正常应该看文档就可以了,但是在常看的 ug 和 VCSLCAFeatures真的找不到。估计是在其他的 文档里吧,所以就先记录在这。
1.-CFLAGS 和 -DVCS有什么用?
>> How to use the gcc compiler's option "-DVCS"? -DVCS represents a macro defined for C source code. Please note that anything followed by -D is treated as a macro by the gcc/g++ compiler. Along with VCS compile-time options one should pass -DVCS with -CFLAGS so that -DVCS gets passed to gcc/g++. Example steps: % vcs top.v test.c -CFLAGS -DVCS <rest_of_compile_options> >> What's the compile environment that we need to use this option? "-CFLAGS -DVCS" is usually required during UVM source compilation. Therefore, if we are using an external UVM source then you must pass -DVCS. (If we are using -ntb_opts uvm then no need to pass this option because it is internally passed with -ntb_opts uvm). Also, if we have any macros with the name 'VCS' defined in any other C source then we need to pass it with -CFLAGS -D<MACRO_NAME>
1)我的 .bashrc设置的是VCS12,因为大家都是12,如果我改成13,别人给我的12有时候编译不过。
3)所以就在专门为这个case 准备的 makefile 中临时改一下。只在这里有效,变成13;退出来又是12。道理就是makefile会临时开一个shell,把它之前最后设置的环境变量吃进去,用完再吐出来。就不会影响别的了。见下图Makefile的前2行:
这个编完之后就是13的,但是直接用dve打开,相当于又是12打开13,是打不开的。所以要敲 make wave,用makefile的cmd line打开,就是13打开13,成功!