRequest((DeleteRequest) itemRequest, request.items()[requestIndex], primary, mappingUpdater);
            default: throw new IllegalStateException("unexpected opType [" + itemRequest.opType() + "] found");

        final BulkItemRequest replicaRequest = responseHolder.replicaRequest;

        // update the bulk item request because update request execution can mutate the bulk item request
        request.items()[requestIndex] = replicaRequest;

        // Retrieve the primary response, and update the replica request with the primary's response
        BulkItemResponse primaryResponse = createPrimaryResponse(responseHolder, opType, request);
        if (primaryResponse != null) {

        // Update the translog with the new location, if needed
        return calculateTranslogLocation(location, responseHolder);

    lucene 写 在InternalEngine
    public IndexResult index(Index index) throws IOException {
        assert Objects.equals(index.uid().field(), uidField) : index.uid().field();
        final boolean doThrottle = index.origin().isRecovery() == false;
        try (ReleasableLock releasableLock = readLock.acquire()) {
            assert assertIncomingSequenceNumber(index.origin(), index.seqNo());
            assert assertVersionType(index);
            try (Releasable ignored = acquireLock(index.uid());//加锁
                Releasable indexThrottle = doThrottle ? () -> {} : throttle.acquireThrottle()) {
                lastWriteNanos = index.startTime();
                final IndexingStrategy plan;

                if (index.origin() == Operation.Origin.PRIMARY) {
                    plan = planIndexingAsPrimary(index);
                } else {
                    // non-primary mode (i.e., replica or recovery)
                    plan = planIndexingAsNonPrimary(index);

                final IndexResult indexResult;
                if (plan.earlyResultOnPreFlightError.isPresent()) {
                    indexResult = plan.earlyResultOnPreFlightError.get();
                    assert indexResult.hasFailure();
                } else if (plan.indexIntoLucene) {
                    indexResult = indexIntoLucene(index, plan);//写lucene
                } else {
                    indexResult = new IndexResult(
                            plan.versionForIndexing, plan.seqNoForIndexing, plan.currentNotFoundOrDeleted);
                //先写lucene 再写translog是为了防止先写translog后lucene写入时会做检查如果失败的话translog还得回滚
                if (index.origin() != Operation.Origin.LOCAL_TRANSLOG_RECOVERY) {
                    final Translog.Location location;
                    if (indexResult.hasFailure() == false) {
                        location = translog.add(new Translog.Index(index, indexResult));
                    } else if (indexResult.getSeqNo() != SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO) {
                        // if we have document failure, record it as a no-op in the translog with the generated seq_no
                        location = translog.add(new Translog.NoOp(indexResult.getSeqNo(), index.primaryTerm(), indexResult.getFailure().getMessage()));
                    } else {
                        location = null;
                if (indexResult.getSeqNo() != SequenceNumbers.UNASSIGNED_SEQ_NO) {
                    seqNoService().markSeqNoAsCompleted(indexResult.getSeqNo()); //seqNum+1

                indexResult.setTook(System.nanoTime() - index.startTime());
                return indexResult;
        } catch (RuntimeException | IOException e) {
            try {
                maybeFailEngine("index", e);//如果lucene写失败直接返回true ,如果是非lucene失败得对上面加的锁释放 并且得回滚lucene上步操作 
            } catch (Exception inner) {
            throw e;

        lucene写入  会在doc中添加 seq  version  primaryTerm 字段
       private IndexResult indexIntoLucene(Index index, IndexingStrategy plan)
        throws IOException {
        assert assertSequenceNumberBeforeIndexing(index.origin(), plan.seqNoForIndexing);
        assert plan.versionForIndexing >= 0 : "version must be set. got " + plan.versionForIndexing;
        assert plan.indexIntoLucene;
        /* Update the document's sequence number and primary term; the sequence number here is derived here from either the sequence
         * number service if this is on the primary, or the existing document's sequence number if this is on the replica. The
         * primary term here has already been set, see IndexShard#prepareIndex where the Engine$Index operation is created.
        index.parsedDoc().updateSeqID(plan.seqNoForIndexing, index.primaryTerm());
        try {
            if (plan.useLuceneUpdateDocument) {
                update(index.uid(),, indexWriter);
            } else {
                // document does not exists, we can optimize for create, but double check if assertions are running
                assert assertDocDoesNotExist(index, canOptimizeAddDocument(index) == false);
                index(, indexWriter);
                new VersionValue(plan.versionForIndexing, plan.seqNoForIndexing, index.primaryTerm()));
            return new IndexResult(plan.versionForIndexing, plan.seqNoForIndexing, plan.currentNotFoundOrDeleted);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (indexWriter.getTragicException() == null) {
                /* There is no tragic event recorded so this must be a document failure.
                 * The handling inside IW doesn't guarantee that an tragic / aborting exception
                 * will be used as THE tragicEventException since if there are multiple exceptions causing an abort in IW
                 * only one wins. Yet, only the one that wins will also close the IW and in turn fail the engine such that
                 * we can potentially handle the exception before the engine is failed.
                 * Bottom line is that we can only rely on the fact that if it's a document failure then
                 * `indexWriter.getTragicException()` will be null otherwise we have to rethrow and treat it as fatal or rather
                 * non-document failure
                 * we return a `MATCH_ANY` version to indicate no document was index. The value is
                 * not used anyway
                return new IndexResult(ex, Versions.MATCH_ANY, plan.seqNoForIndexing);
            } else {
                throw ex;

    protected final void closeNoLock(String reason, CountDownLatch closedLatch) {
        if (isClosed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
            assert rwl.isWriteLockedByCurrentThread() || failEngineLock.isHeldByCurrentThread() : "Either the write lock must be held or the engine must be currently be failing itself";
            try {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.warn("Failed to close SearcherManager", e);
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    logger.warn("Failed to close translog", e);
                // no need to commit in this case!, we snapshot before we close the shard, so translog and all sync'ed
                logger.trace("rollback indexWriter");
                try {
                    indexWriter.rollback(); //回滚
                } catch (AlreadyClosedException ex) {
                    throw ex;
                logger.trace("rollback indexWriter done");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.warn("failed to rollback writer on close", e);
            } finally {
                try {
                    logger.debug("engine closed [{}]", reason);
                } finally {

副本分片流程 和主分片差不多

        private void performOnReplicas(final ReplicaRequest replicaRequest, final long globalCheckpoint,
                                   final IndexShardRoutingTable indexShardRoutingTable) {
        final String localNodeId = primary.routingEntry().currentNodeId();
        // If the index gets deleted after primary operation, we skip replication
        for (final ShardRouting shard : indexShardRoutingTable) {
            if (shard.unassigned()) {
                assert shard.primary() == false : "primary shard should not be unassigned in a replication group: " + shard;

            if (shard.currentNodeId().equals(localNodeId) == false) {//节点主分片已经执行完 不需要重新写
                performOnReplica(shard, replicaRequest, globalCheckpoint);//写副本分片 会发送全局检查点到各个分片 全局检查节点没操作一次+1这样做的目的是 如果一个节点丢失再连接上时 只需要知道这个checkPoint 和主分片上的差多少 只需要发送差量的数据进行恢复

            if (shard.relocating() && shard.relocatingNodeId().equals(localNodeId) == false) {//如果分片已经迁移 就往迁移的node分片上发
                performOnReplica(shard.getTargetRelocatingShard(), replicaRequest, globalCheckpoint);

    private void performOnReplica(final ShardRouting shard, final ReplicaRequest replicaRequest, final long globalCheckpoint) {
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
            logger.trace("[{}] sending op [{}] to replica {} for request [{}]", shard.shardId(), opType, shard, replicaRequest);

        replicasProxy.performOn(shard, replicaRequest, globalCheckpoint, new ActionListener<ReplicaResponse>() {//执行和主分片差不多
            public void onResponse(ReplicaResponse response) {//操作成功之后
                try {
                    primary.updateLocalCheckpointForShard(shard.allocationId().getId(), response.localCheckpoint());//主分片更新每个节点本地检查点 
                    primary.updateGlobalCheckpointForShard(shard.allocationId().getId(), response.globalCheckpoint());//主分片更新全局检查节点
                } catch (final AlreadyClosedException e) {
                    // okay, the index was deleted or this shard was never activated after a relocation; fall through and finish normally
                } catch (final Exception e) {
                    // fail the primary but fall through and let the rest of operation processing complete
                    final String message = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "primary failed updating local checkpoint for replica %s", shard);
                    primary.failShard(message, e);
                decPendingAndFinishIfNeeded();//如果已经已经没有待执行的任务 执行finish

            public void onFailure(Exception replicaException) {//如果失败的话  向主节点发送失败
                    (org.apache.logging.log4j.util.Supplier<?>) () -> new ParameterizedMessage(
                        "[{}] failure while performing [{}] on replica {}, request [{}]",
                if (TransportActions.isShardNotAvailableException(replicaException)) {
                } else {//如果是
                    RestStatus restStatus = ExceptionsHelper.status(replicaException);
                    shardReplicaFailures.add(new ReplicationResponse.ShardInfo.Failure(
                        shard.shardId(), shard.currentNodeId(), replicaException, restStatus, false));
                    String message = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "failed to perform %s on replica %s", opType, shard);
                    replicasProxy.failShardIfNeeded(shard, message,
                            replicaException, ReplicationOperation.this::decPendingAndFinishIfNeeded,
                            ReplicationOperation.this::onPrimaryDemoted, throwable -> decPendingAndFinishIfNeeded());