Within a generate
block, I have multiple if
statements. When I declare a wire in the first if statement - I can't use it in other if
See the following stripped down example of my module:
module my_module
#(parameter integer NUM_X_PORTS = 1,
parameter integer NUM_Y_PORTS = 1)
// port declarations
if (NUM_X_PORTS > 0) begin
wire [NUM_X_PORTS-1:0] x1;
// logic filled in here
if (NUM_Y_PORTS > 0) begin
wire [NUM_Y_PORTS-1:0] y1;
// logic filled in here
if ((NUM_X_PORTS > 0) && (NUM_Y_PORTS > 0)) begin
for (i=0; i<NUM_Y_PORTS; i=i+1) begin
assign z[i] = y1[i] & |x1; // I can't use x1 and y1 here
The error message from both VCS and nLint is that indentifiers x1 and y1 have not been declared.
But they have been declared within previous generated if statements - what is the problem here?
The wires x1
and y1
are defined outside of scope of the assignment. One solution is to add and reference scope lables:
if (NUM_X_PORTS > 0) begin : scope_x1
wire [NUM_X_PORTS-1:0] x1;
// logic filled in here
if (NUM_Y_PORTS > 0) begin : scope_y1
wire [NUM_Y_PORTS-1:0] y1;
// logic filled in here
if ((NUM_X_PORTS > 0) && (NUM_Y_PORTS > 0)) begin : scope_z
for (i=0; i<NUM_Y_PORTS; i=i+1) begin : scopes_z_i_ // loop has unique scope
// x1 & y1 accessed by scope label found by its parent
assign z[i] = scope_y1.y1[i] & |scope_x1.x1;
For the assignment to work, the declaration of x1
and y1
must exist withing the scope of scope_2
or its parent.
if ((NUM_X_PORTS > 0) && (NUM_Y_PORTS > 0)) begin : scope_z
wire [NUM_X_PORTS-1:0] x1;
wire [NUM_Y_PORTS-1:0] y1;
// logic filled in here
for (i=0; i<NUM_Y_PORTS; i=i+1) begin : scopes_z_i_ // loop has unique scope
assign z[i] = y1[i] & |x1; // everything is withing scope_z
In both this cases x1
and y1
are limited in scope. If you do not wish the wire to exist when its respected NUM_*_PORTS > 0
is false, then you must follow the first example.
See IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 27. Generate constructs for more on generate