MySQL的常见操作在这里先做一下总结,已经整合到代码里面,经过检验无误。 复制代码代码如下:
/创建一个数据库/ create database xuning_test; /说明当时使用数据库对象/ use xuning_test; /向数据库中添加表并且定义表的结构/ create table person( id int not null, name varchar(16) not null, sex varchar(16) not null, age int not null, address varchar(128) not null, remark varchar(512) not null ); /向数据库的表中插入数据/ insert into person value (1,'name_1','men',99,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy'), (2,'name_2','men',88,'shanghai','ok great'), (1,'name_3','man',77,'guangzhou','This is lickly'), (1,'name_4','men',66,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy'), (1,'name_5','men',55,'beijing','you dont going to shool'), (1,'name_6','man',44,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy'), (1,'name_7','men',33,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy'), (1,'name_8','man',22,'beijing',''), (1,'name_9','men',11,'beijing','This is a frindsheep boy') ; /查询时否成功插入/ select * from person; /下面是多种查询方式/ /根据列的名称属性值/ select name from person; /添加条件-根据性别/ select name from person where sex = 'men'; /也可以用比较符作为条件--一定逗号隔开/ select name,address from person where age > 50; /看做对象去使用数据库和表的关系=---双表关联--对象关系一定要明确/ select,, xuning_test.person.age, xuning_test.person.address from xuning_test.person, test1.test_xuning where = ; /使用表的别名进行查询/ use xuning_test; select,sex from person as c where c.age > 40 and c.address='beijing';