centos7烧录 centos7视频教程_服务器


centos7烧录 centos7视频教程_服务器_02

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vim /etc/resolv.conf






nameserver   #定义DNS服务器的IP地址 domain       #定义本地域名 search       #定义域名的搜索列表 sortlist     #对返回的域名进行排序


domain test.com search www.test.com test.com nameserver nameserver



scp index.html root@ /root:意思是将刚才下载的index.html文件发送到远程服务器上,目录是root目录





hostname abc.com:将主机名修改为abc.com但是这种更改只是更改当前的,电脑重启后又恢复原来的。如果要做修改的话:vi /etc/hostname进去修改。


nslookup www.baidu.com


vi /etc/hosts:可以修改IP地址所对应的域名。


ssh :远程登录一个主机


vi /etc/resolv.conf:修改DNS的IP地址






shutdaown -r now

init 6

init 0:关闭服务器

shutdown -h now:马上关机

shutdown -h 20:25:设置关机时间

mount /dev/cdrom /abc:挂载


umount /abc:取消挂载


df -h:查看挂载的情况





cal 2014 :查看某一年的日历


date 030617002015:将日期设置为2015年的3月6日下午的5点钟


rpm -aq:列出系统中安装的所有程序




打印SQL:SELECT a.case_id AS caseNum, b.name AS custName, a.case_amount AS caseAmount, e.name AS case_overdue_name, a.late_days AS lateDays, a.entrust_start_date AS entrustStartDate, a.entrust_end_date AS entrustEndDate, 0 AS case_process, '' AS teamName, '' AS staffName, a.id AS caseId, a.handin_time AS handin_time, a.permanent_collection, a.temporary_collection, a.case_call_type, (case when a.case_status >=0 and permanent_collection is null then '未分案' when a.case_status >= 0 then '在催' when a.case_status = -1 then '出催' when a.case_status <= -2 then '流转' end) as caseStatus, a.case_enter_date,a.case_end_time FROM dic_coll_consume.cf_case_info a, dic_coll_consume.cf_cust_essential_info b, dic_coll_consume.cf_case_stage_type e WHERE a.cust_id = b.id AND a.case_stage_type = e.id  and (a.permanent_collection in (3)  or a.temporary_collection in (3)) 


打印SQL:SELECT a.case_id AS caseNum, b.name AS custName, a.case_amount AS caseAmount, e.name AS case_overdue_name, a.late_days AS lateDays, a.entrust_start_date AS entrustStartDate, a.entrust_end_date AS entrustEndDate, 0 AS case_process, '' AS teamName, '' AS staffName, a.id AS caseId, a.handin_time AS handin_time, a.permanent_collection, a.temporary_collection, a.case_call_type, (case when a.case_status >=0 and permanent_collection is null then '未分案' when a.case_status >= 0 then '在催' when a.case_status = -1 then '出催' when a.case_status <= -2 then '流转' end) as caseStatus, a.case_enter_date,a.case_end_time FROM dic_coll_consume.cf_case_info a, dic_coll_consume.cf_cust_essential_info b, dic_coll_consume.cf_case_stage_type e WHERE a.cust_id = b.id AND a.case_stage_type = e.id  and (a.permanent_collection in (3)  or a.temporary_collection in (3))




打印SQL:SELECT a.case_id AS caseNum, b.name AS custName, a.case_amount AS caseAmount, e.name AS case_overdue_name, a.late_days AS lateDays, a.entrust_start_date AS entrustStartDate, a.entrust_end_date AS entrustEndDate, 0 AS case_process, '' AS teamName, '' AS staffName, a.id AS caseId, a.handin_time AS handin_time, a.permanent_collection, a.temporary_collection, a.case_call_type, (case when a.case_status >=0 and permanent_collection is null then '未分案' when a.case_status >= 0 then '在催' when a.case_status = -1 then '出催' when a.case_status <= -2 then '流转' end) as caseStatus, a.case_enter_date,a.case_end_time FROM dic_coll_consume.cf_case_info a, dic_coll_consume.cf_cust_essential_info b, dic_coll_consume.cf_case_stage_type e WHERE a.cust_id = b.id AND a.case_stage_type = e.id  and (a.permanent_collection in (2698,2704,2705,2707,2708,2709,2710,2716,2719,2720,2717)  or a.temporary_collection in (2698,2704,2705,2707,2708,2709,2710,2716,2719,2720,2717)) 





打印SQL:SELECT a.case_id AS caseNum, b.name AS custName, a.case_amount AS caseAmount, e.name AS case_overdue_name, a.late_days AS lateDays, a.entrust_start_date AS entrustStartDate, a.entrust_end_date AS entrustEndDate, 0 AS case_process, '' AS teamName, '' AS staffName, a.id AS caseId, a.handin_time AS handin_time, a.permanent_collection, a.temporary_collection, a.case_call_type, (case when a.case_status >=0 and permanent_collection is null then '未分案' when a.case_status >= 0 then '在催' when a.case_status = -1 then '出催' when a.case_status <= -2 then '流转' end) as caseStatus, a.case_enter_date,a.case_end_time FROM dic_coll_consume.cf_case_info a, dic_coll_consume.cf_cust_essential_info b, dic_coll_consume.cf_case_stage_type e WHERE a.cust_id = b.id AND a.case_stage_type = e.id  and (a.permanent_collection in (2698,2704,2705,2707,2708,2709,2710,2716,2719,2720,2717)  or a.temporary_collection in (2698,2704,2705,2707,2708,2709,2710,2716,2719,2720,2717))



打印SQL:SELECT a.case_id AS caseNum, b.name AS custName, a.case_amount AS caseAmount, e.name AS case_overdue_name, a.late_days AS lateDays, a.entrust_start_date AS entrustStartDate, a.entrust_end_date AS entrustEndDate, 0 AS case_process, '' AS teamName, '' AS staffName, a.id AS caseId, a.handin_time AS handin_time, a.permanent_collection, a.temporary_collection, a.case_call_type, (case when a.case_status >=0 and permanent_collection is null then '未分案' when a.case_status >= 0 then '在催' when a.case_status = -1 then '出催' when a.case_status <= -2 then '流转' end) as caseStatus, a.case_enter_date,a.case_end_time FROM dic_coll_consume.cf_case_info a, dic_coll_consume.cf_cust_essential_info b, dic_coll_consume.cf_case_stage_type e WHERE a.cust_id = b.id AND a.case_stage_type = e.id  and (a.permanent_collection in (3)  or a.temporary_collection in (3))