
import sys
from Tkinter import *
equation = '0'
def Entrybox():
theinput = inputbox.get()
if type(theinput) is float:
elif type(theinput) is int:
equation += theinput
return 'Numbers Only'
def bp1():
equation = equation + '1'
def bp2():
equation = equation + '2'
def bp3():
equation = equation + '3'
def bp4():
equation = equation + '4'
def bp5():
equation = equation + '5'
def bp6():
equation = equation + '6'
def bp7():
equation = equation + '7'
def bp8():
equation = equation + '8'
def bp9():
equation = equation + '9'
def bp0():
equation = equation + '0'
def bpplus():
equation = equation + '+'
def bpmin():
equation = equation + '-'
def bpmulti():
equation = equation + '*'
def bpdiv():
equation = equation + '/'
def bpequal():
def bpclear():
equation = equation - equation
gui = Tk()
inputvar = StringVar()
#gui Size
gui.title("A Lucas Calculator")
#The input box
inputbox = Entry(gui, textvariable = inputvar, bd = 10,width = 34)
inputbox.place(x = 40, y = 50)
number3 = Button(gui, text = '3',font = 15,width = 4,command = bp3)
number3.place(x = 200,y = 260)
number2 = Button(gui, text = '2',font = 15,width = 4,command = bp2)
number2.place(x = 120,y = 260)
number1 = Button(gui, text = '1',font = 15,width = 4, command = bp1)
number1.place(x = 40,y = 260)
number6 = Button(gui, text = '6',font = 15,width = 4,command = bp6)
number6.place(x = 200,y = 200)
number5 = Button(gui, text = '5',font = 15,width = 4,command = bp5)
number5.place(x = 120 ,y = 200)
number4 = Button(gui, text = '4',font = 15,width = 4,command = bp4)
number4.place(x = 40, y = 200)
number9 = Button(gui, text = '9',font = 15,width = 4, command = bp9)
number9.place(x = 200,y = 140)
number8 = Button(gui, text = '8',font = 15,width = 4,command = bp8)
number8.place(x = 120,y = 140)
number7 = Button(gui, text = '7',font = 15,width = 4,command = bp7)
number7.place(x = 40,y = 140)
number0 = Button(gui, text = "0",font = 15,width = 4,command = bp0)
number0.place(x = 120,y = 318)
signplus = Button(gui, text = "+", font = 14, width = 3,bg = 'red', fg = 'white',command = bpplus)
signplus.place(x = 280,y = 140)
signmin = Button(gui, text = "-", font = 14, width = 3,command = bpmin)
signmin.place(x = 280,y = 200)
signmulti = Button(gui, text = "X", font = 14, width = 3,command = bpmulti)
signmulti.place(x = 280,y = 260)
signdiv = Button(gui, text = "/", font = 14, width = 3,command = bpdiv)
signdiv.place(x = 280,y = 318)
signequal = Button(gui, text = "=", font = 15, width = 4,bg = 'blue',fg = 'white',command = bpequal)
signequal.place(x = 200, y = 318)
clearbutton = Button(gui, text = "Clear", font = 14, width = 4,bg = "green", fg = "white",command = bpclear)
clearbutton.place(x= 40, y = 318)



inputvar.set('numbers only')







equation = equation + '1'

每当您在函数中分配变量时,这意味着它是局部变量,除非您另有明确说明。但你不必有一个名为局部变量equation,直到这个任务完成后,可是你要使用equation + '1'的值。因此,您将获得UnboundLocalError: local variable 'equation' referenced before assignment。


def bp1():
global equation
equation = equation + '1'
def Entrybox():
theinput = inputbox.get()
if type(theinput) is float:
elif type(theinput) is int:
equation += theinput
return 'Numbers Only'


更为严重的是,Entry.get总是返回一个字符串,*,这样theinput可以永远是一个int或浮动。因此,您的比较没有任何意义。即使它们确实有意义,也不是在Python中检查类型的方法-useisinstance(theinput, int),而不是type(theinput)。而且,如果您确实需要比较类型(这种情况很少见),则应该使用==而不是is。通常,如果您不知道想要哪一个,就想要==;仅is用于特定的惯用语(例如is None),或者当您要检查两个表达式是否命名完全相同的对象时,而不仅仅是它们具有相同的值。


value = int(theinput)
equation += theinput
return 'Numbers Only'
And all of the same things apply for float, of course.
Once you fix all of those problems, and any others I didn't spot from a cursory glance, then you can change that return 'Numbers Only' to inputvar.set('Numbers Only'), and you're done.
However, there's a much, much better design for this whole thing. Just make each of the buttons insert a character onto the end of the Entry, and use the Entry's contents (which you can get from inputvar) as the equation, and use either Entry validation or StringVar tracing to handle illegal key entries. There's an example in that blog post, and another example in the official Entry docs linked above.
* Actually, it may be either kind of string—str or unicode—but let's ignore that.