

基于hash的shuffle实现方式都会依赖于reduce阶段的task个数,spark1.1引入了基于sort的shuffle方式并且在1.2版本之后,默认方式也从hash变为了sort的shuffle方式,基于sort-shuffle的方式,mapper阶段的task不会为每个reduce阶段的task生成一个单独的文件,而是全部写到一个文件,意思就是mapper阶段的每个task只会生成两个文件 ,一个是数据文件一个是索引文件最终生成文件个数减少到2MB。并且通过标识变量设置可以对sort-shuffle判断是否进行分区的内部的排序。



spark filter 多个条件 spark中shuffle_spark filter 多个条件

shuffle框架设计的两方面可以理解:一是为了shuffle模块更加内聚并与其他模块解耦;二是为了更方便测试 替换和扩展shuffle的不同实现方式。spark框架中通过shufflemanager来管理所有shuffle实现方式,尤其统一构建,管理具体实现子类来实现shuffle框架的可插拔式shuffle机制。

DAG在调度过程中,stage阶段划分是根据是否有shuffle过程,也就是当存在shuffledependency的宽依赖时候,需要shuffle。把job划分为多个stage。每个job左右提交最后都会生成一个ResultStage(作业结果所在的stage) 和若干个ShuffleMapStage。这两个中的task分别对应了ResultTask 和ShuffleMapTask。


// 下面三种已经支持的shufflemanager
    val shortShuffleMgrNames = Map(
      "hash" -> "org.apache.spark.shuffle.hash.HashShuffleManager",
      "sort" -> "org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.SortShuffleManager",
      "tungsten-sort" -> "org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.SortShuffleManager")
    val shuffleMgrName = conf.get("spark.shuffle.manager", "sort")
    val shuffleMgrClass = shortShuffleMgrNames.getOrElse(shuffleMgrName.toLowerCase, shuffleMgrName)
    val shuffleManager = instantiateClass[ShuffleManager](shuffleMgrClass)


package org.apache.spark.shuffle

import org.apache.spark.{TaskContext, ShuffleDependency}

  * Shuffle 系统的可插拔接口  在Drive和每个Executor的SparkEnv实例中创建
private[spark] trait ShuffleManager {
    * 在Driver端向ShuffleManager注册一个shuffle,获取一个handle,
    * 在具体task中会通过该handle来读写数据
  def registerShuffle[K, V, C](
      shuffleId: Int,
      numMaps: Int,
      dependency: ShuffleDependency[K, V, C]): ShuffleHandle

    * 获取对应给定的分区所使用的ShuffleWriter  该方法在executor上执行  各个map任务时调用
  def getWriter[K, V](handle: ShuffleHandle, mapId: Int, context: TaskContext): ShuffleWriter[K, V]

    * 获取在reduce阶段读取分区的ShuffleReader 对应读取的分区由【startPartition to endPartition-1】区间指定
    * 该方法在executor上执行, 各个reduce时调用
   * Get a reader for a range of reduce partitions (startPartition to endPartition-1, inclusive).
   * Called on executors by reduce tasks.
  def getReader[K, C](
      handle: ShuffleHandle,
      startPartition: Int,
      endPartition: Int,
      context: TaskContext): ShuffleReader[K, C]

    * 该接口和registershuffle 分别负责元数据的取消注册于注册
    * 调用unregisterShuffle接口时候,会移除ShuffleManager中对应的元数据信息
  def unregisterShuffle(shuffleId: Int): Boolean

    * 返回 一个可以基于块坐标来获取Shuffle块数据的ShuffleBlockResolver

  def shuffleBlockResolver: ShuffleBlockResolver

    * 终止ShuffleManager

  def stop(): Unit


package org.apache.spark.shuffle

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

  * ShuffleHandle用于记录task与shuffle相关的一些元数据,同时也可以作为不同具体shuffle实现机制的
  * 一种标志信息,控制不同具体实现子类的选择等。
 * An opaque handle to a shuffle, used by a ShuffleManager to pass information about it to tasks.
 * @param shuffleId ID of the shuffle
abstract class ShuffleHandle(val shuffleId: Int) extends Serializable {}


package org.apache.spark.shuffle

  * 继承ShuffleReader每个具体的子类会实现read接口,计算时负责从上一个阶段stage的输出数据中读取记录
 * Obtained inside a reduce task to read combined records from the mappers.
private[spark] trait ShuffleReader[K, C] {
  /** Read the combined key-values for this reduce task */
  def read(): Iterator[Product2[K, C]]

   * Close this reader.
   * TODO: Add this back when we make the ShuffleReader a developer API that others can implement
   * (at which point this will likely be necessary).
  // def stop(): Unit



import org.apache.spark.scheduler.MapStatus

  * 继承ShuffleWriter的每个子类会实现write接口,给出任务在输出时的记录具体写的方法
 * Obtained inside a map task to write out records to the shuffle system.
private[spark] abstract class ShuffleWriter[K, V] {
  /** Write a sequence of records to this task's output */
  def write(records: Iterator[Product2[K, V]]): Unit

  /** Close this writer, passing along whether the map completed */
  def stop(success: Boolean): Option[MapStatus]


  * 该特质的具体实现子类知道如何通过一个逻辑shuffle块标识信息来获取一个块数据,具体实现可以使用文件或文件段来封装shuffle数据。这是获取shuffle块数据时所使用的抽象接口口,在BlockStore中使用

trait ShuffleBlockResolver {
  type ShuffleId = Int

    * 获取指定块的数据 如果指定块的数据无法获取 则抛异常
   * Retrieve the data for the specified block. If the data for that block is not available,
   * throws an unspecified exception.
  def getBlockData(blockId: ShuffleBlockId): ManagedBuffer

  def stop(): Unit


class ShuffleDependency[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, C: ClassTag](
    @transient private val _rdd: RDD[_ <: Product2[K, V]],
    val partitioner: Partitioner,
    val serializer: Option[Serializer] = None,
    val keyOrdering: Option[Ordering[K]] = None,
    val aggregator: Option[Aggregator[K, V, C]] = None,
    val mapSideCombine: Boolean = false)
  extends Dependency[Product2[K, V]] {

  override def rdd: RDD[Product2[K, V]] = _rdd.asInstanceOf[RDD[Product2[K, V]]]

  private[spark] val keyClassName: String = reflect.classTag[K].runtimeClass.getName
  private[spark] val valueClassName: String = reflect.classTag[V].runtimeClass.getName
  // Note: It's possible that the combiner class tag is null, if the combineByKey
  // methods in PairRDDFunctions are used instead of combineByKeyWithClassTag.
  private[spark] val combinerClassName: Option[String] =
  * 唯一标识信息,可以看到是通过rdd的上下文去获取的,因此针对特定的rdd,每个shuffleId值都是唯一的
  * */
  val shuffleId: Int = _rdd.context.newShuffleId()
    * 获取ShuffleHandle实例,后续获取Shuffle写入器和读取器时需要
    * */
  val shuffleHandle: ShuffleHandle = _rdd.context.env.shuffleManager.registerShuffle(
    shuffleId, _rdd.partitions.size, this)
    * Shuffle数据清理器的设置,可以扩展到当前使用外部Shuffle服务时,数据如何清理等
    * */