select to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy’),sum(amount) from table1 group by to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy’);
年份 数量
2009 68
2010 137
2008 103
select to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-mm’),sum(amount) from table1 group by to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-mm’)
order by to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-mm’);
月份 数量
2008-02 20
2008-03 2
2008-04 6
2008-06 75
2009-10 23
2009-11 45
2010-08 5
2010-09 44
2010-10 88
select to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-Q’),sum(amount) from table1 group by to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-Q’)
order by to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-Q’);
季度 数量
2008-1 22
2008-2 81
2009-4 68
2010-3 49
2010-4 88
select to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-IW’),sum(amount) from table1 group by to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-IW’)
order by to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy-IW’);
周 数量
2008-07 20
2008-11 2
2008-16 6
2008-24 75
2009-43 23
2009-46 45
2010-31 5
2010-35 44
2010-40 88
select to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy’),
sum(decode(to_char(exportDate,‘mm’),‘01’,amount,‘02’,amount,‘03’,amount,0)) as 第一季,
sum(decode(to_char(exportDate,‘mm’),‘04’,amount,‘05’,amount,‘06’,amount,0)) as 第二季,
sum(decode(to_char(exportDate,‘mm’),‘07’,amount,‘08’,amount,‘09’,amount,0)) as 第三季,
sum(decode(to_char(exportDate,‘mm’),‘10’,amount,‘11’,amount,‘12’,amount,0)) as 第四季
from table1
group by to_char(exportDate,‘yyyy’);
年份 第一季 第二季 第三季 第四季
2009 0 0 0 68
2010 0 0 49 88
2008 22 81 0 0
select count(id) cnt,datepart(mm,time) [Month]
from [table]
where [time] between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37'
group by datepart(mm,time)
select count(id) cnt,datepart(dd,time) [Day]
from [table]
where time between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37'
group by datepart(dd,time)
select count(id) cnt,datepart(hh,time) [Hour]
from [table]
where [time] between '2007/09/08 09:10:43' and '2007/10/09 04:32:37'
group by datepart(hh,time)