Apache Hadoop 2.7.3

Apache Hadoop 2.7.3 is a minor release in the 2.x.y release line, building upon the previous stable release 2.7.2.

Here is a short overview of the major features and improvements.


Authentication improvements when using an HTTP proxy server. This is useful when accessing WebHDFS via a proxy server.
A new Hadoop metrics sink that allows writing directly to Graphite.
Specification work related to the Hadoop Compatible Filesystem (HCFS) effort.

Support for POSIX-style filesystem extended attributes. See the user documentation for more details.
Using the OfflineImageViewer, clients can now browse an fsimage via the WebHDFS API.
The NFS gateway received a number of supportability improvements and bug fixes. The Hadoop portmapper is no longer required to run the gateway, and the gateway is now able to reject connections from unprivileged ports.
The SecondaryNameNode, JournalNode, and DataNode web UIs have been modernized with HTML5 and Javascript.

YARN’s REST APIs now support write/modify operations. Users can submit and kill applications through REST APIs.
The timeline store in YARN, used for storing generic and application-specific information for applications, supports authentication through Kerberos.
The Fair Scheduler supports dynamic hierarchical user queues, user queues are created dynamically at runtime under any specified parent-queue.
Getting Started

The Hadoop documentation includes the information you need to get started using Hadoop. Begin with the Single Node Setup which shows you how to set up a single-node Hadoop installation. Then move on to the Cluster Setup to learn how to set up a multi-node Hadoop installation.